3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

為什麼常常覺得,20多歲(尤其是25歲+)的我們已經老了呢?1也許是生活已經發生變化——每天起床的時間從中午12點變成了早上7點,睡覺的時間從凌晨變成了晚上11點。I used to get up at 12 o』clock in the afternoon and now 7 o』clock in the morning. I used to go to bed in the midnight and now 11 o』clock in the night.見到親戚朋友,他們不再問你考試考了幾分,更多的是問現在一個月工資是多少,結婚沒有哇...When you meet relatives and friends, they no longer ask you what scores you get in the school. Instead, they ask you how much money you make every month, and whether you are married or not.聊天的話題從各種網路遊戲變成汽車,房子。Our chatting topics changed from online games to cars, houses.吃飯的時候,討論的往往是他準備結婚,她哪年結婚了。When having dinner, we always talk about when is he or she getting married.每天不再感嘆學校作業有多少作業做不完,開始感嘆油價,房價漲得有多快,股票是漲還是跌。I no longer complain about the numerous homework which can never be done. I begin to worry about the increasing gas price, house price, as well as the ups and downs of the stock market.不再亂買東西,月底開始算計,這個月還了信用卡,開銷多少,還剩下多少,該開始攢錢買房子了。I no longer splash my money. Instead, I start to manage my account at the end of each month. Making note of how much have I spent and how much is left after paying my credit card. It』s time to save some money for the house.2也許是心態發生了變化——漸漸地討厭酒吧、KTV,喜歡親近自然,喜歡健康的生活方式。I』m getting tired of hanging around bars and KTVs. Being close to nature and a healthy living style is my favorite now.偶爾會有寂寞,偶爾會懷念一個人。Sometimes, I feel lonely, and sometimes, I miss someone.開始認真對待戀愛關係。人生的這個階段,你開始實際考慮自己會跟某人結婚過一輩子,但潛意識裡你又會嘀咕:「我才不會就這樣結婚,我還年輕著呢!」Taking dates and relationships more seriously because you are finally in that phaseof your life where you could actually envision yourself getting married tosomeone down the line, whereas you were always able to brush it off withsomething along the lines of "It's not like I'm going to get married, I'm way too young for that."開始追逐夢想,不會再輕易流淚,不會再為了一點挫折而放棄。We start chasing our dreams. We hide our tears and we don』t give up for that little setback.把空間刷新了一遍又一遍,看看誰更新了心情,誰更新了日誌,回復了符號,卻沒有回複句子。We refresh our Qzone page again and again to see who just updated their status and journals, who replied with emoji instead of sentences.煩惱的時候不再發牢騷,我們靜靜的,靜靜的看著、聽著,這很現實又很虛偽的世界。We no longer complain when we get upset. Instead, being still, we watch and listen, this realistic yet hypocritical world.3也許懂得過去已然過去——回想起曾經,我們做了太多的錯事,走了太多的彎路 ,我們總在後悔,可是我們回不去了,回不去那個曾經純真的年代了。We always reminisce, realizing so many mistakes we』ve made and so many detours we』ve taken. We always regret, but there is no turning back, back to the age of innocence we once lived in.當我們被社會上無形的壓力壓得喘不過氣的時候,我們渴望曾經的那份愛,渴望每天下班能有一個人一起吃飯,一起看電影,我們需要有一個人,來為我們分擔一些東西。Whenever we are overwhelmed by some invisible pressure from society, we crave for the love we once had, we crave for the person that we once eat dinner and watch movies together after work, we all need someone to share things with in our life.我們在一條偉大的航路上,我們需要有人為我們鼓勁,也許我們偶爾累倒想放棄,可是當我們想到身邊還有個讓我們挂念的一個人,深吸一口氣,繼續向前走,我相信,總有一個能夠停靠的彼岸。We are on a great journey. We need someone to be there for us when we are tired and want to give up. Whenever we realize that there is someone we miss so much deep inside, take a deep breath and carry on for I believe there is always a shelter for my soul. 越來越強烈意識到:和年長的親人在一起的時光太寶貴,說不定哪一天他們就不在了。Becoming more acutely aware of howprecious all the time you have with your older family members is, and how not asingle day with them is guaranteed.4但其實一切都來得及——一切都來得及紐約時間比加州時間早三個小時,但加州時間並沒有變慢。New York is 3 hours ahead of California, but it does not make California slow.有人22歲就畢業了,但等了五年才找到穩定的工作!Someone graduated at the age of 22, but waited 5 years before securing a good job!有人25歲就當上CEO,卻在50歲去世。Someone became a CEO at 25, and died at 50.也有人遲到50歲才當上CEO,然後活到90歲。While another became a CEO at 50, and lived to 90 years.有人單身,同時也有人已婚。Someone is still single, while someone else got married.歐巴馬55歲就退休,川普70歲才開始當總統。Obama retires at 55, but Trump starts at 70.世上每個人本來就有自己的發展時區。Absolutely everyone in this world works based on their Time Zone.身邊有些人看似走在你前面,也有人看似走在你後面。但其實每個人在自己的時區有自己的步程。People around you might seem to go ahead of you, some might seem to be behind you. But everyone is running their own RACE, in their own TIME.不用嫉妒或嘲笑他們。他們都在自己的時區里,你也是!Don』t envy them or mock them. They are in their TIME ZONE, and you are in yours!生命就是等待正確的行動時機。Life is about waiting for the right moment to act.所以,放輕鬆。So, RELAX.你沒有落後。You』re not LATE.你沒有領先。You』re not EARLY.在你自己的時區里,一切安排都準時。You are very much ON TIME, and in your TIME ZONE.

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