3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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Pig Out01《Pig Out》《小豬遊記》02Mama pig looked out the window.豬媽媽看了看窗外,The sun was up.太陽公公已經升起來啦。The birds were singing.小鳥在唱歌。"Let's go on a picnic!"said Mama pig.「我們去野餐吧!」豬媽媽說。03"Yes!"said Papa pig.「好呀」豬爸爸說道。"Yes!」said the little pig.「好呀好呀!」小豬說道。"We will get the picnic basket."「我們需要帶上野餐籃子」。The little pig found the basket.小豬找到了籃子。04They carried the basket into the kitchen.他們把籃子拿到了廚房。Then they put in lots of bread and butter,eggs and cheese, apples and grapes and bananas. 然後他們放進去了很多麵包和黃油、雞蛋、乳酪、蘋果、葡萄和香蕉。But was the basket full? No!但是籃子滿了嗎?沒有!05So they put in popcorns and nuts, honey and jam, cookie and cake.所以他們又放進了一些爆米花和堅果、蜂蜜、果醬和蛋糕。But was the basket full? No!但是籃子滿了嗎? 不!06"I know what we need,"said Mama pig.「我知道我們需要什麼」豬媽媽說。And she went to the phone.然後她走到了電話旁。07Soon a van came to the house.很快,一輛小貨車到了門外。What was in the van? pizza!Lots of pizza!裡面都有什麼啊?哇,很多披薩餅。08Now the basket was full.現在籃子滿啦。"Off we go!" said Mama pig. 「我們出發啦!」豬媽媽說道。But the pig family did not go anywhere. 但是小豬一家哪都沒去。The basket was too heavy!籃子太重啦!09"Oh, no!" said the little pig.「喔不!」小豬說道。"We cannot have a picnic.「我們」去不成野餐了。What will we do now?"「那我們現在幹嘛呢?」10"I know," said Mama pig. "We will have a pizza party!"「我知道,」豬媽媽說。「我們來個披薩派對吧!」11The pig family ate all the pizza.小豬一家吃光了所有的pizza。And what did they do with the bread and butter and cookie and cake and all the other food?他們怎麼處理剩下的麵包、黃油、餅乾、蛋糕和其他食物呢?12They ate it, of course!他們當然把食物都吃光啦!abc360是國內專業的互聯網英語教育公司,致力於通過互聯網科技整合高品質的外教資源,專註青少兒英語學習,讓成千上萬的青少兒隨時隨地就能享受高品質在線英語教學 。文中部分內容與圖片來源於網路,若有不妥之處,請微信留言告知,謝謝!

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