3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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對於著裝和儀錶,很多學校都有自己的規定。哪怕不強制你天天穿校服,也大多不允許你超短裙打耳釘卷燙染,畢竟那樣子「不像個學生」。我以前讀國中的時候,學校並不強制穿校服(因為那所學校神奇的沒有校服)。 然而有一天,我穿了一件類似於下面的無袖進了教室——班導掃了我一眼:「穿的什麼鬼衣服!」嚇得我以後再也不敢上學時穿了……雖然沒弄明白無袖的衣服咋就不能穿,但反正國中生活一晃也就過去了。等到了高中,學校發了校服,事情瞬間簡單了許多……嗯,這種肥大的實在不好看的校服,相信你也有過一件。小時候看動畫片,覺得隔壁日本學校的校服真是美美噠。之後看英劇美劇,又覺得西方國家的孩子真幸福,學校都不怎麼要求著裝。然而,最近有則新聞,卻著實讓人大吃一驚——褲子太緊,被遣回家?位於英國伯明翰的史密斯伍德體育學校(Smiths Wood Sports College)近日將75名女學生遣返回家,理由是這些女學生的褲子太緊或者裙子太短,導致男學生分心,無心學習。這些被遣返的女學生年齡在11至16歲之間。報道稱,接到遣返令后,很多女學生當場掉淚。▲英國75名女生被遣回家:褲子太緊緻男生無心學習(via國際在線)女生被趕出校門,是因為褲子太緊或裙子太短,導致男同學分心??不信邪的我還去翻了英國媒體的報道原文,千真萬確——More than 75 girls were sent home from school after staff said their trousers were TOO TIGHT.Some young pupils aged from 11 to 16 were also told their skirts were not long enough, parents claimed.這個學校名叫Smith』s Wood Sports College,雖然名為「college」,但其實是一所中學(secondary school)。 中學生大多是未成年,又要以學習為重,學校對他們的著裝要求嚴格點也沒什麼。 但問題是,有些因為「褲子太緊」而被趕出校門的小姑娘,已經穿這種褲子穿了好幾年了啊——如果褲子真的有問題,為啥學校之前不吱聲,今天才突然開始趕人?在這群被趕的女生中,有個14歲的妹紙名叫凱麗。凱麗穿她的褲子已經4年了,今天突然被學校趕走,真的一臉懵圈。 凱麗麻麻也抓狂了——Mum Hayley Hudson was at work when she received a call informing her that her 14-year-old daughter Keely Downey was being sent home.A furious Hayley, from Chelmsley Wood, said: "She has worn the same style of trousers for nearly four years. →這種褲子我家娃穿了4年了好么!"These ones are from New Look as they didn』t have Keely』s size from the school』s official uniform stockist. →學校的校服沒有我家娃的型號,我才不得不給她另買的!「The school expected parents - many of us work full time - to go out and buy new trousers and then take the kids back to school on the same day.」 →學校就這麼把孩子趕走,像要我們這些還在上班的家長趕緊去給娃買新褲子、換好了再送回學校?怎麼可能!▲More than 75 girls sent home from school after staff said their trousers were 'too TIGHT' (via The Mirror)更為荒唐的是,學校把這些女生趕走的原因竟然是:穿的褲子太緊讓男生分心,影響男生學習……Jodie claims pupils at the soon-to-be academy were told that 『boys were being put off studying』 because some of the girls were wearing the incorrect uniform.面對這樣神奇的學校,國內的網友也是吐槽不已——@是18歲的軟萌少女呀TuT:英國更應該限制的是男生穿緊身褲吧@小船兒x:腐國?那男生穿太緊也得遣回家換褲子,男生看了同樣會分心@關愛智障田:這種問題應該是從根本上解決問題--男的看到女生分心是因為激素啊 摘了蛋蛋不就一勞永逸了 能分心的那種看到啥都能分心 關女生什麼事喲@熊貓步步:這年代的男生真幸福啊,總有人為他們的矯情買單@蜀錦youni:什麼鬼?準備走封建道路?@生田玲二:我覺得把這些分心的男生抓去思想教育才對……嗯,個人覺得最後這條評論挺有道理的……說了這麼多,那麼這所學校被遣回家的女學生,到底穿的是怎樣「天理不容」的「緊身褲」呢?來感受一下——……就這? 就是因為穿這種褲子,強行被學校趕回家,連課也無法上??我去圍觀了下這所學校的官網,發現它還真挺有「被撕X」的潛質的。 在官網的首頁,就掛有大大的「女生著裝規範」——右邊打了紅叉的都不行。……什麼?你問這學校有沒有相應的「男生著裝規範」?抱歉,我還真沒找著。找茬:猜誰的著裝不合格?不止看起來「正兒八經」的英國,有那麼些「不著調」的美國也有過因為著裝問題把學生遣回家的事兒。Classrooms were a little less crowded at Morton High School on the first day of classes: 128 students were sent home for wearing the wrong clothes.Fed up with inappropriate outfits, the principal suspended the students for one day Wednesday, minutes after doors opened at the school. Those suspended represent more than 10 percent of the 1,200 total students.