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最近,由鹿晗領銜出演的電視劇《擇天記》正在熱播,雖然評價褒貶不一但收視率卻一路水漲船高,那麼,其秘密武器究竟是什麼呢?Adapted from the 2014 online novel of the same name, TV series Fighter of the Destiny tells the story of a fantasy world in which humans, spirits and demons co-exist.根據2014年出品的同名網路小說改編的電視劇《擇天記》正在熱播,該劇向觀眾展現了一個人鬼神三界共存的魔幻世界。Within this fantasy world, a young man who is trying to change his fated death at a young age takes on the mission to save the world.在這個奇幻世界中,有一位年輕人試圖改變自己早亡的宿命,承擔起拯救蒼生的歷史使命。A huge TV drama with a reported budget of 400 million yuan ($58 million), Fighter of the Destiny has a not-so-secret weapon that its producers are counting on to bring in viewers: Chinese superstar idol Lu Han.據悉,《擇天記》這部大型電視劇集投入預算高達4億元(合5800萬美元)。就其收視率而言,該電視劇也沒有所謂的「秘密武器」,觀眾如此買賬的原因可能在於一個人——的人氣明星鹿晗。Skyrocketing to fame一舉成名The 27-year-old singer and actor has set numerous records in the five years since his 2012 debut as a member of the South Korean-Chinese boy group EXO. He was the first Chinese star born in the 1990s to be on the cover of Forbes China in May 2015. A post he made on Sina Weibo in 2012 later set a Guinness world record by gathering more than 13 million comments in less than two years.自鹿晗於2012年以中韓兩國成員組建的人氣組合EXO成員身份亮相之後,這位27歲的歌手兼演員在五年來創造了多項記錄。2015年,鹿晗作為首位九零后明星登上了五月份的《福布斯》中文版封面。除此之外,鹿晗在2012年發布的一條微博在兩年之內評論累計到了1300萬餘條,創造了一項新的吉尼斯紀錄。Netizens have even come up with the term "the Lu Han effect" to specifically describe the idol's massive influence among his large army of followers.網友們甚至由此創造了一個新的名詞——「鹿晗效應」來描述這位偶像在其冬粉之中巨大的影響力。For instance, in 2015 Lu was chosen to be the "Chinese ambassador" for Hollywood Stars Wars: The Force Awakens.例如,鹿晗在2015年被選為好萊塢科幻大片《星球大戰7:原力覺醒》的「大使」。His first foray into TV, Fighter of the Destiny, just began airing on Hunan TV on Monday.他的第一部電視作品《擇天記》於4月17日在湖南台正式開播。Directed by Hong Kong directors Chung Shu-kai and Mak Wing-lun, as well as mainland director Kong Lida, the 52-episode TV series also stars young Uyghur model-actress Gülnezer Bextiyar and veteran actors Chen Shu and Eric Tsang.該劇由香港導演鍾澍佳和麥詠麟以及內地導演孔厲大聯合執導,劇長共52集,新疆演員古力娜扎以及很多諸如陳數和曾志偉等資深演員也參演了該劇。The first episode came in first among audience ratings in its time slot, according to statistics from CSM Media Research.據媒介公司索福瑞研究統計,《擇天記》開播首集就領先同時段電視劇佔領收視率首位。The drama currently has a 5.1/10 on Chinese media review site Douban, with many fans of the novel criticizing the adaptatin for not adhering closely enough to the original story.然而,該劇在國內的劇評網站「豆瓣網」的評分並不高,得分只有5.1分(10分滿分),許多原小說的書粉都批評電視劇改編和原著出入太大。Despite the diverse opinions about the TV drama, fans of Lu are very excited about the many "firsts" that rumors say the show is supposed to bring - his first half-naked scene and first on-screen kiss.儘管對待該劇的評價褒貶不一,但鹿晗的冬粉對於偶像許多「第一次」的嘗試還是非常興奮,尤其是聽說鹿晗可能會首次出演半裸鏡頭以及獻出熒屏初吻之後。A new relationship新型關係Lu currently has nearly 30 million followers on Chinese social media platform Sina Weibo, where it isn't unusual for his posts to receive more than 10,000 comments.鹿晗最近的新浪微博冬粉數已經達到了將近三千萬。