3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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在石大有這樣一群特別的學生他們從異國漂洋過海來到石大在石大學習、生活、做科研他們就是石大的留學生們畢業季,留學生們也將從石大畢業今天小油瓶帶你走近兩位優秀的留學博士生JEROME 和 ROOH他們作為石大的第一批取得博士學位的留學博士生在專業領域取得十分優異的成績發表多篇SCI文章在石油大學(華東)2017年學位授予儀式上校長郝芳親自為JEROME和ROOH授予博士學位校長郝芳為JEROME授予博士學位校長郝芳為ROOH授予博士學位他們,有著和我們不同的膚色他們與我們有相同的夢想他們就是JEROME和ROOH作為第一批獲得博士學位的留學生他們要比其他人付出更多的努力來看一下他們在科研和生活方面的收穫心得吧~Nationality: Nigeria(奈及利亞)Research direction: The catalytic chemistry (催化化學)He has published:3 SCI papers (IF: 3.782、3.611、2.322) with the first author's identity. 1 SCI papers (IF: 2.628) with the 4th author's identity. 2 SCI papers (IF: 2.853、2.567) with the 6th author's identity. 1 SCI papers (IF: 5.310) with the 9th author's identity. He has attended international academic conference twice. Name: ROOH ULLAHNationality: Pakistan(巴其斯坦)Education background: Ph.D student3 SCI papers (IF: 2.567、2.835、3.349) with the first author's identity. 1 SCI papers (IF: 1.007) with the second author's identity. 1 SCI papers (IF: 3.782) with the third author's identity. 1 SCI papers (IF: 5.310) with the 8th author's identity.1 SCI papers (IF: 3.35) with the 9th author's identity. Q1:Could you use a sentence to express yourselves? I mean that what kind of people you think you are.ROOH:If I am introducing with one sentence, hard-working, motivated by my teachers and get thanks. (如果讓我用一句話來介紹自己的話,我覺得我很努力,一直被我的老師激勵,並且我感謝我的老師。)JEROME:Always glad to what I want to do and talktive at most times. You meet challenges on new way, but you don』t have to be evil. You still have to remind yourself and you also need to be motivated and willing to do new things to attempt to see what kind of the way. (我對我想做的事情充滿期待而且大部分情況下我是一個健談的人。雖然你可能會在新的方面遇到挑戰,但是你不需要感到不幸,你依然需要提醒你自己,時刻激勵自己,喜悅地去嘗試新的事情去了解那到底是一種什麼樣的新方法。)Q2:In your teamwork, what part of work were you in charge of and which part do you have a good command of?JEROME:As a student, we are not like class students like you students. Most of us are in the lab working at the same time. We work in a group together,discussing challenges. Sometimes we have meetings. We are all students that we are working together because we should descend the teacher. So we will discuss our problems. (作為一名學生,我們不跟你們一樣在教室上課。我們中的大多數人會同時在實驗室工作,我們以小組的形式工作,討論問題。有時候我們會召開會議。我們所有的學生一起工作,聽從老師的安排,所以我們會一起討論問題。)ROOH:Jerome, he came with some different ideas and I also came out with different backgrounds of our research. We motivate each other if we have some problems. My teachers helped me a lot. They believe us. We work on his plan, we adapt, we motivate. The most important thing is that we succeed. Still now we need to do better because life is like this,go on and go on with better thing. (JEROME他經常會想起一些不一樣的方法,而我,則是會想到我們不同的研究背景。如果我們遇到問題,我們會相互激勵,我的老師也幫助了我很多。他相信我們,我們按照他的計劃工作,我們不斷適應、不斷激勵。最重要的事情是我們成功了。現在我們依然需要做得更好因為生活就是這樣,繼續追尋更好的事情。)ROOH正在做學術報告Q3:What differences between your life in China and in your hometown? What made you impressive in China, food, resort, people or else?ROOH:Actually, if I see, I will compare my people and my state. Always I think about my home and miss my home. I』d love to stay here for a long time because the people is very glad and if I introduce China, Chinese are simple and honest. So staying here maybe didn』t remember my family so barely. Chinese are kind, especially my supervisor and my teacher are very kind to me. They help me a lot in my study and in my stay here. They grew me and changed my motivation. So that』s the reason I stay here to study. I love China so much due to the people, the simplicity, the honesty and due to the helping. (實際上,讓我來說的話,我會用我本人、我的國家來比較。在其他國家的時候,我總是想起我的家鄉也總是很懷念我的家鄉。我想要長久地呆在這裡是因為人非常友好熱情。如果讓我來介紹的話,我會說,人是淳樸的、真誠的。所以呆在這裡,可能會讓我沒有那麼想家。人是善良的,尤其是我的導師,對我非常友好。他們在我的學習和生活上給了我很大的幫助,他們使我成長並且不斷激勵著我,這就是我留在這裡學習的原因。因為這裡的人淳樸、真誠、樂於助人,我很喜歡。)