3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

今天上了九小時的課,明天也是九小時,但是依然不能鬆懈。確實累,但能感覺到累就對了,舒服不應該是留給死人的嗎?3:3157來自何凱文考研英語美國的實體(brick-and-mortar)零售行業——購物中心和商場已陷入緊急關頭(are coming to a boil)。本周美國平價品牌瑋倫鞋業(Payless ShoeSource)申請第十一章破產保護(file for chapter 11 bankruptcy),並已與部分現有債權人簽署協議,將獲得最高3.85億美元的DIP融資(debtor in possession financing,破產法提供保障的融資方式,是瀕臨破產困境的公司所能獲得的最安全的貸款),用來重組北美實體以及香港的後勤和供應鏈實體。同時拉夫•勞倫宣布最新的成本控制措施(a massive cost-cutting effort),關閉其polo旗艦商店,這家店是紐約第五大道最吸引行人的熱點(a foot-traffic magnet)。多年來美國傳統零售業的盲目擴張和來自網路經濟的持續威脅逼出了此輪精簡(retrenchment)風暴。美國的人均零售店鋪面積(retail square footage per capita)比世界上任何國家都要多,今天的無以為繼在很大程度上是自掘墳墓(a problem of its own making)。目前來看,能成功渡過危機的將是線上店鋪活躍(manage an active online presence)且有針對性顧客群體的小型利基企業(niche merchants)今天的句子:A fresh round of distress signals sounded in the retail industry this week, as another big-name chain announced hundreds of new store closings and still others moved aggressively to recalibrate their businesses for the online shopping stampede.辭彙突破:1.Distress signal 遇難信號2.Retail industry 零售行業3.Big-name adj. 大名鼎鼎的4.Aggressively adv. 侵略性地5.Recalibrate 重新校準6.Stampede 狂奔;熱潮確定主幹:A fresh round of distress signals sounded in the retail industry this week這周零售行業出現新一輪的「遇難信號」切分成分:1.as another big-name chain announced hundreds of new store closings又一大牌連鎖集團宣布將新關張數百家的門店,狀語從句一2.others moved aggressively to recalibrate their businesses for the online shopping stampede.更有其它公司大刀闊斧地調整業務以應對網購熱潮狀語從句二參考譯文:這周零售行業出現新一輪的「遇難信號」,又一大牌連鎖集團宣布將新關張數百家的門店,更有其它公司大刀闊斧地調整業務以應對網購熱潮。People cherish diamonds for their beauty and the sense of status and permanence they convey to the wearer, but someday soon these most precious of stones may serve an even more practical purpose than filling out engagement rings and anniversary pendants: protecting smartphone displays from the chips and spider web–like cracks that develop after countless drops and hours of tapping and swiping.昨天的句子:周末大彩蛋!VR新技術!

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