3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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This strange vehicle might look like a flying saucer, but it's not for extraterrestrials.這個奇怪的交通工具可能看起來像一個飛碟,但它不是外星生物專用的。Humans looking for a trip that's truly 'out of this world' can now fly in style with the I.F.O or 'Identified Flying Object', a proposed two-seater drone concept that looks like a UFO.渴望體驗真正「脫離現實世界」旅程的人,如今可以乘坐IFO(已識別飛行物)飛行,而擬建的這個可搭載兩人的無人機看起來就像一個不明飛行物。The I.F.O is powered by eight electric rotary engines that push the saucer to an estimated top speed of 120mph (190kph) and can lift it to the average helicopter altitude.該飛行物由8個電動旋缸式發動機提供動力,預測可最高時速達120英里(190千米/小時),並且可以使它上升至直升機可達到的平均海拔高度。Designed by Pierpaolo Lazzarini, a designer from an Italian company, the drone seats two passengers.這架飛碟是由義大利一家公司的設計師皮耶羅·拉查里尼設計的,可搭載兩名乘客。A series of rechargeable batteries located in the I.F.O's outer disk power each engine.其外部圓盤區安置有許多可重複充電的電池,可以為每個發動機提供動力。With a backup battery pack installed in the centre of the capsule body, the vehicle's estimated flight time ranges between sixty and seventy minutes.艙體中央還裝有備用電池組,並且該飛行器的預估飛行時間在60~70分鐘左右。The flying vehicle stands three metres (10 feet) tall and has a capsule cockpit that measures two meters (6.5 feet) in diameter. It is surrounded by a strong carbon fibre disk to protect passengers without weighing the flying saucer down.該飛行器高3米(10英尺),它還有一個直徑2米(6.5英尺)的駕駛艙。駕駛艙外側還環繞著一圈堅固的碳纖維材料製成的圓盤,既可以保護乘客,又不會使飛行器負荷過重。And the vehicle's cockpit can detach in emergencies - a parachute strapped to the back will then guide passengers to safety.緊急情況下,駕駛艙可以分離,其背部還捆有降落傘,可以指引著乘客降落到安全的地區。For a smooth landing, the vehicle has six folding and extending feet with built-in cushioning suspension.為了平穩著陸,該飛行器還有6個可摺疊可伸展的底座,且底座內置緩衝懸挂系統。The I.F.O's cockpit can be accessed through an elevator that descends from the spherical body.該飛行器的球形主體可降下一個電梯搭載乘客進入其駕駛艙。Users can also reach the capsule through two removable bridges that can be attached to a small ladder or staircase.使用者還可以通過連接有小梯子或樓梯的兩座可拆裝的橋進入艙體。'The I.F.O vehicle works much like modern drones but on a larger scale,' said lead designer Pierpaolo Lazzarini.「這個已識別的飛行物從很大程度上更像現代的無人機,」其首席設計師皮耶羅·拉查里尼說道。'But it is driven from the inside and can have the same elevation of a helicopter.』「但它是從內部驅動的,而且可以達到直升機的高度。」It is not known what the final cost of the I.F.O drone will be. The technology is now on the market and vehicle designers are waiting for investors.該飛碟的成本還是個未知數。如今這項技術已經上市,而該飛行器的設計師正期待著投資者的青睞。 (翻譯:Dlacus) 聲明:本雙語文章的中文翻譯系滬江英語原創內容,轉載請註明出處。中文翻譯僅代表譯者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。

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