3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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Here are 10 idioms with the verb eat in English. Read the definition and example sentences for each of the 10 idioms. Next, take the idioms with eat quiz to check your knowledge. Finally, find a friend and have a discussion using these idioms. To learn more idioms, you can also use short stories providing idioms in context.下面是英語中關於動詞eat的十個習語。閱讀這十個習語的定義和例句,然後完成關於eat的習語測試檢測你的掌握程度。最後,你可以找一個搭檔對這些習語進行討論。為了掌握更多的習語,你也可以學習文中的習語小故事。1. eat out = go out to a restaurant下館子吃飯We're really hungry, but I don't want to cook dinner. Let's eat out.我們真的很餓,但我不想做飯。我們還是去下館子吧。Should we eat out tonight?今晚出去吃怎麼樣?2. eat and run = eat very quickly in order to go somewhere else匆匆吃完飯然後趕往某地I hate to eat and run, but I have to go to a meeting at 7 o'clock.我討厭匆匆吃完就走,但我7點鐘有個會議。Every time they come to visit, they just eat and run. It's like they don't want to spend any time with us! 他們每次來的時候,都是匆匆吃完就離開。就好像是根本不想和我們共處一室!3. eat away at someone = be bothered by something that doesn't go away被某事煩擾I'm really worried about the situation. In fact, it's eating away at me, and I'm not getting any sleep.我真的很擔心事情的進展。事實上,我深受其擾,無法入睡。You look worried. What's eating at you? 你看起來憂心忡忡。什麼事情讓你如此煩惱?4. eat high on the hog = eat very well, spend a lot of money on a meal吃得非常好又奢侈Tonight, we're going to eat high on the hog. I hope you've brought a healthy appetite. 今晚,我們即將享受豐盛又奢侈的一餐了。我希望你有一個好胃口。They're really wealthy. They always eat high on the hog.他們可真有錢,總是吃得十分奢侈。5. eat humble pie = be humiliated, made to feel humble感到屈辱,賠禮道歉I wasn't right about the situation and had to eat humble pie in the end. 我沒有處理好事情,只能賠禮道歉。He's too full of himself. He needs to eat some humble pie. 他太自大了,需要受到挫折。6. eat like a bird = regularly eat very little經常吃得很少She's very ill and I think it's partly due to the fact that she eats like a bird.她病得很厲害,我認為這跟她吃得太少有關。How do you expect to ever put on weight if you eat like a bird?你吃得這麼少還怎麼增肥呢?7. eat like a horse = regularly eat very much 經常吃得很多Many football players are encouraged to eat like a horse, especially linemen.許多足球運動員都提倡多吃飯,尤其是前鋒。I could eat like a horse when I was a kid. Not anymore! 我小的時候飯量很大。那種時候已經一去不回了!8. eat one's cake and have it too = be able to have a prize and enjoy it as well魚與熊掌不可兼得She works twelve hours a day and hates being away from home. She hasn't learned that you can't eat your cake and have it too.她每天工作十二個小時,又不想離開家。她不懂得魚與熊掌不可兼得的道理。Of course, you can't eat your cake and have it too. If you want to relax, you'll have to earn less and live in a smaller home. 當然,魚與熊掌不可兼得。如果你想休息,掙的錢自然就更少,住的房子也會更小。9. eat one's hat = be proved wrong by someone被某人證實自己是錯誤的Andy swore that he wouldn't make any mistakes. Of course, he had to eat his hat in the end.安迪發誓他不會犯任何錯誤。當然,會有人證明他是錯的。I swear that I'll make you eat your hat about those facts!我發誓,我會讓你知道你是錯的!10. eat one's words = shown that you were wrong about something承認錯誤She made him eat his words. It was very embarrassing. 她讓他承認了錯誤。這真是太令人尷尬了。Have you ever had to eat your words? 你承認過錯誤嗎?Idioms with Eat Quiz關於eat習語的測驗Use one of the 10 idioms with 'eat' to complete the blanks. Use either the base form or (eat) the gerund (eating).從以上十個關於eat的習語中選擇一個分別填在空白處。使用原型或動名詞形式。1. This weekend we're going to ! I just got a promotion.2. I'm afraid I had to because I had a doctor's appointment.3. Mark needs to put on weight, so he must stop .4. I'm starving! Tonight, I'm going to .[/[en]en]5. I know you're wrong! You'll .6. I'm very worried these days. I have a lot of things .7. Some people think actors don't realize they can't . If you're successful like that, paparazzi will bother you.8. You lied. !Answers

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