3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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大家都知道申請英國留學除了通過英國大學面試以外還需要通過簽證面試官的那道坎喲!只有通過這兩位面試官的「考試」后才能順利實現你的英國留學夢!為了儘可能提高大家留學英國的面試通過率,小編今天先來說說英國留學簽證面試問題。一.基本問題:1、Are you fit and well enough to be interviewed?2、Is this your application form?Do you understand it and did you sign it?3、And how long? What is the maximum time you wish to stay here?4、Are you traveling along or with someone else?5、Do you know anyone at all in the UK?6、Is any of your family outside China now? If so, who are they and where7、Do you know anyone who intends to study in the UK8、Do you know anyone you know refused a visa to go to the UK9、Are you one of any political parties in China?10、Have you ever applies for a visa to go to any other country?11、Is this your first time applying for a visa?12、Is this the first time going out of the China?13、Why do you want to go to the UK?14、What will you do in the UK?15、Why do you intend to study in the uk rather than China?16、What degree will you plan to pursue in the UK?17、Do you think uk has some more advantage than other countries?18、When you have the idea to go abroad to study?19、Do you know more about the UK?20、When will you arrive in the UK?二、去英國的目的:1、What is your future plan?what will you do after graduation?2、Would you come back after graduation?3、What degree do you intend to achieve after graduation?4、Will you want to settle in the UK?5、After graduation,will you plan to find a job in the UK?6、In the UK, you will earn much money than in China .then why do you say you will come back to China?7.If a company wants to hire you after graduation,would you come?8.What do you think your future position after your study?9.And what do you think your future salary?三、去英國的學習計劃:1、Where will you study?2、How did you know this university?3、How much do you know this university?4、Which subject will you study?5、Which course will you study? What is the course arrangement?How much do you know about your course?6、How many hours will you study per day?7、When is the opening date of school term?8、Where are you going to live in UK?9、Do you need use English in your study?10、Do you have to take the English course?11、Have you ever considered other school while applying? What are they?12、Then why do you choose this university?13、Why do you choose this production? Why do you want to study ?14.What is your last degree obtained?15、When did you graduate?16、What do you do now? What have you studied?四、資金證明和來源:1、What are your tuition fees?2、What about the living expenses?in a addition to tuition?3、Do you know how much money does it cost for the entire period of your study?4、Is the fund available?how much?5、Does it include the stocks?6、Where does the money come from? Who will pay for the money?who will pay your courses?7、What is their annual income? What is your parent's salary?8、What do your parents do? How can they supported you? How does they money come from?9、Can you give some description of your father's and mother's company?10、Can I look at your Bank statement?UKEC官網:http://www.ukec.com/UKEC官方微信:ukec_cn

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