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如何提高中級口譯閱讀速度?這是很多考生會遇上的問題, 今天育路網-中級口譯輔導資料專欄整理幾點中級口譯閱讀考試技巧,分享給大家:1.Read only the first sentence of a paragraph. 閱讀每段落的首句If your author is good author, he or she will begin each paragraph with a key statement that tells you what that paragraph is about. By reading only the first sentence, you can determine if the paragraph has information you need to know.如果作者夠水準的話,他/她在每段的開頭都會交代一下該段所的大概內容。只要讀每段的第一句話,你就能夠判斷出該段有沒有你想了解的信息了。If you're reading literature, this still applies, but know that you may miss details that enrich the story. When the language in literature is artful, I would choose to read every word.如果你讀的是文學作品的話,這個方法依然適用。不過要知道,這樣的話你可能會錯過很多用於豐富故事的細節。如果所讀的文學作品妙語連珠的話,我會選擇逐字逐句地拜讀。2.Skip to the last sentence of the paragraph. 瀏覽每段落的最後一句The last sentence in a paragraph should also contain clues for you about the importance of the material covered. A last sentence often serves two functions -- it wraps up the thought expressed and provides a connection to the next paragraph.一段的最後一句話也應該會包含有關這段材料的重要性的線索。段末一句話一般來說有2個功能-總結一下所表達的思想;為下一段作過渡。3.Read phrases. .看短語、片語When you've skimmed first and last sentences and determined the paragraph is worth reading, you still don't need to read every word. Move your eyes quickly over each line and look for phrases and key words. Your mind will automatically fill in the words between.當瀏覽過段首及段末的兩句話后,如果你覺得這段內容值得你去讀,你也不必逐字通讀。眼睛快速掃描每行文字,尋找片語和關鍵詞。你的大腦會自動幫你補全那些跳過的文字的。4.Ignore the little words. 忽略那些小詞Ignore the little words like it,to,a,an,and,be-you know the ones.You don't need them.Your brain will see these little words without acknowledgment.忽略諸如it,to,a,an,and,be等「小詞」-這些詞你太熟悉了。(在閱讀過程中,)你並不需要他們。你的大腦會自動識別這些小詞的。5.Look for key points. 尋找要點Look for key points while you're reading for phrases.You're probably already aware of the key words in the subject you're studying.They'll pop out at you.Spend a little more time with the material around those key points.在以片語為單位進行閱讀時,注意尋找要點。有關於文章中研究對象的關鍵詞,可能你在事先已做到心中有數了。在閱讀過程中,這些關鍵詞會在你眼前跳出來。多花點時間在那些要點附近的材料上。6.Mark key thoughts in the margins. 在標記處標記中心思想I know you were taught not to write in your books, and some books should be kept pristine, but a textbook is for studying. Mark key thoughts in the margins. If it makes you feel better, use a pencil. Even better, buy a packet of those little stickie tabs and slap one on the page with a short note.When it's time to review, simply read through your tabs.我知道,大家從小就被教導不要往書上亂寫。對於有些書應該是這樣的,但教科書是用來學習的,可以在空白的地方記下一些重要的想法和心得。如果能讓 你感覺更舒服的話,你可以用鉛筆來記,更可以買些可粘貼的小便簽,在上面記些短小的筆記,然後貼到書頁上。到複習的時候,只要瀏覽一遍你的便簽便可。

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