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跟老美學地道美語【最簡美語016】生活#閑口語#:和好友約喝咖啡,來到Coffee shop 點杯黑咖啡、卡布奇諾還是拿鐵?坐下來邊喝邊聊,愉快Chill 打發時間,對咖啡店品頭論足一番,牆上那幅畫有點奇怪?有Wifi嗎,網速不太快,看,有人在瞄我們這桌…【最簡美語】咖啡店閑評篇。今天單詞小禮包教你所有星巴克咖啡飲料英文全名及念法,絕對實用。14點電台直播你會念星巴克各類飲料的英文嗎?第一部分:經典咖啡類1.熱飲系列:Hot espresso拿鐵:Caffe latte香草拿鐵:Vanilla latte美式咖啡:Caffe Americano卡布奇諾:Cappuccino摩卡: Caffe Mocha焦糖瑪奇朵: Caramel Macchiato濃縮咖啡: Espresso濃縮康保藍:Espresso Con Panna濃縮瑪奇朵:Espresso Macchiato2、冰飲系列:Iced Espresso冰拿鐵:Iced Caffe Latte冰香草拿鐵:Iced Vanilla Latte冰摩卡:Iced Caffe Mocha冰焦糖瑪奇朵:Iced Caramel Macchiato 第二部分:星冰樂 Frappuccino 1、咖啡系列:Blended Coffee焦糖咖啡星冰樂:Caramel濃縮咖啡星冰樂:Espresso摩卡星冰樂:Mocha咖啡星冰樂: Coffee 2、無咖啡系列:Blended Cream焦糖星冰樂:Caramel抹茶星冰樂:Green Tea香草星冰樂:Vanilla朱古力星冰樂:Chocolate 3、果茶系列:Blended Juice芒果西蕃蓮果茶星冰樂:Mango PassionFruit 第三部分:咖啡和茶 Coffee & Tea 1、新鮮調製咖啡 Brewed Coffee本周精選咖啡:Coffee of The Week密思朵咖啡:Caffe Misto冰調製咖啡:Iced Brewed Coffee 2、泰舒茶 Tazo Tea抹茶拿鐵:Green Tea Latte英式咖啡:English Breakfast伯爵紅茶:Earl Grey冰搖泰舒茶:Iced Shaken Tea冰搖檸檬茶:Iced Shaken Lemon Tea 3、其他飲料 Other Favorite經典熱朱古力(含牛奶):Signature Hot Chocolate(contain dairy)冰經典朱古力(含牛奶):Iced Signature Chocolate(contain dairy)牛奶:Milk豆奶:Soy Milk氣泡礦泉水:Sparkling Mineral Water礦泉水:Mineral Water果汁:Juice瓶裝星冰樂:Bottled Frappuccino 馬克口語 016 Coffee Time馬克老師對話朗讀Dialogue1Mark and Jingjing are in a coffee shop.馬克和京晶在一家咖啡店裡MarkMark: I didn't know there was a coffee shop around here. How did you find it?馬克:我不知道這附近還有一家咖啡店。你是怎麼找到的?Jingjing: I came here with another friend of mine.京晶:我和另外一位朋友來過。JingjingMarkMark: It seems pretty popular.馬克:這地方看上去還挺受歡迎。Jingjing: See if you like the drinks here. What are you thinking of having?京晶:你看看喜不喜歡這裡這些喝的東西。你現在想來點兒什麼?JingjingMarkMark: Just a cup of Joe.馬克:一杯咖啡就行。Jingjing: You mean plain coffee?京晶:你是說普通咖啡?JingjingMarkMark: Why not? It costs half as much as those fancy drinks, and tastes just as good.馬克:為什麼不呢?它只有那些華麗麗的飲料一半的價格,味道一樣棒。Jingjing: For me, a big part of going to a coffee shop is having a special drink I can't make at home.京晶:對我來說,去咖啡店一個主要原因就是來一杯我在家裡做不了的特別飲料。JingjingMarkMark: I get that. What would you like to order?馬克:我明白你的意思。你想點點兒什麼?Jingjing: I can never decide between a cappuccino and a latte.京晶:在卡布奇諾和拿鐵之間,我從來無法做出選擇。JingjingMarkMark: What did you have last time?馬克:你上次喝的什麼?Jingjing: I think it was a cappuccino.京晶:我想是卡布奇諾吧。JingjingMarkMark: It sounds like you're gonna order a latte this time, unless you think it's too plain.馬克:聽上去你這次要點一杯拿鐵了,除非你認為它太清淡。Jingjing: Done deal!京晶:就它了!Jingjing「New words : 習語短語 a cup of Joe一杯咖啡 (This refers to a cup of regular coffee, without anything added to it. The saying, 「a cup of Joe」, comes from 「a cup of Josephus Daniels」, named after the Secretary of the Navy during World War I, who banned alcohol on US Naval ships.)I get (that). 