3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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2017都過去四分之一了大家今年的出行計劃定沒定?想起去年的出行經歷,不禁虎軀一震假期在國內旅行,很難擺脫那四字「魔咒」今年下定決心,一定要好好規劃出行目的地!珍愛生命,好好度假!為此,特地做了一番功課,首選那些遠離城市的小島們!先來看看加勒比海最值得遊玩的10座小島!NO.10 US Virgin Islands(美屬維爾京群島)The main islands of the US Virgin Islands — St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas — are home to historic colonial buildings, prime sailing, bustling shopping and nightlife, and hidden coves to explore. 美屬維爾京群島中最大的三個島分別是聖克魯斯島、聖約翰島和聖托馬斯島。這三座島不僅保有許多歷史移民建築,更是熱衷於帆船運動、瘋狂購物以及喜歡夜生活的人們的天堂。還有一些神秘海灣等你開啟發現之旅。Although they have a low beach-density score of 0.1, the islands have 291 different activities to choose from and ferries that make island-hopping easy.即使海灘之間距離不近(海灘密度為0.1),但291種各有特色的遊玩項目肯定足夠挑選,島間輪渡也會使得切換更加便捷。NO.9 Martinique(馬提尼克島)Martinique is home to a striking variety of landscapes. Its capital, Fort-de-France, boasts a more urban feel, while its northern region has rain forests, mountains, and miles of beaches. It's a paradise for outdoor lovers, with around 179 outdoor activities to indulge in.無限風光盡在馬提尼克島。其首都法蘭西堡都市感較強,而北部地區雨林、山系遍布,海灘綿延。這裡有大概179項戶外運動,簡直是戶外愛好者的天堂。It's also home to 45 historic landmarks, including the birthplace of Napoleon's empress Josephine. It has a moderate beach-density score of 0.31.45座歷史著名的地標性建築也坐落於此,其中就包括拿破崙夫人約瑟芬皇后的出生地。該島海灘距離適中(海灘密度為0.31)。NO.8 Cayman Islands (開曼群島)There are 221 different activities to choose from on the three Cayman Islands. 開曼由大開曼、小開曼和開曼布拉克等島嶼組成,共設有221項遊玩活動。Grand Cayman is the largest and has a cosmopolitan feel to it, thanks to its array of gourmet restaurants, malls, and the beautiful Seven Mile Beach. 大開曼面積最大,但數不清的美食、商場以及迷人的七英里白沙灘也使之能調眾口。Cayman Brac has some fantastic diving sights and plenty of serene trails. 開曼布拉克的潛水點視覺體驗奇佳,無數靜謐幽徑等你探索。Little Cayman has uncrowded beaches and one of the world's best wall dives at Bloody Bay Wall. 小開曼的海灘全然不擁擠,還有血腥灣壁(世界最佳的峭壁潛水點之一)坐落於此。The islands have a high beach-density score of 0.61.該島海灘距離很近(海灘密度為0.61)。NO.7Jamaica (牙買加)Despite a low beach-density score of 0.09, Jamaica is home to sandy beaches, bountiful banana groves, and 310 activities that range from hiking and bird-watching to snorkeling and shopping. 牙買加的海灘之間距離不近(海灘密度為0.09),但其沙灘和繁盛的香蕉林相當出眾。徒步、觀鳥、浮潛、購物,310種旅行活動任你挑選。Sample authentic Jamaican cuisine before heading to Rick's Cafe in Negril, an iconic drinking institution known for its epic sunsets and cliffside views. 說到正宗的當地美食,當屬尼格瑞爾的里克咖啡,史詩般壯闊的落日景觀與懸崖視角已使其成為當地的必去之地。NO. 6Curacao(庫拉索島)A favorite destination for divers, Curacao is also home to beaches with calm waters and 141 activities to choose from. Of those 253 activities, 85 are water sports alone.庫拉索島是潛水愛好者的必潛之地。這裡海面平靜,沙灘綿綿,經營著141種娛樂項目。但全島娛樂項目達253種,其中85種為純水上運動。