3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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內容簡介Rob 為了給我們介紹一個實用的日常英語表達,一手拿著魚,另一隻手提著一個被稱為「fish kettle」的煮魚鍋。A different kettle of fish 這個表達是什麼意思呢?聽節目。文字稿Feifei大家好,歡迎收聽BBC英語教學的《地道英語》節目。我是馮菲菲,還有我的搭檔 Rob。RobHello everyone!Feifei錄音間里是什麼味道?一股魚味兒?What is that awful smell of fish?RobAh, you mean these smoked kippers?FeifeiSmoked kippers? Why have you got smoked kippers in the studio?RobTo illustrate today's phrase. And this pan is a kettle. It's not the thing you boil water in.FeifeiOh right. Rob 一手拿著魚,另一隻手提著一個被稱為「fish kettle」的煮魚鍋,準備給我們介紹一個表達。So what is this fish-related phrase then?RobIt's 'a different kettle of fish' – we say it to mean a situation or subject being discussed is completely different from the one you are talking about.FeifeiA strange phrase indeed. 表達 a different kettle of fish 常用來形容截然不同的兩回事。So we could say writing English is a very different kettle of fish from speaking it?RobYes, we can – let's hear some more examples.>>ExamplesI loved the first film but the sequel was a different kettle of fish.Heating a ready meal in the microwave is one thing but preparing a freshly cooked meal is a different kettle of fish.Camping on the beach would be amazing - but camping in the rain would be a different kettle of fish!Feifei我明白了- 如果甲和乙兩件事情截然不同,互不相干,那麼我們就可以說「乙 is a different kettle of fish」,或者「乙 is a another kettle of fish」。RobYes, you can also say 'to be another kettle of fish'. So then Feifei, how about coming round to my house and eating some of this fish?FeifeiRob, going to your house is one thing but trying your cooking is a different kettle of fish!RobDon't you like fish?FeifeiFish is ok – it's your cooking that isn't.RobI shall eat alone then! Come on fishy-wishys...FeifeiBye bye.*本文章由BBC英語教學授權,任何媒體禁止轉載。點擊「閱讀原文」獲取更多BBC英語文章。日報網雙語新聞(ID:chinadaily_mobile)為您的英語保鮮

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