3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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When it comes to the topic Whats the value of work?當人們談論到「工作的價值是什麼這個話題時,不同的人有不同的觀點。, different people hold different points of view.一些人認為,工作只是生存的一種手段。A group of people think that work is just a method for living.他們希望儘可能少花費去賺取更多的錢。They hope that they could spend as little as possible to earn as much money as possible.花越少的精力和時間賺到越多的錢,工作就越有價值。The more money they make and the less time they spend, the more value the work has.換個說法,工作的價值是用金錢衡量的。Put that in another way, the value of work is measured in terms of money.另一些人則認為,我們應該為理想而工作。Some think that we should work for our dreams.我們因為喜歡而做一項工作。We do the job just because we love it.把時間和精力放在我們喜歡的事情上讓我們感到充實。Focusing time and energy on what we love makes us fulfilling.我們工作的目的應該是在為社會發展做貢獻的同時提高自我。The purpose for which we work should be making contribution to societys development and at the same time improving ourselves.在我看來,我同意工作是生存的一種手段這一說法。In my opinion, I agree that work is equipment.但是,那並不是工作的全部價值。But thats not all work of value.在選擇工作的時候,我們應該權衡好回報和個人理想。When choosing work, we should measure the reward and our dream.我堅信,人們對於自己喜歡的事會付出更多的努力,而總有一天,他們會得到應有的回報。I am sure that people would put more efforts into the things they like, and someday they will get anything they deserve in return.那才是我心目中工作的價值。And thats the value of work in my mind.英語四級備考每周精選推薦:5月第四周

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