3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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平時,我們在寫作和口語中,只要是說到「我認為...」下意識地腦子中會蹦出「I think」這個最日常的表達。那今天就讓我們來看看還有哪些表達是可以替代這個「老頑固」的吧。1、Personally speaking 私認為、私以為金牌例句:Personally speaking, she is so hot and sexy.我認為,她身材火辣又性感。2、I reckon 我認為,我想 to think or to believeReckon這個詞很少人知道,其實它是一個標準的四級辭彙,它本身就有to think的意思。金牌例句:I reckon it's going to rain.我覺得天要下雨了。How much do you reckon (that) it's going to cost?你認為這會花多少錢?3、as far as I』m concerned 依我看,在我看來英文解釋是in a particular person's opinion在(某人)看來,就(某人)而言金牌例句:As far as I'm concerned, feng shui doesn't work.在我看來,有關風水的說法根本就是一派胡言。4、in my opinion 在我看來金牌例句:In my opinion, your husband has a low taste.依我看,你老公品味真低。5、to my mind=in my opinion我認為,在我看來金牌例句:The room has pink walls and a green carpet, which to my mind looks all wrong.他把牆壁刷成了粉色,鋪了一塊綠色的地毯,在我看來這根本不相配。6、if you ask mesaid when giving your opinion on something我認為;依我看金牌例句:If you ask me, people should go on a training course before they become parents.依我看,想要孩子的人應該先去參加一個培訓班。7、it seems to me....對我來說金牌例句:It seems to me (that) (= I think that) he isn't the right person for the job.在我看來,他不是這項工作的合適人選。8、in my view/ it』s my view that.....在我看來金牌例句:In my view, her criticisms were completely justified.在我看來,她的批評完全在理。[ + that ] It's my view that the price is much too high.在我看來,這個價格太高了。9、to tell (you) the truth=to be honest說句老實話,說實話金牌例句:To tell (you) the truth, I didn't understand a word of what he was saying.說實話,他說的我一點兒也聽不懂。10、I guessused when you believe something is true or likely but are not certain(表示沒有把握)我想,我認為金牌例句:[ + (that) ] I guess (that) things are pretty hard for you now.我想你現在的日子很不好過吧。

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