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一項新研究稱,懷孕期間只喝幾杯酒也會改變胎兒的面部特徵。澳大利亞默多克兒童研究所的研究人員分析了415個嬰兒的三維顱面圖像,以檢測孕婦攝入酒精對孩子顱面形態發育的影響。他們發現,媽媽孕期是否飲酒對嬰兒面中部、鼻子、嘴唇以及眼睛的形態影響十分明顯。孕期喝酒的媽媽,其孩子面中部往往更塌陷,鼻子更上翻。 Just a couple of glasses of wine during pregnancy could alter your child's facial features, a new study claims.一項新研究稱,懷孕期間只喝幾杯酒也會改變胎兒的面部特徵。 It has long been seen that alcohol can infect a fetus, causing developmental delays in the brain. In the more severe cases, those delays can trigger facial defects.長期以來,人們一直認為酒精會影響胎兒,導致腦部發育遲緩。情況更嚴重時,這種發育延遲甚至會帶來面部缺陷。 However, a new Australian study published in JAMA Pediatrics has found that small quantities of alcohol could alter a child's face without necessarily causing cognitive issues.然而,《美國醫學會小兒科期刊》上刊登的一項澳大利亞新研究發現,少量飲酒不一定會引發孩子的認知障礙,但可能改變孩子的面容。 Researchers analyzed photographs of 415 babies' faces to detect a series of subtle differences connected to alcohol consumption - such as a slighter shorter, upturned nose.研究人員分析了415張嬰兒的面部照片,以檢測攝入酒精導致的一系列細微差異,比如鼻子微微變短、上翹。 However, they said they do not have any evidence to show these delays in facial development are harmful in any other way than aesthetic.不過,研究人員稱,除了審美方面,沒有任何證據顯示這種面部發育遲緩有任何方面的危害。 There is no definitive guideline on how much alcohol is safe to consume during pregnancy.沒有人能明確指出,在懷孕期間攝入多少酒精是安全的。 The CDC warns that: 'There is no known safe amount of alcohol use during pregnancy or while trying to get pregnant. There is also no safe time during pregnancy to drink. All types of alcohol are equally harmful.'美國疾病預防控制中心警告稱:「沒有人知道孕期和備孕期間的安全飲酒量。懷孕時也沒有飲酒安全期。所有種類的酒精都一樣有害。」 This new study by the Murdoch Children's Research Institute in Victoria, Australia found any alcohol consumption has consequences on craniofacial development.澳大利亞維多利亞市默多克兒童研究所的這項新研究顯示,只要攝入酒精就會對胎兒的顱面發育產生影響。 Researchers recruited mothers in the first trimester of pregnancy from low-risk, public maternity clinics in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia, between January 2011 and December 2014.2011年1月至2014年12月期間,研究人員從澳大利亞墨爾本低風險公立產科診所招募了一批懷孕不到3個月的媽媽。 They ended up with 415 white children (195 girls and 220 boys) who had been exposed to a full range of alcohol - from binge drinking throughout pregnancy to low level drinking in the first trimester.這些媽媽懷孕時曾不同程度飲酒,有的整個孕期都在酗酒,有的在前三個月少量飲酒,她們最終誕下了415個白人寶寶(195個女孩和220個男孩)。 Each one was photographed from many different angles when they reached one year old.這些寶寶一歲時,研究人員從多種不同角度給他們拍攝了照片。 Analyzing the three-dimensional craniofacial images, the researchers found significant differences in craniofacial shape between children of women who abstained from alcohol during pregnancy and children with varying levels of prenatal alcohol exposure.研究人員分析了寶寶們的三維顱面圖像,他們發現,孕期戒酒孕婦的寶寶顱面形態與孕期不同程度飲酒孕婦的寶寶顱面形態存在顯著差異。 Stark differences were seen around the midface, nose, lips, and eyes.面中部、鼻子、嘴唇以及眼睛的差異十分明顯。 Alcohol-exposed children tended to have a more sunken midface and a turned-up nose.媽媽孕期飲酒,其孩子面中部往往更塌陷,鼻子更上翻。 Those who experienced low exposure in the first trimester tended to only show differences in their forehead size.媽媽懷孕前三個月少量飲酒,其孩子通常只有額頭大小上存在一些差異。 英文來源:每日郵報翻譯&編輯:董靜審校:丹妮

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