3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

If you』re the kind of person who loves travel but find it difficult to break down language barriers, you may want to check out Iconspeak, a T-shirt covered in basic pictographs ranging from clocks to bathrooms. 如果你熱愛旅遊,卻發現難以突破語言障礙,也許你會對這件「圖標替你說」T恤衫感興趣,衣服自帶各種圖標符號,從鐘錶到盥洗室,應有盡有。 Simply point to the symbol associated with your need, and hopefully, the person you』re talking to will understand. 需要什麼,輕輕一指,很可能對方就明白了。 It』s better than having to play charades with strangers, I can tell you that. 我敢說,這比對著陌生人比劃猜詞要強。 Iconspeak is the brainchild of friends George Horn and Florian Nast. 「圖標替你說」的點子是一對好朋友喬治·霍恩和弗羅里安·納斯特一起想出來的。 They were traveling through Asia in 2013 and found themselves in a remote village with 「noinfrastructure, zero tourism, and just some locals.」 The problems they encountered while trying to communicate their needs to the locals inspired them to start working on a simple yet effective solution to the language gap. 2013年,他們到亞洲旅行時,曾經到過一個偏遠的小村子,那裡「既沒有基礎設施,也沒有旅遊業,只有一些當地居民」,向當地人表達需求成了問題。這對好朋友從中受到啟發,開始設想一種簡單有效的語言鴻溝突破方案。 Two years later, they came up with the Iconspeak t-shirt. 兩年後,他們設計出了這款能用圖標說話的T恤。 「In the furthest and deepest corners of our world we were repeatedly left with no words, either inbreathtaking awe due to the sceneries or in empty silence, due to our lacking linguistic talents,」 the Iconspeak website states. 「Such situations got us thinking about how to bridge language barriers withutmost simplicity, on a global level. The answer came to us after a remarkable experience in the depths of Vietnamese backcountry: ICONs. Because with ICONs, you can SPEAK, you can SPEAK to the world.」 「圖標替你說」網站上說:「在世界上最遙遠而偏僻的角落 ,我們常常會啞口無言,有時是因為周圍美景攝人心魄,令人驚畏,有時則是因為語言不通,不得不沉默。這種情況促使我們思考,如何才能用最簡單的方式在全球範圍內突破語言障礙呢?在越南一處窮鄉僻壤的奇妙經歷給了我們答案:圖標。有了圖標,它們就可以替你說話了,你就可以對世界說話了。」

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