就鹿晗的個人微博而言,基本上每條微博的評論數都可以輕鬆突破一萬條。Many fans will tell you that it is the star's humble attitude that attracts them the most. How the star has gone about interacting with fans represents a new method of communication in the social media era.許多冬粉都表示自己是被鹿晗謙恭的態度吸粉。偶像與冬粉互動的方式在新媒體時代也成為了一種新興的交流方式。"It seems to me Lu is a very well bred young man… he is kind to others and does not give off the air of stars when he meets with fans," 21-year-old female college student Wang Chensi told the Global Times.一位21歲的女大學生王晨思在接受《環球時報》採訪時表示:「可以看出來,鹿晗是一個非常有教養的男孩子,對待他人非常和善,在和冬粉見面的時候也沒有明星的架子。」An Qi, another college student, agrees.另一位名叫安琪的大學生也表示贊同。"At first, I was only attracted by his handsome appearance and the style of his songs and films, but later I found out that he is a really nice guy… He does not give the impression that he is a superstar that keeps his distance from others. He comes across more like a big boy who lives in your neighborhood."「最開始我就是單純被他的顏值以及他的歌曲和電影吸引,但後來我發現他真的是一個特別好的人,對於我來說,他並沒有任何超級明星的架子或跟冬粉有很大距離感,更像是一個鄰家大男孩。」In addition to supporting their idol by purchasing his albums and seeing his films, his fans have also become a group that has worked to cultivate Lu's personal image as well. For example, some fan clubs carry out charity work in the star's name in order to win the star more positive media coverage, as well as demonstrate that there are more constructive ways for fans to support their favorites.除了通過購買專輯或者貢獻電影票等方式支持愛豆,鹿晗的冬粉還專門成立了一個組織來塑造偶像的個人形象。比如,一些冬粉團會以鹿晗的名義做一些慈善工作,以此來為偶像在媒體面前樹立更積極正面的形象,同時也體現了一個道理:支持偶像的正確方式實際上有很多種。Not just a pretty face並不僅僅靠顏值While fans' love for Lu is great, that doesn't mean he has escaped criticism.雖然冬粉們對鹿晗的評價很高,但並不代表沒有批評的聲音存在。A recent trend in China has been for studios to invite big name stars to take part in their films and TV shows based purely on the size of the stars' fanbase rather than their acting ability.最近國內有一種趨勢,即製作方經常會請一些所謂的大明星來參演電影或電視劇,選擇標準並非基於其演技水平,而是出於冬粉基礎等人氣考慮。Critics have attacked this trend and the use of "little fresh meat" stars, as young attractive idols like Lu are called in China, saying that this has negatively impacted the quality of works, since studios are merely trying to get by on star power rather than creating good films and shows.越來越多的評論人士將矛頭對準以鹿晗為代表的小鮮肉等一眾年輕偶像,並提出這些明星的參演會直接影響作品質量,因為製作方的目的並不在於創作優秀電影或電視,而是單純利用這些明星的人氣來吸引觀眾。"I do not like to use the term 'little fresh meat' to describe them, but rather 'young actors,'" Chen Shu, a veteran actress who also stars in Fighter of the Destiny, told the Global Times during a promotional event for the show.同樣參演電視劇 《擇天記》的資深女演員陳數在一次電視劇宣傳發布會中接受《環球時報》採訪時表示:「我不想用『小鮮肉』來形容他們,相比之下我更傾向於用『年輕演員』這個詞。」"I've seen the hard work they put in… I think we should give these young actors opportunities. I believe every profession takes time for a person to learn to do well, there is no quick path to professional achievement."「我看到了他們為作品付出的努力,並且認為應該給這些年輕演員相應的機會。其實每個職業都需要付出相應的時間才能到達一定高度,絕非一蹴而就。」END文中部分內容與圖片來源於網路,

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