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原標題:蔡英文英、日雙語發推特拜年 遭網友怒批Lunar New Year messages from President Tsai Ing-wen on Twitter yesterday sparked a war of words between Taiwanese and Chinese netizens.台灣領導人蔡英文昨日在推特發出的新年祝福,引發了台灣和網友們的吐槽。「From the people of Taiwan, we wish everyone a bright and prosperous Year of the Rooster,」 Tsai wrote in separate messages in English and Japanese to Internet and social media users.蔡英文分別用英語和日語給網友們拜年,她寫道:「台灣人民祝願大家雞年飛黃騰達!」Her messages drew a torrent of criticism from Chinese netizens, with some leaving vitriolic comments that accused Tsai of pandering to Japan and the US by favoring Japanese and English over Chinese.她的推文一發出便遭到了網友的猛批,一些尖酸的網友評論說,蔡英文不用中文,反倒用日語和英語,是親日親美作風。Saying that the Japanese do not celebrate the Lunar New Year, a number of the Chinese critics accused Tsai of 「selling out to Japan,」 while others referenced the oppression perpetrated by the Japanese government during the Japanese colonial era in Taiwan.大家都知道日本人並不過春節,眾多網友們批蔡英文為「漢奸」,另一些人則提醒當年台灣寶島被日本強佔、島民遭日本人鎮壓的歷史。Tsai should have tweeted in Mandarin instead, as Chinese characters belong to China, several Chinese said.也有一些人說,蔡英文應當用普通話發推文,因為漢字代表。However, Taiwanese were quick to argue the claim, with one saying that Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia all use Chinese characters.然而,台灣人迅速反擊,一網友表示,香港、新加坡和馬來西亞也都使用漢字。Chinese netizens should 「stay out of other people』s business,」 another said.還有人評論,網友「不應當多管閑事」。One Taiwanese netizen said that Tsai and Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je tweet in English as a means of diplomacy, while another said that most Taiwanese tend to use other social networking platforms more than Twitter.一台灣網友說,作為一種推特外交方式,蔡英文和台北市長柯文哲都堅持用英文更新推特內容,另一人則說,大多數台灣人都傾向於使用其他的社交平台,而不是用推特。The Presidential Office said Tsai』s tweet shows the president has a cosmopolitan world view, adding that it was meant to wish all Twitter users a happy Lunar New Year.台灣總統辦公室表示,蔡英文的推特表明她有全球性的世界觀,稱她是祝願所有推特用戶們新春快樂。

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