3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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我們本周繼續換~。部分同學參加過上周為期一周的小訓練,大家應該有一些感受。我們接下來慢慢進行實戰的訓練。PracticeTopics and Tips Today's topic is about this news.今天的主題是關於這個新聞。There are two aspects.有兩個方向可以去說。Is there some reasons results in such banning?這個禁令有什麼原因不?I will give you the whole news in English and, you could repeat the news in your own words. (複述也是很鍛煉口語的,但是,不要讀給我聽。)01New deliveries of bikes to the city's 15 sharing schemes will be suspended, a government statement on Thursday said.Riders can already access nearly 2.4 million shared cycles in Beijing. It joins other Chinese cities in trying to curb public hazards by banning new bikes to the popular schemes.In the statement, the Municipal Transportation Commission also said it would begin efforts to clean up parking. Bikes in big cities are often abandoned, thrown haphazardly on streets and kerbs. In most cases, bikes are fitted with a GPS chip, allowing users to locate a bike. They pay for the hire with their smartphones and then unlock it - sometimes using a QR code.Once they have finished the journey, customers can leave the bike anywhere.That has led to some problems in cities, and Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Wuhan are among the places that have enforced bans on new share bikes. Earlier this week, state media reported that the number of shared bikes in Wuhan's urban districts was approaching 700,000, far exceeding the city's capacity of 400,000. 01Send your voice message (please, no more than 3 minutes.) to our chat group and you will receive comments from Lelia.發送一分鐘左右的語音信息至我們的聊天群內,你會得到Lelia老師的點評。加入學習群喲!

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