3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

1. Improve your English – by far the best preparation for the CAI is improving your overall English language ability in speaking, listening and writing.全面提高您的英語能力——在聽說寫方面全面增強你的英語能力,有益於你更好的為CAI面試做好準備。圖文無關 圖片來自互聯網2. Actively explore your interests – We will know if what you』re saying is genuine or not so it would benefit you to truly and actively explore your academic, social or other personal interests, whatever they may be.積極開拓您的興趣愛好——我們能夠分辨您所說的是否真實,因此積極地開拓您在學術,社會以及其他方面的一些興趣愛好,對您的面試表現會有所幫助。3. Have a conversation with someone in English before you arrive. When switching between languages, it can sometimes take time to adjust. Warm up for the interview by speaking and thinking in English before you arrive.在面試前用英語與他人交流——語言的轉換過程往往需要一定適應的時間。在面試前不妨做個小熱身,用英語與他人交流,提前進入英語的語言環境。4. Role-play interviews – Role plays are a good way to get used to speaking about yourself, and articulating your interests, values, & opinions.模擬面試——參加面試前不妨自己進行一個虛擬面試,以適應英語語言的思維習慣,同時使得自己能更自如地用英語表述個人的興趣愛好、價值觀、意見等。5. Read English newspapers and other English publications. You may be asked to give your opinion on a topic and it would be great if you could mention a relevant example from something you had read.閱讀英語報章雜誌——當您需要對一個話題進行討論的時候,您能從平時的閱讀積累中找到話題所相關的實例。

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