總共才1200個學生,一下轟走1/10,這陣仗也是蠻拼的。那麼,這所中學不允許學生穿哪幾種衣服呢? 答案讓人目瞪口呆——The offending attire — including baggy pants, low-cut shirts, tank tops and graphic T-shirts — are banned from classrooms. 禁止學生穿進教室的衣服包括:寬鬆肥大的褲子、低領口襯衫、緊身背心、帶圖案的T恤衫。也就是說,下面這些都是要被轟出校門的————這些統!統!不!可!以! 這什麼學校啊……好吧,說完美國,咱們再回到英國—— 去年呢,英國某中學有50多個學生同樣因為著裝問題,被學校給趕走了。 而且連警察來勸都勸不住……Police were called to deal with furious parents who protested outside the Kent school, as their kids were refused entry on the first day of term for wearing the wrong socks and cardigans.To the untrained eye the majority of the students look uniform, but although parents said they had followed rules sent out in a letter from the school, they still made mistakes which barred their kids from school and led to protests.▲Only one of these pupils survived 『Gestapo』 school』s 50 student uniform cull...can you tell which one? (via The Sun)好了,現在進入無獎競猜環節——以上4個學生都是這所學校的。在這4人中有3個那天被學校趕回了家,只有一個能正常進校上課。你能猜出誰是唯一的「倖存者」嗎?首先「陣亡」的,是下面這個小男孩——小男孩名叫威廉。他被趕回家的原因圖裡倒是不明顯:他穿了雙運動鞋。學校或許要求穿正式的皮鞋之類的。如果因為「明知不能穿運動鞋卻偏穿」,威廉被轟走倒也可以理解(雖然不太明白為啥不能穿運動鞋)。但問題是,威廉不久前出車禍做了手術,醫生要求他必須穿運動鞋——Year 7 student William King was hit by a car last September and despite mum Sharon's protests and explanation, headmaster Matthew Tate refused to let William in wearing the trainers.Sharon (威廉麻麻) told The Sun Online: 「I』ve got a daughter in Year 11 with hypermobility who has worn Nike Air Max for the past three years and has never had a problem, so I just assumed it would be the same for William.「As soon as we arrived at the gates William was stopped along with many other Year 7s because they were going in an hour early before the other pupils.「He was singled out and told he needed to change his footwear, I tried to explain it was on medical grounds but the headmaster was having none of it."▲Only one of these pupils survived 『Gestapo』 school』s 50 student uniform cull… can you tell which one?(via The Sun)據說後來麻麻把威廉的醫囑都拿出來了,但校長依然無動於衷,非要威廉回去換鞋不可。接著,是二號「陣亡」學生——小姑娘名叫金姆。她這一身既沒有緊身褲也沒有迷你裙,居然也要被轟走?? 問題,居然出在她的羊毛衫上——Kim Hopper, 13, was told her cardigan was wrong as she tried to enter the school, despite the fact that it was bought at the school uniform store.The youngster had left her blazer at school over the six week break – but was not even allowed entry to pick it up.Furious Allison (金姆麻麻) said: 「She』s 13 and was left on the pavement until I could get a taxi to collect her!」穿著在學校自己的校服店買的羊毛衫,都要被學校轟走……第三個「陣亡者」是這個小姑娘——這個小妹妹呢,原來穿了一雙長筒襪子。 估計是咱們很常見到的這種—— 但這個謎一樣的學校說,「你這個襪子的顏色不對!」然後強迫小妹妹把襪子脫了才能進校門…… 因為脫了襪子,腳跟直接與皮鞋摩擦,小姑娘的腳很快就磨破了—— 於是,只剩下了這唯一的「倖存者」—— 她的著裝通過了校方的檢驗,可以進校門正常上課。你猜對了嗎?

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