3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

我們在英語寫作的時候難免會犯一些錯誤,下面給大家列舉10個最常見的錯誤,並教給大家如何改正,從而避免再犯類似的錯誤。1.語句殘缺許多同學經常犯這樣的毛病,寫作的時候語句不全,缺詞漏詞。每個英語句子都必須包含至少一個主語和謂語,形成一個獨立的句子。缺少主謂語的句子可能是一個命令語句,或者是介詞短語。例如:Through the door.In the other room.Over there.這種句子都是相當口語化的,如果用到書面英語里,就會顯得語句殘缺。沒有獨立分句引導所造成的語句殘缺在英語寫作中是非常常見的。連詞引導從屬子句,換言之,如果你使用「because,though,if」等詞來開始一個句子,那麼這個句子一定要是完整的句子。下面舉一些例子:Because Tom is the boss.Since he left work early without permission.假如上面的句子是用來回答"Why did he lose his job?"這個問題的,其實正確的回答應該是:He lost his job because Tom is the boss.He lost his job since he left work early without permission.還有下面這類型的句子,也屬於不完整句子。Even though he needs help.If they study enough.As they had invested in the company.2.亂加從句的冗長句子比如說:1)句子中沒有連接語2)濫用從句,而不是使用句點或連詞來連接句子。這種病句通常會漏掉連詞,比如:The students did well on the test they didn't study very much.Anna needs a new car she spent the weekend visiting car dealerships.第一個句子中,其實應該用「but」,「yet」或「although, even though, though」等詞來連接。第二個句子中,最合適的連詞應該是「so」或者「since,as,because」。The students did well, yet they didn't study very much.Anna spent the weekend visiting car dealerships since she needs a new car.還有個現象就是」and」的濫用。比如下面這個句子:We went to the store and bought some fruit, and we went to the mall to get some clothes, and we had lunch at McDonald's, and we visited some friends.數一數裡面用了多少個」and」,在英語寫作中,這種現象一定要避免。一個辦法就是,同一個句子里最好不要超過三個從句。3.主語重複有時候學生們會由於使用代詞,而導致主語重複比如下面這些句子:Tom lives in Los Angeles.NOTTom, he lives in Lost Angeles.The students come from Vietnam.NOTThe students they come from Vietnam.4.時態錯誤時態也是我們在寫作過程中經常犯的錯誤。使用時一定要確保時態符合實際情況,也就是說,當你在說一件已經發生過的事情時,千萬不要用一般現在時。例如:They fly to visit their parents in Toronto last week.Alex bought a new car and drives it to her home in Los Angeles.5.錯誤的動詞形式英語寫作中另一個常見的錯誤就是動詞形式的錯誤使用。有些動詞應該使用不定式,而有些動詞則通常使用ing形式。正確地使用動詞的形式,這一點很重要。如果想要把動詞當名詞用,就要用它的ing形式。He hopes finding a new job. / Correct -> He hopes to find a new job.Peter avoided to invest in the project. / Correct -> Peter avoided investing in the project.6.並列的動詞形式我們經常會在一個句子中用到多個動詞,這就涉及到動詞的並列問題了。如果你的句子是現在進行時,那麼所有的動詞都要是ing形式。如果你的句子是現在完成時,那麼動詞就應該使用過去分詞的形式了。She enjoys watching TV, play tennis, and cook. / Correct -> She enjoys watching TV, playing tennis, and cooking.I've lived in Italy, working in Germany and study in New York. / Correct -> I've lived in Italy, worked in Germany, and studied in New York.7.時間狀語從句的使用這類句子通常是由「when」「before」「after」等表示時間的詞引導的。在談到現在或將來時,時間從句中使用現在時時態。如果談論的是過去式,那麼在時間狀語從句中也通常使用過去式。We'll visit you when we will come next week. / Correct -> We'll visit you when we come next week.She cooked dinner after he was arriving. / Correct -> She cooked dinner after he arrived.8.主謂一致寫作中另一個常見的錯誤就是主謂不一致。在一般現在時的句子中,我們經常會遺漏謂語動詞的s。在輔助動詞的使用方面,我們也經常會出錯。Tom play guitar in a band. / Correct -> Tom plays guitar in a band.They was sleeping when she telephoned. / Correct -> They were sleeping when she telephoned.9.代詞一致這種錯誤常表現於用代詞替換掉了正常名詞。這種錯誤通常是由於單數名詞和複數名詞形式的混用。有時候也發生在賓語或名詞性物主代詞或主格代詞之間。Tom works at a company in Hamburg. She loves his job. Correct -> Tom works at a company in Hamburg. He loves his job.Andrea and Peter studied Russian at school. He thought they were very difficult.Correct -> Andrea and Peter studied Russian at school. They thought it was very difficult.10.鏈接語言後面缺少逗號當使用介紹性短語作為連接語言時,例如連詞或測序詞,應該在句子後面使用逗號。As a result children should start studying math as early as possible. / Correct -> As a result, children should start studying math as early as possible.喜歡本文嗎?喜歡的話就關注我吧~

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