Q4:What difficulties impressed you most and do you think what made you stick to the research all the time?JEROME:As a PH.D student, we had many tedious moments. We have to publish papers, and publications are not just like any other publications, they have certain levels you must meet. At that time we always think about what to do, everything is left for you. The most interesting aspect is you can spend one month to do an experiment. At the end of that period, the result did not satisfy us. You can imagine how frustrated can it be.And the Chinese students in our laboratory, they gave us some suggestions and ideas, and automatically taught us. When we brought our problems to them, they gave us precious ideas, so we have to return to their love. (作為一名博士生,我們經歷過很多單調乏味的時刻。我們需要發表論文,這篇論文不像其他的論文,需要達到一定的水平。在那個時候我們總想著應該做什麼,感覺所有的事情都等著你去完成。最有趣的事情是你可以用一個月的時間去做一個實驗。在最後要結束的時候,結果並不能讓我們滿意。你可以想象那個時候我們會有多沮喪。在我們實驗室的學生也給了我們不少的建議和主意,他們主動教我們,所以我們應該回報他們。)ROOH:PH.D is a very high degree, you need to work very hard for it. We are always pushed by our teachers, so you need to work hard, you need to show us what you did. After every week, every month, you need to show something very new, something interesting. Our teachers can help us at every part, they can tell us, ok you need to do this work. But always, we faced new new things and to do better and better. And also they would say there are many restricts to achieve the degree, like we need to publish papers, man papers you know, they need many kinds of new new ideas, new data, new success. (博士是一個非常高的學位,你需要為了它非常努力地工作。我們也經常被我們的老師督促,所以你需要努力工作,你需要向大家展示你做了什麼工作。每周,每月,你都要交出一些新的有趣的研究成果。導師們會幫助我們的每一個部分,他們會告訴我們,你需要去做這份工作。但是,我們總是會面臨新鮮事物,並且去做得越來越好。他們也會說,達到這個學位會有很多挫折,就像我們需要去發表論文,你也知道,它們需要很多新的想法,新的數據,新的成功。)So we motivate ourselves each time, if you did not motivate yourself, I think , you will not get your PHD, because there are many many challenges, and you need to motivate yourself. Because you were here. In your home country, if you did not get excellent marks or maybe your result is not that good, you become very bored, very depressed, maybe you cry. So your friends, they may help you, your family asked you to go back home. We are here, far away from our home country, so we help each other, we think silently what we need to do, how to release the pressure. And thanks to my groups and team members like Chinese, they also help us. Because we were always depressed, they said if you need our help, you can do. And our teachers, they are the best. I thank a lot I can have such kind of teachers. (所以我們總是激勵我們自己,如果你不自己激勵自己,我認為,你將不會得到博士學位,因為在這期間會有很多很多的困難,你需要去激勵自己。因為你在這裡。如果你在自己的國家,你沒有得到優秀的分數或者你的結果不是很好,你會變得非常厭倦、沮喪,你可能會哭泣,因此你的朋友會來幫助你,你的家人可能讓你回家放鬆一下。但是我們現在在這裡,我們遠離自己的國家,所以我們只能互相幫助。我們默默地思考我們需要做什麼,需要怎麼來釋放壓力。感謝我們的團隊和隊員,他們也幫助我們,因為我們經常會感到沮喪,他們說,如果你們需要幫助的話,儘管提。我們的老師們,他們是最棒的,我非常感恩我能有這些老師。)Q9:Having studied in China for a long time, what do you plan to do to promote the development of your country when you return your own country?ROOH:Actually, all experience here is quite unique.We want to make better of our area of what I working here in my country to make it more advanced like China. I want to give my experience to my country after I finish my research in China. Because China helps us to give us scholarship and also our country helps us to go to China. The only reason is that we can educate our nation , we can educate our people in this area. I think all is about your country. (實際上,這裡所有的經歷是非常獨特的。我們想要讓我們的國家變得更好,想讓我的國家變得像一樣先進。在做完研究之後,我想把我的經驗分享給我的國家,由於的幫助我獲得了學位而我的國家幫助我來到了。唯一的原因是我們可以教育我們的國家,這就是我能為我的國家做的。)JEROME正在做學術報告 化學工程學院閻子峰教授,作為這兩位留學生的導師,在科研、生活等各個方面對兩位留學生無微不至,同時對這兩位畢業生有著這樣的期待與寄望:「梅花香自苦寒來,學術之途布滿荊棘與坎坷,但也充滿了期待和幸福,希望他們在學術之路上做真正的踐行者。」一開始接受採訪時,閻教授說「他們做的很好。」短短六個字卻承載著老師對這兩位留學生滿滿的欣慰與認可。 JEROME和閻子峰教授ROOH和閻子峰教授JEROME、ROOH及他們的同學和閻子峰教授優秀的人總是步履不停留學生們懷揣著心中的理想來到石大如今在石大收穫理想的果實今年,石大第一批留學博士生畢業了!相信畢業后的他們不會停止追求學術真理的步伐!學術沒有國界,友誼沒有國界祝福石大的畢業留學生們前程似錦實現心中的理想!感謝化學工程學院教授閻子峰、國際教育學院副院長李冠林對黨委宣傳部官微運營中心工作的支持

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