3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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bet every single one of us is clear that we only live once, but how many of us really make use of our precious time wisely? Think about it, you don't want to waste the rest of your life doing meaningless tasks right? Starting from today, make good use of the time you have. Live everyday like it is the last day of your life. It might sound cliché, but it is true.1,我敢打賭每個人都清楚的知道我們只活一次,但是又有多少人在真正明智的利用我們寶貴的時間呢?想一想吧,你不想讓接下來的生活都用於處理毫無意義的任務,對吧?從今天開始,好好利用自己的時間。把每一天都當成是最後一天來過。這也許聽起來有些陳詞濫調,但說的很對。2. Character is as important as knowledge人品像知識一樣寶貴3,Knowledge will give you power, but character respect. – Bruce Lee知識會給你力量,但人品會為你贏得尊重。-李小龍4,We all know about the power of knowledge, as a wise man once said: 「Knowledge is power.」 But, often we forget that character, in some ways are more important than knowledge.我們都知道知識的力量,正如有位智者曾經說過:「知識就是力量。」但是,我們經常會忘記人品,而人品在某種程度上比知識更為重要。5,Do you like people who are arrogant or do you prefer people who are kind-hearted? The answer is obvious. No matter how intelligent you are, it doesn't matter that much when it comes to earning respect from others. It is your character which counts!你是喜歡傲慢無禮的人還是喜歡為人善良的人呢?答案是顯而易見的。無論你多麼有才華,但當談到贏得別人的尊重時它就不那麼重要了。只有人品才是真正起作用的!6. Set a goal and aim for it樹立目標並為之努力7,A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at – Bruce Lee目標並不一定總是用於去達成的,很多時候它僅僅是為了給你方向感-李小龍8,A goal is our target to aim at. It is our source of motivation. Having a goal gives us a clear direction in our lives. We aim for it and work towards it. It gives us a clear destination in our lives.目標是我們所要努力的方向。它是我們動力的來源。擁有目標使我們的人生擁有方向感。我們以它為標杆,並朝著它的方向努力。它讓我們的人生擁有明確的目的地。9,But the main point here is that goals aren't always meant to be reached. So, it's okay not to hit your goals within a timeframe. It's okay to fail, but never give up. Sometimes, you just have to believe. Aim for it and work towards it until you achieve it. Clement Stone once said that: 「Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star.」但是問題是目標並不總意味著一定要達成。所以,在一定的時間框內沒有完成目標並無大礙。你可以失敗,但永遠不要放棄。有的時候,你只需要相信。以此為目標並為之努力奮鬥,直至你達成目標。克萊門特.斯通說過:「以月亮為目標。即使你沒打中,你也許還能打到星星。」還有哪些李小龍的哲學語錄呢?歡迎留評。本文來自公眾號:華人英雄。每天都更新精彩原創文章,龍迷集中營,歡迎你的加入,關注可以獲得李小龍電影全集。本文為作者原創,未經授權不得轉載

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