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新東方在線新概念英語網為大家帶來新概念英語作為一門外語教材該怎麼學?的相關內容,希望以能夠為大家的新概念英語學習提供幫助!Number One - Study (at least a little) every day(堅持每天學習,哪怕只學一點點)Learning a language is like building a fire - if you don't tend to it, it will go out! So, once you have decided to learn a foreign language, you really should study it every day.學習語言,猶如生火——如果你不時時小心照看,火就會滅了!因此,一旦決定學習一門外語,你就得每天堅持學習!學習新概念英語也是一樣的!It doesn't have to be for a long time though. Just 5 or 10 minutes each day will be enough, so long as you keep it up. Doing these 5 or 10 minutes will stop you forgetting what you've already learnt and, over time, will let you put more meat on the bones of what you're learning.但是,每次學習的時間不一定要很長。只要你堅持下去,每天只要學習5-10分鐘的時間即可。這5-10分鐘的學習會讓你記住已經學過的內容,並且隨著時間的推移,你的語言就會有血有肉!Number Two - Stop while you're still enjoying it(要學會適可而止)Arnold Schwarzenegger once said that the key to his body building success was that he stopped his work out each day just before it started to get boring. On the few occasions he went past that point, he found it incredibly hard to return to the gym again the next day – and he loved working out.好萊塢著名動作影星、前美國加州州長阿諾德·施瓦辛格曾經說道:他健身的秘訣就是每次當他快要感到乏味的時候,就不再訓練。有些時候,他會訓練過度,然後他就發現,第二天再要回到訓練館去繼續訓練就非常困難了——他很喜歡訓練!So, just as tip number one suggested that you should study every day, you nevertheless shouldn't overdo it. So, if you're not really in the mood, just do 5 minutes. If you are in the mood though, don't push yourself too hard. Stop before you get to the point where it doesn't feel fun any longer. Best to leave yourself feeling hungry for more rather than bloated and fed up!因此,正如第一條建議所說的一樣,要想學好英語,一定要每天堅持,但也要注意不能過度學習。如果真的不在狀態,就學5分鐘就好。但是,即使狀態不錯,也別太強求自己。一定要在你快要失去興趣的時候停下來。畢竟,情願讓自己保持飢餓感,也不要把自己給撐壞了!這才是上策!Number Three - Use your 「hidden moments」(充分利用碎片時間)A famous American linguist, Barry Farber, learnt a great part of the languages he spoke during the 「hidden moments」 he found in everyday life. Such hidden moments might include the time he would spend waiting for a train to arrive or time spent waiting for the kids to come out of school or for the traffic to get moving in the morning. These hidden moments would otherwise have been useless and unimportant in his daily life but, for someone learning a language, they can be some of the most useful minutes of the day.著名的美國語言學家Barry Farber就是利用日常生活中的各種碎片時間,學會了他所掌握的大部分語言。這些碎片時間也許是他在等火車的間隙,或是在校門口等孩子出來的時間,或是早高峰時堵車時的時間。這些碎片時間於其他事情而言可能根本沒有,或者也不重要,但是對於語言學習來說,這些時間卻可以說是一天中最為有用的時間。Number Four - Forget what you were taught at school(把學校里的教條拋之腦後)Many of us were told at school that we did not have an aptitude for languages, that we didn't have a 「knack」 or a 「gift」 for them.很多人都被學校告知:我們缺乏學習語言的能力,我們沒有掌握語言學習的竅門,也不具備學習語言的天賦。Well, if this applies to you, then please let me assure you that this is all absolute nonsense! If you are able to read these words in front of you then this demonstrates that you've been able to learn English and, if you can learn one language, then your brain is just as capable of learning another – it simply needs to be approached in the right way!要是你的情況恰好就是這樣的話,那麼,我可以向你保證,這純粹是胡扯!如果你現在正在看這段文字的話,這就說明你具備學習英語的能力,而且如果你能夠學習一門語言,你就一定能夠學習更多的語言——你只需要採用正確的方法即可!Number Five – Choose the right language(選擇適合自己的語言)If you're going to learn a foreign language, make sure you choose a language that you're going to have a chance to use. So, where do you like to go on holiday? Could a particular foreign language help you in your job? Consider these things carefully – because they are going to play an important role in keeping you motivated!如果打算學習一門外語,一定要選擇你能用得上的語言。因此,類似這些問題你就得仔細考慮:你想到哪裡度假?這門外語有助於你的工作嗎?——這些問題將成為你學習這門外語的強大動力!

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