3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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今天的《外交之聲》使者為你帶來最新工作學習機會:聯 「以色列-亞洲」中心領導人項目開始接受申請、希臘大學獎學金、加拿大使館招聘等最新工作和學習、活動機會。請感興趣的朋友在申請截止日期前遞交申請。祝好運! 申請通常雙語提交,遞交申請表有些部門需固定格式、申請方式,最好用兩個以上郵箱發送。可加微信xiaoka365進《外交之聲》微信交流群獲取具體信息。請註明:外交會。 「以色列-亞洲」中心領導人項目開始接受申請深度理解以色列商業經濟生態結構,助你在「創業國度」高效拓展人脈網路,「以色列-亞洲」中心領導人項目申請現已開放!為2017 - 2018學年在以學習的亞洲裔學生提供專業學習課程及培養獨特領導力的交流機會。為參與者提供學習以色列創新、技術、政府、商業和媒體等方面相關技能的機會,以便他們建立起良好的以色列-亞洲間高層次夥伴關係。參加「以色列-亞洲」中心領導人項目,你將:-與活躍在「以色列 - 亞洲」 舞台上的商界和政府領導人會面-獲得寶貴的領導力和商業技能-接受行業領袖的指導和培訓-開發廣泛、高層次的人脈網路-與世界領先的創新和技術中心開展合作夥伴關係-發展並促進以色列-亞洲相關項目還等什麼,趕快申請吧! 申請截止日期:7月14日 Calling applications for the Israel-Asia Leaders FellowshipUnique leadership training & professional networking opportunity for Asianstudents studying in Israel over the 2017-18 academic year.The part-time program provides participants with the skills, know-how, tools,support network and high-level professional connections in Israeli innovation,technology, government, business and media to build high-level partnershipsbetween Israel and Asia in their chosen field - making their year in the'Start-Up Nation' truly remarkable.The program is designed to be taken concurrently to students' existing studiesin Israel.Participantson the Israel-Asia Leaders Fellowship will:• Meet with business and government leaders in the Israel-Asia arena• Acquire valuable leadership and business skills• Receive mentorship from industry leaders• Develop an extensive high-level contacts network• Tap into and build partnerships with one of the world's leading andmost exciting hubs of innovation and technology• Develop projects promoting Israel-Asia relationsApplications deadline - July 14, 2017.希臘大學獎學金項目開始申請!Scholarship Programs for Greek Universities 你有夢想過在希臘的大學完成大學部或研究所學業嗎?現在你有機會申請由希臘外交部提供的2017-2018學年大學部/研究所獎學金項目啦!Have you ever imagined completing a full undergraduate or postgraduate course at a Greek University? You can now apply for the scholarship program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece for undergraduate/postgraduate studies, starting from the academic year 2017/2018! 獎學金項目時間為一學年(拿希臘語言證書)加上各學院設定的學年數(大學部一般為4-6年,研究所2年)。如必要的話,可能還要額外一年才能拿到學位。除了第一年語言班的課程外,之後的課程都是希臘語教學。The duration of the scholarship is one academic year (to obtain the Greek language proficiency certificate) plus the academic term set by the institutions (4-6 years for undergraduate studies, 2 years for postgraduate studies). One more extra year can be foreseen, if necessary, for obtaining the degree. The courses are taught in Greek.拿到獎學金的學生,除了免除學費之外,還將得到700歐的安置費及每月368歐的獎學金。The students, aside of being exempted from tuition fees, will get a relocation fee of 700 euros and a monthly allowance of 368 euros.請在下面的網盤地址里自行下載申請表格、獎學金條款和可申請的希臘大學名單:大學部 Undergraduate: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1c1t6ai研究所 Postgraduate: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1c180JZi希臘大學名單 List of the Greek Universities: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1c180JZi招聘編號: 2017-LES-IRCC-036職位名稱: 北京-項目助理,LE-04截至日期 : 2017.06.25 (格林威治時間)加拿大駐華大使館目前招聘項目助理,移民處,LE-04一職。請注意,通過電子郵件的申請將不被考慮,請使用在線申請進行申請。歡迎符合聘用條件的員工申請該職位。請轉告任何對此職位感興趣的人。Competition Number: 2017-LES-IRCC-036Position Title: Beijing – Program Assistant, LE-04,Immigration SectionClosing Date: June25, 2017 (At midnight UTC+1 / GMT+1)We are pleased to announce the launch of a competition to staff the position of Program Assistant, LE-04 at the Embassy of Canada in Beijing.Please be advised that applications through email will NOT be considered, you must apply using the online application.Employees who meet the essential qualifications as specified in the Statement of Merit Criteria are encouraged to submit an application. Please inform anyone who might be interested in this opportunity.招聘編號: 2017-LES-MCS-035職位名稱: 活動策劃部行政助理, LE-05 / 財產管理助理, LE-05 / 前台, LE-04截至日期: 2017.6.29; 午夜 (北京時間)加拿大駐華大使館目前聯合招聘以下職位: 活動策劃部行政助理,LE-05 / 財產管理助理, LE-05 / 前台, LE-04。 Competition Number: 2017-LES-MCS-035Position Title: Beijing – ELU Administrative Assistant, LE-05 / Property Management Assistant, LE-05 / Receptionist, LE-04Closing Date: June 29, 2017; midnight (GMT +8)We are pleased to announce the launch of a joint competition to staff the positions of the ELU Administrative Assistant, LE-05 / Property Management Assistant, LE-05 / Receptionist, LE-04 at the Embassy of Canada in Beijing on indeterminate basis.Employees who meet the essential qualifications as specified in the Statement of Merit Criteria are encouraged to submit an application. Please inform anyone who might be interested in this opportunity.請添加微信xiaoka365,加入《外交之聲》微信交流群,註明」外交會「獲取詳細資料。(廣告、微商等不能證明身份者禁入)外交之聲Voice Of Diplomacy直通使館 放眼世界轉載須註明出處轉載及合作:xiaoka365@sina.com

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