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英國《每日郵報》當地時間4月12日同意向美國第一夫人梅拉尼婭-川普就報道其提供「特殊服務」一事,支付賠償金及道歉。 Britain's Daily Mail newspaper on Wednesday apologised to US First Lady Melania Trump and agreed to pay her damages over an article that included allegations that she worked as an escort in the 1990s.英國《每日郵報》本周三向美國第一夫人梅拉尼婭-川普道歉,並同意賠償損失。之前《每日郵報》在一篇文章中稱梅拉尼婭曾在上世紀90年代提供過伴遊服務。 《每日郵報》曾在去年8月份的一篇報道中說,梅拉尼婭當模特時不只是專業的模特,指其從事「特殊服務(services beyond simply modeling)」,還配有梅拉尼婭昔日的裸照。 Although the total amount of damages was not disclosed, Trump will be paid about $2.9 million in damages and costs, according to a source familiar with the settlement.儘管賠償的總金額沒有公開,據知情人說,川普夫人將獲賠大約290萬美元(約1995萬人民幣),其中包括訴訟費。 John Kelly, Melania Trump's lawyer, said the article in the Daily Mail -- Britain's second biggest-selling newspaper -- in print and online in August last year "included false and defamatory claims".川普夫人的律師約翰-凱利說,去年8月《每日郵報》及其網站刊登的一篇文章中「含有虛假和誹謗內容」。《每日郵報》在英國銷量排在第二位。 The allegations "questioned the nature of her work as a professional model, and republished allegations that she provided services beyond simply modelling," Kelly said.凱利說,文章內容「質疑了她作為職業模特的工作性質,再次談到她除了做模特外,還提供其他服務」。 The article stated that there was no support for the allegations and provided denials from her spokesperson and from Paolo Zampolli, who ran the modelling agency where she worked.文章指出,這些說法沒有證據,川普夫人發言人,以及她所就職的模特公司老闆保羅-扎波里也予以否認。 But the allegations "strike at the heart of the claimant's personal integrity and dignity," Kelly added.但凱利補充說,這些內容「沉重打擊了原告的正直人品和尊嚴。」 Trump's lawyers launched a lawsuit against the Daily Mail in September in New York, asking for $150 million in damages.川普夫人的律師去年9月在紐約對該報提起訴訟,並要求獲得1.5億美元賠償。 The paper had already published a retraction in September, saying it "did not intend to state or suggest that these allegations are true".去年9月,該報就已刊登了一份撤回公告,並說「無意表示這些內容是真實的」。 《每日郵報》當地時間4月12日發表道歉聲明,稱「我們對川普夫人的指控並非真實,現已撤回相關報道。我們在此就該報道對川普夫人造成的不良影響,表示道歉。並同意向她作出賠償。」 In documents filed in February, the US first lady said that because of the Daily Mail's allegations she and her brand had missed out on "multiple millions of dollars" in licensing, marketing and endorsement opportunities.在今年2月提交的訴訟文件中,川普夫人說,由於該報刊登的內容,她本人及品牌錯失了「價值數百萬美元」的特許經營、市場營銷、以及代言商機。 這已經不是梅拉尼婭-川普首次遭到媒體攻擊。早在美國總統競選期間,美國《紐約郵報》就曾因連續兩天刊登她年輕時的裸照,在互聯網上引發熱議。這兩幅梅拉尼婭·川普的裸照分別於7月31日和8月1日刊登在《紐約郵報》頭版位置。來看看當時的報道:美報登川普妻子裸照惹眾怒 圖片中,年輕的梅拉尼婭裸體躺在床上,與另一名裸體女模擁抱。 GQ雜誌也曾刊登2000年拍攝的一組梅拉尼婭的照片,其中就有裸照。 英文來源:法新社翻譯&編審:yaning

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