3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

Describe the politest person you know這個話題N年前就在雅思考試中出現過了,很多烤鴨看到它之後的第一個反應是,有禮貌的表現都有啥?或者沒有禮貌的表現都有啥?再在前面加上not,就符合題目要求了。這個思路完全沒錯哦,不過不能單純的羅列一群行為,這樣湊到兩分鐘得挺難。所以在大致列舉出行為之後,要針對某一個具體展開加入細節。 我們先列一下好的行為和壞的行為: 有禮貌的行為: keep your voice down in public offer your seat to someone on the bus put away his cell phone when talking or eating with friends compliment the host』s cooking while you are invited to dinner 沒禮貌的行為: It』s impolite to go to a friend』s home for dinner without bringing a gift. Eating food on a subway or bus is bad manners. Talking with your mouth full is considered rude. It』s rude to cut in line. blow your nose when eating with others swear or use bad language have an argument in public show affection in public (當街秀恩愛,不知道從什麼時候起這個變成了傷害狗的行為……) 如果還是達不到兩分鐘,別忘了,隨便描寫一下人物長相,可能會多說個二十秒…… The politest person I met is a high school boy living upstairs. He always wears a friendly smile on his face, saying hello to everyone he bumps into. He』s not very tall, about average height, but he always works out at the gym, so he』s well built, you know, with six-pack abs. I know that because he once taught me how to swim. Well, that』s another story. Anyway, his family is loaded, but he』s not spoiled at all! I remember one time, when I just moved into the apartment, his friends threw him a surprise birthday party, and you know how wild teenagers can be these days, so at the end of the party, the whole building was in a mess, balloons and cakes were everywhere, and the worst part is, it was noisy and disturbing the whole time. Some of the neighbors were so furious because it was Saturday, and they needed to rest. I was like, oh, great, another spoiled rich boy. However, to my surprise, after his friends were gone, he and his housemaid cleaned all that up instead of waiting around for the janitor to do it. And he even apologized to me for all the noise they made. I thought, wow, what a courteous young man. He really made a great first impression on me! And after getting to know each other, we became good friends; he』s like a little brother to me and always helps me fix my computer and stuff. (And he』s going to college this year; I really hope he can do a great job in the college entrance examination.) 最後一句如果考官還不叫停可以接著說。這個「有血有肉」的鄰居富家子弟,其實根本不存在,但是很多細節就顯得說的像真事兒一樣。如果再配上影帝級別的演技,考官肯定就被你拿下了。 Bump into somebody = run into somebody = to meet somebody by chance 例如: Guess who I ran into today! Well built = (of a person) with a solid, strong body Abs = abdominals = the muscles of the abdomen 作者簡介:朱博,新東方吉林學校雅思口語美女講師,畢業於985院校大連理工大學,碩士保送一等獎學金。在校期間曾遊學美國,任出版社英語出版中心校對四年,工作嚴謹,活潑開朗,讓大家快樂的學習英語。

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