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文章摘自2016年楊浦區初三一模英語試卷的A篇知識點也已摘出,歡迎查閱:可加我微信z893713034Peter Lantos started seeing the ugly messages someone posted about him on his social networking site when he was only fourteen. He didn』t know who they were from, only that the posts came from someone called Guess9. The posts continued into high school, and the messages got uglier. Whenever Peter went online, he would always find more terrible posts. He felt like it was his problem, so he didn』t say anything to his parents at first. Sometimes the bullying made him so bad that he didn』t want to go to school. Peter was the victim of cyberbullying. In several ways cyberbullying is even worse than face-to-face bullying. A cyberbully can post anonymously, using an online name, like Guess9, instead of his or her real name. A cyberbully can post someone』s personal information or post photos or videos that might be embarrassing to the victim. Hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people might see the messages on their notebooks, tablets, or smartphones.What should you do if you are a victim? The most important thing anyone can do is to tell someone. Talk to an adult about it. Don』t deal with cyberbullying alone! There are ways to block a cyberbully』s posts, and someone can help you do that. And one of the most effective things you can do might be to do nothing. Ignoring the bully, rather than replying to his or her posts. puts you in control. Instead of responding, take a break, or go for a walk. Remember that the cyberbully has done something wrong. You haven』t. And what if you have a friend who is bullying someone online? Take a stand! Tell your friend how hurtful it is. You might make a difference.1. post v. 發帖 n.帖子 2. cyberbully (=cyber bully) v.網路欺凌,網路欺凌者 3.ignore v. 不理睬69. Peter has been the victim of cyberbullying since .A) he went to high school B) he started his social networking siteC) the age of fourteen D) his information was shared online答案:C解析: 細節題。根據第一段第一句話知「Peter Lantos started seeing the ugly messages someone posted about him on his social networking site when he was only fourteen. 」70. Who often posted ugly messages about Peter?A) Some of his classmates. B) A person who named himself Guess9.C) One of his best friends. D) Someone who didn』t leave a name.答案:B解析:細節題。根據第一段第二句知"He didn』t know who they were from, only that the posts came from someone called Guess9. "71. What effect did cyberbullying have on Peter?A) He didn』t want to talk to others. B) He had some health problems.C) He is unwilling to attend school. D) He wanted to take his own life.答案:C解析:細節題。根據第一段最後兩句知「Sometimes the bullying made him so bad that he didn』t want to go to school. Peter was the victim of cyberbullying.」72. What fact makes cyberbullying even worse than fact-to-face bullying?A) The cyberbullying is able to hide his/her real name.B) The victim can』t block the posts of the cyberbully.C) Cyberbullying makes sharing personal information possible.D) The victim is likely to lose a large sum of money and property. 答案:C解析:推測題。根據文章第二段可知,網上欺凌能夠分享受害者的個人信息,所以為C。73. The author』s purpose in writing the passage is to .A) describe an event that happened to Peter. B) warn people not to post ugly messages.C) prove that cyberbullying can be stopped. D) call on people to help stop cyberbullying. 答案:C解析:推測題。根據文章最後一段作者給了很多應對網上欺凌的方法,不要回應,試著轉移注意力可知,網路欺凌是可以被停止的。74. Now what might Peter say to other victims of cyberbullying?A) You see their smile, hear their laugh, see their faces, see yourself break down… You can』t block the embarrassing posts.B) I』m glad I finally told my parents about what was happening to me. No one should have to deal with cyberbullying alone.C) When I reported it to my teacher, he threw a question back in my face, 『why were you the only one being bullied?』D) I was upset that the person who cyberbullied me hid behind the computer like a nuisance.答案:B解析:這種題目考察文章的推理能力,根據文章的主要意思,我們可知Peter可對網上其他的受害者說什麼,A、C、D都有消極的意思,所以為B。一、辭彙(文中紅色加黑字體)continue/kən'tɪnjuː/ v.繼續 常考用法:continue doing sth.繼續做剛剛沒做完的事/continue to do sth.繼續去做另外一件事。embarassing adj.令人感到尷尬的 (指物)常考詞轉:embarassed adj.感到尷尬的(指人)effective /ɪˈfektɪv/ 有效的;起作用的 常考詞轉:effect n.結果;效果respond /rɪˈspɒnd/ 回復;回應;回答 常考用法:respond to sb.回復某人 同義詞:reply v.回復二、重點片語(文中加粗藍色字體)1.instead of 代替;而不是2.deal with 解決;處理(與how連用) 同義詞:do with (與what連用)3.in control 控制中 反義詞:out of control 失去控制4.make a difference 有影響,有關係 問題環節:1.他採取了正確的解決方法而不是逃避,現在整個問題都在控制中,而不是失去控制,希望以後遇到問題你也能這樣做,這樣你也會產生影響的。2.雖然他覺得在公共場合唱歌有點尷尬,但是他仍然繼續做下去了,結果證明這個方法是有效的。3.他說不到晚上十點他不會回復給你消息的。

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