3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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Stop Calling YourPets Your 「Children 柯寧莘 譯註 By Chelsea Samelson把貓狗當作孩子,把自己稱作「爹地」、「媽咪」,當寵物在人們生活中的比重越來越大時,人們對其態度也發生了改變。除了日常給它們洗澡、餵食和擁抱之外,我們甚至還給它們建起社交賬號,帶它們做美容、練瑜伽、舉辦各種派對,甚至覺得養好了寵物,自己今後就會是合格的父母。那麼,人們對寵物的愛真的可以等同於對孩子的愛嗎?In case you missed it, a video last week showed a miniature horse eating a bowl of carrots—from a high chair1. A high chair. Yes, really.Some people were appalled, some were amused, some simply couldn』t believe that someone, somewhere put a horse in a high chair.But perhaps it shouldn』t be all that surprising—it might seem absurd, but it might also be the logical extension of the growing trend of treating animals as human and treating pets as children, equivalent to the toddler2 who eats from the same chair.你可能錯過了上周的視頻,在視頻中一匹迷你馬在高腳椅上吃一碗胡蘿蔔。是的,你沒看錯,就是高腳椅。有些人對此感到震驚,有些人以此為樂,還有些人根本不敢相信居然有人會讓一匹馬坐在高腳椅上。但也許用不著那麼大驚小怪的,雖然可能看起來很荒謬,但這也許是人們越來越將動物視作自己同類和將寵物視作孩子(即坐在高腳椅上吃飯的幼兒)的必然結果。Examples of this attitude are everywhere, and range from the innocent to the near-insane. Some people dress up their pets for Halloween, throw them birthday parties3, or create social media accounts for them. There are now five-star cat resorts, offering spa services, fine dining, and four-poster beds4. Yoga studios now offer 「doga」5 classes to teach downward dog—to dogs. Fancy boutiques sell designer pet panties and bikinis, and doctors will perform cosmetic surgery in case your pet needs a facelift.Should any of this cause concern? Should we just smile and nod when people call their pets their kids and treat them as such? Should we shrug off the Facebook page 「Animals are People Too」 and 「My Child has Four Paws」 bumper stickers?6No. Because animals aren』t people. And pets aren』t children.有這種態度的人隨處可見,程度從天真單純到接近瘋狂。一些人為萬聖節的到來特意打扮自己的寵物,在家為它們舉辦生日聚會,或者為它們創建社交賬號。現在還有五星級貓咪度假村,提供水療、美食甚至四柱床。瑜伽館目前開始提供「狗瑜伽」課程來教導狗狗下犬式。高檔時髦的精品店售賣設計師專為寵物製作的內褲和比基尼。如果您的寵物需要做個美容拉皮的話,醫生將對其進行整容手術。任何一種這類現象是否值得引起關注呢?當人們把寵物當孩子養的時候,我們是否應該僅僅微笑著默許?我們又是否應該對臉書上那些「動物也是人」的頁面和「我的寶寶有四個爪」等汽車保險杠貼紙視而不見呢?不能。因為動物不是人,且寵物也不是孩子。註釋3. throw a party:(尤指在自己家裡)舉行聚會。4. four-poster bed:(老式可帶拉簾的)四根帷柱的床。5. doga: 狗瑜伽,是主人與寵物狗一起參加的瑜伽課,旨在通過一定的姿勢和按摩方式來改善狗的各項機能,加強狗與主人的關係。6. shrug off: 對……不予理睬,對……不屑一顧;bumper sticker: 保險杠貼紙。Pointing out basic biological realities shouldn』t trigger outrage or offense, but when it comes to pets today, it often does.There seems to be confusion about the difference between pets and children and an increasingly large group of people who genuinely believe that having a pet is the same thing as being a parent. They adopt the language of parenthood with their pets, calling themselves 「mommy」 or 「daddy」 when talking to their 「fur kid7,」 「baby,」 「or 「child,」 for example.Of course, it』s one thing to use such language lightly, as an innocent expression of love or a reflection of the great joy and deep bonds that pets, like children, can create.It』s quite another to use this language literally8.Words matter. Using inaccurate labels for things doesn』t just blur the very real lines between pets and people; it can lead to dangerous delusions9. What if a woman starts thinking she knows what a mom of two kids is going through because she』s a 「mom」 to two cats? What if a man believes having a baby won』t be much different than being a 「dad」 to a dog? Misnaming isn』t just silly linguistics if it triggers a retreat from reality.如果只是從基本的生物學層面上指出這個事實,應該不會引起憤怒或者攻擊,但現在要涉及寵物,這就難免了。寵物和孩子這兩者之間的區別似乎出現了混淆,那些真心相信養寵物和做父母是一回事的人開始越來越多。他們在與自己的寵物說話的時候,會採用父母的口吻。比如,當他們和自己的「毛孩子」、「寶貝」或「孩子」交流的時候,會稱自己是「媽咪」或「爹地」。當然,一方面來說,少量地使用這種稱呼也無傷大雅,只作為單純的愛的表達,反映出寵物能夠像孩子一樣帶給人巨大快樂,並能與人維繫很深的情感。但如果僅照字面意思使用,那就另當別論了。用詞極為重要。貼上不正確的標籤不僅僅會模糊了人與動物之間的真實界線,還可能導致危險的錯覺。試想如果一個女人僅僅因為自己是兩隻貓的「媽媽」,便認為可以做好兩個孩子的母親呢?如果一個男人認為養一個孩子和當一條狗的「爸爸」沒什麼區別呢?如果稱謂不當會使人們脫離現實,這就不僅僅是一個愚蠢的語言學問題了。…………17. fur kid: 被主人當孩子對待的寵物。8. literally: 照字面義地。 9. delusion: 妄想,錯覺。 未完待續把寵物當孩子養,難道不是真愛嗎?事實恰巧相反,無視或者強烈否認兩者間的基本差別,對寵物和人都沒有好處。詳見2017《英語學習》7月刊 無悅讀 不成夏點我購買9月新刊主編: 侯毅凌《英語學習》雜誌創刊於1958年,由北京外國語大學主辦,是一本集知識、學習和趣味於一體的英語文化綜合性刊物,被評為「全國優秀外語教輔期刊」,一貫以「學習英語的終身益友,了解世界的精彩櫥窗」為宗旨,在突出人文旨趣、深入介紹西方社會文化、增進閱讀者的英語修養的理念指導下,堅持嚴謹而不失活潑、品位與趣味並重的辦刊風格,凸顯雜誌的高等教育氣質。2017上半年合訂本天貓外研圖書專營店現貨包郵,獲取鏈接→點此進入微店購買

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