3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

最新消息:華為在美國提交了Huawei Pay商標申請,這個可以在美國專利商標局查詢到,這裡就截個圖吧:從查詢中可以看到,(APPLICANT) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. limited company (ltd.) CHINA Administration Building Bantian, Longgang District Shenzhen, Guangdong CHINA 518129於September 13, 2017提交了HUAWEI PAY商標申請。其主要項目有IC 009. US 021 023 026 036 038. G & S: Computer and mobile software for processing electronic payments and for transferring funds to and from others; authentication software for controlling access to and communications with computers and computer networks; magnetically encoded credit cards and payment cardsIC 036. US 100 101 102. G & S: Financial transaction services, namely, providing secure financial transactions and payment options; bill payment services; providing secure commercial transactions; debit and credit card payment processing services; electronic payment services involving electronic processing and subsequent transmission of bill payment data; providing purchase protection services for goods and services purchased by others via a global computer network and wireless networks華為為什麼要在美國提出Huawei Pay商標的申請。這裡有一種可能就是做好在美國開展電子支付的前期準備。其實不只是,象支付寶等等早就在美國註冊成商標了,而且已經成功註冊下來了。至於其它更多的品牌在國外註冊商標,這裡就不一一列舉了。有些公司覺的註冊國外商標,費用可能比較高,其實註冊國外商標,很多地方都是有境外商標註冊申請資助撥款,如在《2016年度深圳市第三批境外商標註冊申請資助撥款名單》中,華為就有130000的款項。位列深圳第8。在這裡也上個圖為證吧:商標俗稱牌子,看來不論是國內還是國外,都很受重視的。

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