If you're not a water enthusiast, try exploring the Hato Caves, an elaborate network of stalactites and stalagmites, or hiking the trails of the Christoffel park. Curacao has a high beach-density score of 0.82.對水項目不感興趣的話,不妨在遍布鐘乳石和石筍的哈托洞穴開啟探索之旅。當然,徒步克里斯多夫公園也是不錯的選擇。該島海灘距離很近(海灘密度為0.82)。NO. 5The Bahamas(巴哈馬群島)With around 700 islands and incredible beachside properties, the Bahamas is paradise waiting to be explored.巴哈馬群島坐擁約700座島嶼和許多迷人海濱。這裡是天堂,只等你發掘。 Last year it was dubbed the No. 1 Caribbean destination for wealthy travelers, with around 370 activities. It has a moderate beach-density score of 0.26.去年,巴哈馬群島被評為最適合富人旅遊的加勒比海島嶼,多達370種娛樂項目供你挑選。該島海灘距離適中(海灘密度為0.26)。NO. 4St. Martin/Sint Maarten(聖馬丁島)St. Martin is split into two sides: the Dutch half of Sint Maarten, which is filled with bustling nightlife, shopping centers, and gleaming beaches; and the French half of St. Martin, which has a quieter ambience, with white-sand beaches and charming mountainside scenery.聖馬丁島分屬兩個國家:南部由荷蘭管轄,是享受夜生活、購物以及遊覽沙灘的好去處;北部由法國管轄,諸多白沙灘和迷人的山腰美景使這裡更顯靜謐。The island has a very high beach-density score of 1.09 and 123 different activities to enjoy.該島海灘距離相當近(海灘密度高達1.09),經營著123項旅遊活動。NO. 3Dominican Republic(多明尼加)The Dominican Republic is home to some of the Caribbean's most diverse landscapes of mountains, desert terrain, colonial buildings, and beaches. There are a whopping 510 activities to choose from here, despite its low beach-density score of 0.03. 許多加勒比最奇的山景、沙漠地貌、殖民地建築和海灘都坐落在多明尼加。儘管海灘稀疏(海灘密度為0.03),這裡的遊覽活動數目仍多達510項。Indulge in prime seafood at its beachfront bars or witness four of the five highest peaks in the Caribbean that rise above Santiago. 來到多米尼加,就盡情地在海濱酒吧享用最棒的海鮮吧,觀賞高峰也是種不錯的選擇。畢竟在加勒比地區5座高於聖地亞哥的高峰中,四座都盡收眼底。NO. 2Puerto Rico(波多黎各)Puerto Rico takes the No. 2 spot thanks to its affordable hotel rates and a staggering 559 activities travelers can enjoy.波多黎各排名第二得益於合理的房價,以及多樣的旅遊項目(多達559種)。Despite its low beach-density score of 0.04, it's home to tropical terrain that has helped it earn its "Island of Enchantment" name. 儘管海灘稀疏(海灘密度為0.04),該島的熱帶地形卻十分受人歡迎,使得波多黎各獲得「魅力之島」的美名。NO. 1 Cuba(古巴)Cuba's unique architecture, and sandy beaches have been just out of reach for American tourists until recently. 古巴建築風格獨特,海灘風光迷人。而美國遊客最近才獲得走進古巴的「許可」。Years of US embargo have left the Caribbean island undeveloped compared to its more modern neighbors, so there aren't too many fancy hotels on the island yet. There are, however, a number of local paradores and Airbnb rentals available for travelers.美國多年的貿易禁令使古巴發展緩慢,現代化水平趕不上它的鄰居們,因此目前島上的酒店都比較樸素。但當地酒店以及Airbnb上的租主能為遊客提供便利。好啦~相信就算是偷懶的你直接看圖片而跳過文字,也會被吸引到不行吧。學習誠可貴,放鬆價更高。疲憊的時候別忘了停下腳步暫時充充電噢~美景難尋,還等什麼呢?快快背起行囊,踏上小島,尋找旅行的意義~Learning on the way幼兒英語啟蒙國際教育·藝術培養科學探索·創意開發關注亦言亦行

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