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Comparing the "Top 25 Players list" of ESPN, SI and r/NBA (self.nba)對比ESPN、《體育畫報》和Reddit各自評選的25大球星榜單[–]Warriorsdingdongfootballl 295 指標 14小時前At least we can all agree Giannis is the 9th best player in the NBA至少,我們都認可字母哥是聯盟第九號球星了。[–]Bucksimgiannisbestfriend 38 指標 12小時前Giannis, our future Lord and Saviour from across the sea, showing us once again the path to unity雄鹿球迷:揚尼斯,遠渡重洋來拯救七國,未來的鐵王座之主。[譯註1]關於球員地位的爭論,我們的意見終於再一次一致了。[譯註1]:出自美劇《權力的遊戲》龍母的梗。[–]BucksThe_Monstees 7 指標 10小時前Damn, that's corny, but I'll take it雄鹿球迷:我的哥,你這段話挺尬的。不過既然是吹字母哥的,我還是將就著聽吧。[–][CLE] LeBron Jamesswagdaddy912 76 指標 14小時前R/NBA is the worst listReddit的排名是最爛的。[–][LAC] Blake Griffinguwops_icecream 52 指標 13小時前By far沒有最爛只有更爛。[–]GrizzliesWario_Chalmers 86 指標 14小時前I'm mostly just shocked that r/nba is the only list without Jokic, I thought his god-level meme status would've gotten him a spot最讓我震驚的是,只有Reddit的榜單沒有約基奇,我還以為單憑他表情包屆的神級地位就能讓他在榜單里佔據一席之地。[–][DEN] Nikola JokicIdRatherBeLurking 40 指標 13小時前I thought his god-level meme status would've gotten him a spotWaaay too many people think that he's circlejerked here all the time, when posts for KAT and Porzingis outnumber Jokic posts greatly. I'm not surprised at all, since so many people seem to dislike him here.I'd probably put him somewhere between SI and ESPN's rankings.掘金球迷:「我還以為單憑他表情包屆的神級地位就能讓他在榜單里佔據一席之地。」有非常多的人覺得約基奇在Reddit被神化了,其實吹唐斯和波爾津吉斯的帖子比吹約基奇的多了去了。對此我一點兒都不覺得驚訝,因為這裡有很多人並不喜歡約基奇。我可能會把約基奇排在介於體育畫報和ESPN的排名之間的某個位置(17-24名)。[–]Bullswjbc 96 指標 14小時前Big differences of opinion about DeMarcus Cousins (17, 23, 10), Kyrie Irving (25, 21, 16), Marc Gasol (N/A, 24, 19), DeMar DeRozan (N/A, N/A, 21), Isaiah Thomas (N/A, N/A, 22), Gordon Hayward (20, 16, 24), and Kyle Lowry (21, 19, 25).對於下面這些球員,大家的看法存在很大的分歧:德馬庫斯-考辛斯(17、23、10)(三項排名,下同)凱里-歐文(25、21、16)馬克-加索爾(未入榜、24、19)德瑪爾-德羅贊(未入榜、未入榜、21)以賽亞-托馬斯(未入榜、未入榜、22)戈登-海沃德(20、16、24)凱爾-洛瑞(21、19、25)[–][PHI] T.J. McConnellMarkheimChalmers 70 指標 14小時前And Jokic (16,25,N/A)還有約基奇(16、25、未入榜)[–]SpursKhornKT[S] 48 指標 14小時前In Addition...Isaiah - (33, 40, 22)DeMar - (39, 36, 21)Seriously it's fucking joke from ESPN and SI.補充一些未入TOP25的球員的實際排名…小托馬斯(33、40、22)德羅贊(39、36、21)說真的,《體育畫報》和ESPN特么的是開玩笑的嗎?[–]CavaliersSaxRohmer 17 指標 11小時前Eh I think this sub values their PPG and offensive contributions too much. Zinger above them might be a bit of a stretch, but guys like Hayward, Conley, Griffin, and Lowry are all-around better players.欸,我覺得Reddit將場均得分以及對球隊進攻端的貢獻看得過重了。鉑金的排名可能有點誇張了,但是像海沃德、康利、格里芬以及洛瑞,都是更加全面的更好的球員。