3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

在《新概念英語》經典版第二冊第18課的難點部分(Special difficulties)里,出現了有關give的動詞短語的用法,在此做個匯總分享。一、give in該短語表示「屈服;投降;讓步;呈交」。如:I won't give in in any instance. ( 在任何情況下我都不會屈服。)The enemy were forced to give in. (敵人被迫投降。)He told me plump that he would not give in. (他直截了當告訴我,他決不讓步。)Give in your examination papers now. (現在把考卷交上來。)【注意】give in後面會再接介詞to,表示「屈服於」。如:Give in your examination papers now. (現在把考卷交上來。)The employer is obliged to give in to his employee. (僱主被迫向他的僱員們讓步。)二、give away該短語表示「贈送;背叛」。如:He decided to give away everything he possessed and become a monk. (他決定放棄他所有的一切,出家為僧。)He gave away his books to a circulating library. (他把自己的書籍損贈給一家循環圖書館。)She gave away state secrets to the enemy. (她將國家機密泄露給敵人了。)He was given away by one of his accomplices. (他被他的一個同謀者出賣了。)三、give up該短語表示「放棄;戒除;交出」。如:She won't give up easily: she's a real fighter. (她不會輕易放棄的,她十分頑強。)He will give up smoking for good and all. (他再也不吸煙了。)He had to give his passport up to the authorities. (他得把護照交給當局。)【注意】give oneself up to sb.,表示「向某人投降」。如:Three of our officers gave themselves up to the enemy. (我方的三名軍官向敵人投降了。)四、give back該短語表示「歸還;恢復」。如:I must give back the two books to the library before Friday. (星期五之前我必須把這兩本書歸還圖書館。)Living here has given back my health. (在這裡居住使我恢復了健康。)五、更多常用的give短語(一)give off/give out這兩個短語都表示「發出;散發」,兩者經常可以互換,但如果非要加以區分,give off多指發出可見的東西,如光或煙霧等,而give out多指發出不可見的東西,如氣味或熱量等。如:When wine is fermented, it gives off bubbles of gas. (酒發酵時會放出氣泡。)The radiator is giving out a lot of heat. (散熱器釋放出很多熱量。)【注意】give out也可以表示「公布」。如:The news of the President's death was given out in a radio broadcast. (總統逝世的消息已在電台上播出了。)(二)give rise to該短語表示「導致;引起」,to是個介詞。如:Her disappearance gave rise to the wildest rumours. (她失蹤一事引起了各種流言蜚語。Many of these obligations can give rise to problems and complications. (許多這樣的義務會引起各種問題和糾紛。)(三)give birth to該短語表示「生孩子;引起」,to是個介詞。如:The ewe gave birth to only one lamb. (這母羊只產了一個羊羔。)The traffic accident gave birth to a chain of events. (交通事故引起了一連串的事件。)如果覺得好,歡迎繼續關注廖懷寶的原創「新概念英語的教學」!

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