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在昨天的LCK決賽中,SKT快速橫掃了KT成為春季賽冠軍。一場BO5的比賽在國外論壇引發了2600多條評論,並且這個數值還在不斷的上漲。讓我們來看看國外大兄弟們到底是如何看待這場比賽的。 The secret to taking skt out is getting kkoma a wife 擊敗SKT的秘訣是給kkoma教練找個老婆。 Yeah SKT is good but everyone knows Pawn is Faker's kryptonite。 Right guys? SKT很棒!但是大家都知道Pawn是Faker的氪星,我說的對嗎? Faker missed such an opportunity by not picking Morgana。 Faker沒有選莫甘娜真的是錯過了這次機會。(2015年MSI上Pawn用莫甘娜制裁了Faker的妖姬。) I'm not mad because KT lost, I'm mad because they didn't even really put up a fight KT輸了比賽我一點都不生氣,我生氣是因為他們甚至都沒法反抗一下。 We'll see, I could see them not giving a fuck in groups like last time but then shit stomping in Bo5。 I'll be more interested in seeing how NA, EU, CN, and the other regions do versus each other。 At this point I just assume SKT will stomp and not even question。 我能猜到,SKT在小組賽又會是平平淡淡然後再BO5碾壓一切。我會更興趣北美、歐洲和賽區之間的對抗。我相信SKT會碾壓他們,沒啥問題。 If you want a team able to put a fight against S7 SKT you need to clonate some players and bring back S5 SKT。 如果你希望得到一個能夠擊敗S7賽季的SKT的隊伍的話,你只能去克隆S5時期的SKT隊員。 Congratulations to 2017 MSI Champions: S K T 恭喜2017季中邀請賽冠軍:SKT! Game 1: gg wp close Game 2: gg Game 3: gg ez 第一局:比賽很精彩,你們玩的不錯,差點就擊敗我們了。第二局:恩,比賽很棒。第三局:GG,太輕鬆了。 SKT just showed the world that they can brutalize an asian man harder than United Airlines can。 SKT向世界展示了他們比美聯航更擅長毆打亞洲人。(梗:美聯航在之前曾毆打亞裔乘客震驚全世界。) congratulations to Faker for being the first player to win 4 world championships 恭喜Faker成為第一位獲得四個世界冠軍的選手。 Riot just give trophy to SKT and lets have fun watching others compete for 2nd。 Riot應該直接把獎盃給SKT,然後讓我們來猜猜誰能獲得第二名。 Worst thing is we won't see these hilarious videos they prepared for the pause between Game 4 and 5。。 糟糕的事情就是我們不能第四把和第五把遊戲中間看那些準備好的搞笑視頻了。 Pawn 4/16/14 over 3 games Pawn在這三把的戰績是4/16/14 Shut down Faker, Bang carries。 Shut down Bang, Faker carries。 Try and shut down both, Peanut carries, Huni carries。 擊敗Faker,Bang就Carry了,擊敗Bang,Faker就Carry了。如果你把他們兩個都擊敗了,Peanut和Huni也能Carry。King Faker keeps proving why he is the God of this game year after year,Huni proving us all that it was not a mistake to pick him, he got counterpicked 2 times and dindt died once in lane, even got a 1v1 in a Camille against Fiora matchup,Bang like。。。 deft best adc? come on man, I cant remember the last game where Bang was not doing great。 皇帝Faker這些年一直在證明自己是這個遊戲的神,Huni想我們證明了SKT選擇他並不是錯誤的。他被針對BP了兩次卻一次都沒有在線上死過,甚至還用青鋼影對抗了劍姬。Bang的話,你說Deft是最好的ADC?算了吧兄弟,最後一把我認為Bang做的不能再好了。 Google search: Stomp。 Results: Match 3。 你在谷歌搜索:碾壓。第三局比賽就能告訴你什麼是碾壓。 Pawn going 0-8 as leblanc。 This is what faker has been dreaming of 2 years long。 Panw的 妖姬變成了0-8,這是Faker做了兩年多的夢想。 Huni and peanut jumped out of their seats so happy!! Faker, bang and wolf turn around to be like, okay whats next? Huni和Peanut高興地從椅子上跳了起來!Faker,bang 和 wolf 就很淡定,就好像在說:好吧,下一個打誰? Bang is the best adc in the world。 Period。 I don't wanna hear about imp or deft are just as good bullshit。 I've legit never seen bang have a bad game。 在這個時代里,Bang是這個世界上最好的ADC。我不想聽到Imp或者Deft,他們簡直就是XX,我從來沒見過Bang打過一局差的比賽。

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