3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

在各種場合如何用英語表達你的需求和詢問?如何與他人用英語交流對話?這些會用到的常用英語口語你又掌握了多少?快來一起看一看吧,可通過零基礎每天學英語公眾號學習更多英語乾貨:AT THE OFFICE在辦公室Please have a seat. 請坐How do you feel about working on weekends? 你覺得周末上班怎麼樣?I』ll try to help you make a dent in some of that work. 我會盡量幫你著手其中的一些工作。I』m going on a break to get some coffee. 我要休息一下,去喝點咖啡。 I left the papers on my desk. 我把文件放在桌子上了。Can someone answer that phone? 有誰能去接一下電話嗎?How does this fax machine work? 這傳真機效果如何? Has the outgoing mail left for the day? 要寄出的郵件今天寄出了嗎?AT THE BOOKSHOP在書店I』m just looking for your travel section. 我在找你們書店旅遊方面的書。I want to return this book. 我想還這本書。Do you have any road atlases? 你們這裡有沒有道路交通圖冊?Do you have the first edition of this book? 你們有這本書的第一版嗎?I wanted to see what books you had about that. 我想看看關於那方面你有什麼書。At the restaurant在餐館My compliments to the chef. 我要稱讚廚師。I was trying to decide what to order.我正在想該點些什麼。What』s your special today? 你們今天的招牌菜是什麼?I』m going to have the steak. 我要來一份牛排。Can I look at a menu?我能看看菜單嗎?AT THE BANK在銀行Is this the right place to open up an account? 是在這裡開戶嗎?I need to start a bank account. 我需要開戶。What』s my current balance? 我現在的餘額是多少?Can I have a receipt for this? 能給我開個收據嗎?Will this be a checking or savings account? 這是支票賬戶,還是儲蓄賬戶?What are your home loan interest rates? 你住房貸款的利率是多少?ASKING THE WAY問路Could you tell me how to get there? 你能告訴我如何到那兒嗎?For how long should I walk? 我要走多久?Do you know how to get to the stadium? 你知道怎麼去體育館嗎?What street is this? 這是哪條街?Is there a road with less traffic on it? 有沒有交通稀疏一點的路?趕快收藏吧,可通過零基礎每天學英語公眾號學習更多英語乾貨哦

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