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Zi 字媒體

Hong Kong martial arts novelist Huang Yi has died at age of 65 after suffering a stroke on Wednesday.香港知名武俠小說黃易因突然中風於4月5日病逝,享年65歲。Huang, whose real name was Wong Cho-keung, died in a public hospital with loved ones by his side.黃易本名為黃祖強,在家人的陪伴下於醫院走完最後一程。Several of his martial arts works were turned into popular television series, such as "A Step into the Past," adopted from his novel Xun Qin Ji. It was broadcast on TVB Jade in 2001 and featured Louis Koo Tin-lok and Raymond Lam Fung.黃易的許多武俠作品都已被翻拍成頗受歡迎的電視劇,例如:根據他所創作的同名小說改編成的《尋秦記》曾於2001年在香港翡翠台播出,由古天樂和林峰領銜出演。He graduated from the Department of Fine Arts of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1977 and once worked as the assistant curator of the Hong Kong Museum of Art.黃易於1977年畢業於香港中文大學藝術系,曾在香港藝術博物館做過一段時間的館長助理。In the late 80s, Huang, as a lover of Chinese art, history and the Chinese classic I Ching, started to explore a new career as a writer, and picked the Chinese character Yi, or I, as his pen name.在上個世紀八十年代末,作為藝術、歷史以及經典著作《易經》各個領域的愛好者,黃易開始嘗試進入寫作領域,並將自己命名為黃易,作為筆名。In the 1990s, after the golden age of wuxia literature, the general public became increasingly skeptical about wuxia literature and it lost much of its previous aura. However, the emergence of Huang Yi infused new life into the wuxia genre.在二十世紀九十年代,武俠文學的黃金時代剛剛結束,越來越多的人開始對武俠文學持懷疑態度,導致武俠失去了其原有的大部分光環。多虧了黃易的出現,為武俠領域注入了活力,使其再次煥發生機。From Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion to A Step Into The Past and to the now popular Da Tang Shuang Long Zhuan (Twins of Brothers), Huang Yi has combined science fiction with traditional Chinese culture including metaphysics and philosophy to create a new style of work. Currently, his popularity has resulted in some people describing this phenomenon as a flurry of Huang sweeping through China.從《覆雨翻雲》到《尋秦記》,再到現如今的《大唐雙龍傳》,黃易將科幻小說與包括玄學和哲學在內的傳統文化結合在一起,開創了一種全新的武俠方式。現如今,黃易的人氣頗旺,冬粉們將其影響力形容為「黃式旋風」,刮遍大江南北。Upon conclusion of his longest novel, Da Tang Shuang Long Zhuan, Huang Yi has commented that he would like to follow in the footstep of Jin Yong (Louis Cha) and to revise and improve his released novels.在自己完成篇幅最長的小說《大唐雙龍傳》之後,黃易表示自己將會跟隨金庸老先生的步伐,不斷修正和提高自己已經發布的小說作品。

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