3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

中餐、西餐和日本料理,你喜歡吃那種呢?每個地方都會有不一樣的美食,你喜歡美食嗎?那麼關於美食方面的英語口語怎樣表達呢?下面我們一起來學習一下中餐、西餐和日本料理,如果你想要學習更多英語口語,通過英語口語知識公眾號學習更多精彩內容。一、中餐熊掌: bear』s paw鹿脯: breast of deer海參: beche-de-mer; sea cucumber海鱔: sea sturgeon海蜇皮: salted jelly fish海帶: kelp; seaweed鮑魚: abalone魚翅: shark fin乾貝: scallops龍蝦: lobster燕窩: bird』s nest烤乳豬: roast suckling pig豬腳: pig』s knuckle鹽水鴨: boiled salted duck臘肉: preserved meat叉燒: barbecued pork香腸: sausage肉鬆: fried pork flakes烤肉: bar-b-q葷菜: meat diet素菜: vegetables肉羹: meat broth地方菜: local dish廣東菜 Cantonese cuisine客飯: set meal咖哩飯: curry rice炒飯: fried rice白飯: plain rice鍋巴: crispy rice粥: gruel; soft rice; porridge大滷麵: noodles with gravy陽春麵: plain noodles砂鍋: casserole火鍋: chafing dish; fire pot點心: dim sum肉包子: meat bun春卷: spring roll鍋貼: fried dumpling蒸餃: steamed dumpling餛飩: ravioli元宵: rice glue ball湯糰: glue pudding燒賣: shao-mai腸粉: steamed vermicelli roll臭豆腐: bean curd with odor腐乳: preserved bean curd豆腐: bean curd豆豉: fermented black bean醬瓜: pickled cucumbers皮蛋: preserved egg鹹鴨蛋: salted duck egg 蘿蔔乾: dried turnip二、西餐和日本料理菜單: menu法國菜: French cuisine今日特餐: today』s special主廚特餐: chef』s special自助餐: buffet快餐: fast food招牌菜: specialty歐式西餐: continental cuisine飯前酒: aperitif炸薯條: French fries烘馬鈴薯: baked potato馬鈴薯泥: mashed potatoes煎蛋卷: omelette布丁: pudding甜點: pastries奶油: butter火腿蛋: ham and eggs吐司: toast奶油土司: buttered toast法國土司: French toast漢堡: hamburger鬆餅: muffin酪餅: cheese cake蛋糕: cake煎餅: pancake三明治: sandwich白麵包: white bread黑麵包: brown bread小型法式麵包:French roll開胃菜: appetizer蔬菜沙拉: green salad洋蔥湯: onion soup法國濃湯: potage玉米濃湯: corn soup蔬菜麵條湯:minestrone牛尾湯: ox tail soup炸雞: fried chicken烤雞: roast chicken泡菜: pickled vegetable蟹肉: crab meat明蝦: prawn海螺: conch田螺: escargots燉牛肉: braised beef熏肉: bacon荷包蛋: poached egg 煎一面荷包蛋:sunny side up煎二在荷包蛋:over煎蛋: fried egg煎半熟蛋: over easy煎全熟蛋: over hard炒蛋: scramble eggs煮蛋: boiled egg石頭火鍋: stone fire pot日本竹筷: sashi日本米酒: sake味噌酒: miso shiru鐵板烤肉: roast meat生魚片: sashimi

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