我明白,我理解 (I understand that.)cappuccino 卡布奇諾咖啡 (espresso with foamed milk on top)a latte 拿鐵咖啡 (espresso poured into a cup together with steamed milk)Done deal! 我們已經決定了 Dialogue2Jingjing and Mark are deciding whether to stay longer at the coffee shop.京晶和馬克正在決定要不要在咖啡店多待一會兒MarkMark: Hmm, my coffee's getting cold. I'm gonna kill it.馬克:嗯,我的咖啡快變涼了,我馬上把它喝完。Jingjing: How about you grab one of those magazines for me.京晶:你遞一本那邊的雜誌給我怎麼樣?JingjingMarkMark: Do you really want to hang out here longer? Those magazines are all advertisements.馬克:你真的想在這兒再多待一會兒嗎?那些雜誌上都是廣告。Jingjing: No newspapers? Ask them again about the wi-fi.京晶:沒有報紙嗎?再問一次他們的無線網路。JingjingMarkMark: The password works. It's just painfully slow.馬克:密碼管用,就是網速慢哭了。Jingjing: Man, it seems they don't want people to get settled in here.京晶:天,看上去他們不想人們在這兒久待。jingjingMarkMark: Well, I saw a few people eyeing our table. They turned tail when they saw the place was full.馬克:我看見有些人正在打量著我們這桌呢。他們看見地方滿了扭頭就走了。Jingjing: They're not missing out. This chair is making my back hurt.京晶:他們沒錯過什麼。這張椅子把我的後背弄得好疼。jingjingMarkMark: Mine is lumpy, and too low for this table.馬克:我這把不平,而且對這張桌子來說太矮了。Jingjing: You seem shorter than usual. I wasn't going to say anything.京晶:你看著都比平時矮了。我本來不想說的。jingjingMarkMark: Ha ha. That photo on the wall behind you has been bothering me ever since we sat down.馬克:哈哈,自打我們一落座,你後邊那張牆上的照片就讓我渾身不自在。Jingjing: What's the matter with it?京晶:怎麼了?jingjingMarkMark: It's just weird, that's all.馬克:就是怪怪的。僅此而已。Jingjing: Alright already. We've already settled up. Let's bail.京晶:好吧。我們已經結過帳了,撤吧。jingjing「 kill it 迅速吃完喝完 (finish a drink or a food item quickly)eyeing 看著某事想要 (looking at something, wanting it for yourself)turn tail 轉頭離去 (leave suddenly, soon after having arrived)settle up 付款,結賬 (pay the bill)bail 離開,撤離,走(leave suddenly, after being somewhere a while) 中譯英°練習°「直播互動」馬克老師反饋評分參與互動的同學來查分啦!每周三早10點微信準時搶發感謝Carrie同學協助互動文本批改整理筆記分享直播課後感:平時我是不怎麼敢用英文跟大家聊天的,怕,因為不會表達不會說,也不知道怎麼說,跟著馬克老師學了一段時間了,加上PK群里小夥伴們的經驗分享,不斷消化學過的,不斷造句,就在昨天,我跟別地兒的小夥伴聊天,結果很神奇的事兒發生了,我居然全程用英文沒有以前那種壓力了,好多表達也會了,居然還現學現用,用上了馬克老師講的,而且隨意切換話題,我都居然能應對自如,這對以前的我來說簡直不敢想的…雖然不知道自己的很多表達對不對,但是能走出這第一步,真的太神奇了,謝謝馬克老師,謝謝!嘟嘟直播互動參與語音添加主持人京晶微信號goingforgold2012驗證語請個性化發揮,會加大你的通過幾率哦!鍥而不捨,一定會加上。文字(掃碼)周一到五 下午2點-3點晚間10點-11點進入一個美好的房間從此學習不孤單聽直播+千人互動和主播聲音面對面有英語、音樂、和你馬上掃碼加入英文電台地道美語口語經典人氣教材噹噹:亞馬遜:京東:天貓:【簽名版】小高京晶簽名版在外文社天貓官方旗艦店還有少量在售¥29表課周一 | 看書有道,閱讀美文周二 | 最簡英語語法周四 | 【老友記】900句周五 | 老外採訪,精短聽力,演講新知2017更多收聽APP點擊左下"閱讀原文" 收聽課堂完整音頻 或手機APP: 蜻蜓FM, 喜馬拉雅聽書,網易雲音樂 精雕細課,朗易思聽,優聽Radio 搜索「英語PK台」 聽全部專輯攻克英語連接世界回復「文本」 收聽更多精彩往期【英語PK台】全新互動直播間:新浪微博:@英語PK台 @京晶am774QQ千人群:4326133 網路直播:北京外語廣播 www.am774.com 下午2點,晚間10點蜻蜓FM: 電腦PC端節目一鍵下載: 騰訊視頻 v.qq.com 搜索「英語PK台」【手機點播收聽+下載】聲明由北京外語廣播《英語PK台》欄目微信公眾號發布的部分原創廣播課堂同步教學素材(文本及音頻)僅供英語學習者自學使用,未經北京人民廣播電台許可,不得擅自署名網路發布、不得涉及商業用途。違者必究。」 歡迎 轉發 分享點擊「閱讀原文」下載本期節目到手機