3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

UNITY還有音樂節作為大中華區超大的戶外藝術時尚音樂節將於2017年9月2日-3日正式亮相以國際、時尚和藝術為最大特色來自海內外的頂級樂隊、流行巨星將為熱愛音樂的你帶來酣暢的音樂體驗 音樂節現場設計感強的宇宙元素魔幻舞台震撼的燈光音響效果將締造一場極致潮流音樂盛宴 而大黃鴨的設計者,鬼才設計師荷蘭藝術家弗洛倫泰因·霍夫曼(Florentijn Hofman)攜帶自己2017年唯一大型戶外裝置藝術作品親臨還有音樂節現場向全球冬粉展示最新作品的魅力 除音樂表演外UNITY還有音樂節更注重升級現場觀眾體驗感在黃埔江邊和草坪上由時尚吧台、舒適沙發和小型表演裝置成的2個時尚Chill out休息區也為熱愛生活的冬粉們提供一個更舒適的交流環境 Are you ready to make your music festival experience memorable? UNITY Music & Arts Festival brings you a unique blend of music and arts that will rock your socks! We dove into the world of music to bring you a divers lineup of acts that you want to hear. Art is considered an essential aspect of UNITY, so we partnered up with Florentijn Hofman and his creativity to bring you the largest outdoor work of art in any music festival in China. Take a walk around the grounds, enjoy the art around you, find some cool crafts to take home, enjoy next level of eats, or just keep it cool in our chill out spaces. You will not be BORED! Now is the time to see what a music festival can be. We have what you are looking for so don't miss out!

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