3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

何為「封閉式消費街區」?在回答這個問題前,或許我們應該先了解滿足一個「封閉式消費街區」所需要的因素!What is a "closed consumption neighborhood"? Before answering this question, maybe we should know the factors of what constitutes a "closed consumption neighborhood" first!商圈生態構成封閉式消費街區必須是一個生態型商業結構,滿足人的購物需求只是其一,它還應滿足休閑的需求、文化的需求等。Closed consumption districts must be an eco-type commercial structure. They should not only meet people's shopping demands, but also meet the needs of leisure and cultural pursuit.東方影都涵蓋大劇院、國際秀場、星級酒店群、濱海酒吧街、國際醫院、國際化學校、遊艇俱樂部七大功能區,形成多位一體的度假新體驗,充分滿足消費者的各種需求。The Qingdao Movie Metropolis covers the Grand Theater, the Show Theater, the hotel zone,bar street, the International Hospital, the International School, and many other high-level facilities; it will give you a new three-in-one tourism experience. It will fully meet the various needs of modern consumers.地理位置在空間區域內,封閉式消費街區應最大程度滿足區域內人們消費的便捷度。The closed consumption district should be very convenient for people to consume to the maximum extent.星光島上,吃飯、泡吧、美容、購物,消費者的一切需求下樓即可滿足;島上還利用橋體起伏變化打造便捷而生動的空中走廊,為兩個中心增加了便捷性聯繫性,打造立體交通和豐富的空間體驗。In Starry Island, every demands of consumer will absolutely be satisfied, all kinds of restaurants, bars, beauty salons, shopping centers, just downstairs of your apartment; the island also use the up and down of the bridge carves tocreate a convenient air corridor, contact the two parts of Qingdao Movie Metropolis, to create a nice traffic condition and good feeling of the future.東方影都不僅滿足以上因素,還是一個常住人口10萬人群的超大社區。The Qingdao Movie Metropolis meets the above factors; it』s a large community for a 100,000 resident population.星光島上總居住人口將不少於十萬人,且都是社會佼佼者,非富即貴,稱得上是真正意義的「富人區」。The population on Starry Island will be more than one hundred thousand, most of who are social leaders or celebrities; it is indeed a "rich area".十萬富人區的日常消費都將集中在這,一般消費不會外溢。The daily consumption of 100,000 will be concentrated in this rich location; generally speaking, the consumption will not spill out of this area.因此,星星碼頭上的富貴街鋪價值不言而喻。Therefore, you will see the value of the shops in the Qingdao Movie Metropolis.

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