3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

滿江紅公司自上市以來,就想進一步做強做大,打造的百年品牌,立足於世界民族之林。公司展現出「創建神州滿江紅,威震江湖之釣具」的鴻鵠之志。之所以起名滿江紅,緣起於岳飛精忠報國。他寫的那首《滿江紅》,膾炙人口,「莫等閑,白了少年頭,空悲切。」激發著我們每一個人的愛國熱情,面對國外漁具的熱銷,國內漁具的冷淡,我們必須立足於國家民族的漁具品牌,擁有屬於自己的產品。Manjianghong since the listing of the company, to further expand and create China hundred years brand, based on the National Forest of the world. The company shows "create China Manjianghong, fishing tackle" Megatron arena of lofty ambition. The name of Azolla, originated from the Yue Fei country. He wrote the song "Azolla", "popular, Mo, a juvenile white head, empty sadness." Inspired by each of our patriotic enthusiasm, in the face of foreign fishing gear selling, domestic fishing gear cold, we must base ourselves on the national, national fishing gear brand, have their own products.公司擁有自己的品牌魚來順、十二生肖等,魚來順萬事順。滿江紅漁具立足本地,放眼,走向全世界。為眾多的釣友,提供優良實用的魚餌釣具,也為每一位釣友提供最周到的服務,誠信做事,尊重每一位釣友的利益,滿足你們的需求。我們要真正做到的名牌,乃至世界名牌,紅遍祖國的大江南北。The company has its own brand of fish to shun, twelve zodiac, fish with maestro. Manjianghong fishing gear based on local, looking China, go to the world. For many friends, provide excellent bait fishing, but also to provide the most considerate service for every fishing honesty, respect every fishing interests, to meet your needs. We really want to do Chinese brand and the world famous brand, popular in the country on both sides of the Changjiang River.

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