[–][CLE] LeBron Jamesswatbustist 46 指標 13小時前29ppg gets you 40th? Damn場均29分在你這隻能排40名?真扯淡。[–]Nuggetstristvn 16 指標 11小時前It's projected for next season and we don't even know when IT will be able to play, or how he'll play when he comes back.小托馬斯(的排名)被傷病影響了。我們不清楚下賽季他何時能復出,也不清楚他復出時競技狀態如何。[–]Bullswjbc 24 指標 14小時前Unpopular opinion: I agree with ESPN and SI about these Isaiah and DeMar. They don't belong in the top 30.一個不受待見的觀點:我同意ESPN和《體育畫報》給小托馬斯和德羅贊的排名。他們倆不是聯盟前30的水平。[–]SpursKhornKT[S] 78 指標 14小時前Honestly they aren't my favourite players and I know they both have some serious weaknesses. but commonnnn... They must be Top 25 or at very very very least Top 30.How could you put Crowder and Middleton over DeRozan lmao說實話,他們倆並不屬於我最喜歡的球員之列,我也知道他們都有一些嚴重的缺點。但是拜託…他們肯定是前25,再怎麼說也得是前30吧。笑死我了,你是怎麼把克勞德和米德爾頓排在德羅贊之前的?[–]Jazz BandwagonA6Wra8 12 指標 13小時前17 (r/nba) 18 (espn) and 19 (si) of top 25 players in western conference三份TOP25榜單里,西部的球員分別佔據17(Reddit)、18(ESPN)、19(體育畫報)席。[–]goatlebronjames 52 指標 14小時前The king is still the king...皇帝依然是那個皇帝…[譯註2][譯註2]蕾哈娜在總決賽第一場之後對友人說的話。[–]Trail BlazersFamilyguy35 32 指標 14小時前So every list has Dame > Kyrie except r nba? HMMMMM所以,除了Reddit之外的榜單都認為利拉德比歐文強了?這…[–][DET] Avery Bradleyyarrine11 54 指標 14小時前Dame is absolutely better than Kyrie利拉德絕壁比歐文更好。[–]RocketschefnoguardD 15 指標 9小時前/r/Nba, where every opinion is absolute, no room argument.I think it's definitely up for debate.Reddit每一個看法都是絕對的,沒有任何爭辯的餘地。但我認為這肯定是個有爭議的觀點。[–][CLE] LeBron Jamesswatbustist 26 指標 13小時前James harden 8th and DMC 23rd are beyond retarded把哈登排在第8、把考辛斯排在第23真是太愚蠢了。[–]PelicansChrisTheMiss 12 指標 10小時前the james harden one pissed me off the most. he should be at 5th, above westbrook and AD.ESPN竟然把哈登排第8,氣得我手抖。他應該排在第5,高於威少和濃眉。[–]NBAcp3todeAndre 15 指標 12小時前Is Durant > Curry a consensus ?? Curry had 30ppg 50/40/90 and led his team to 73 wins and won a chip the year before. 2 time MVP and first unanimous ? Curry was challenging LeBron as the best player 2 years ago and just because Durant joined him he's worse than Durant?If Durant didn't join the Warriors I could see Curry getting 2 more MVPs and still win championships杜蘭特比庫里強,這已經成為共識了??去年的庫里可是場均30分、三項命中率超過50%/40%/90%、帶隊73勝、兩連MVP、史上第一個全票MVP啊。兩年前,庫里還是對勒布朗聯盟第一人地位發起衝擊的人,就因為杜蘭特加入了他的球隊,他就不如杜蘭特了?如果杜蘭特沒去勇士,我認為庫里還能再拿兩個MVP,並且勇士仍然能奪冠。[–]fishystranger 14 指標 11小時前Sadly being injured in the 2016 playoffs and being unselfish just made him a worse player.真可悲,因為2016年季後賽的傷病,以及對球隊的無私奉獻,庫里就變成了更差的球員。

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