3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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最近,有座圖書館火了。這座位於天津市濱海文化中心的濱海圖書館以極具「科幻感」的設計在網上走紅,網友紛紛感嘆,知識的海洋,原來是這樣的!如今這座圖書館也火到國外去了,國外著名圖片網站BoredPanda把它譽為「世界上最酷的圖書館」(world's coolest library),稱內部結構美得令人窒息(take your breath away)。美國《新聞周刊》稱它是每個愛書人夢寐以求的地方。英國《每日郵報》將它稱為全球「終極圖書館」(ultimate library)。著名旅遊雜誌《孤獨星球》則稱之為「未來派圖書館」(futuristic library)。這究竟是怎樣一座圖書館呢?下面CD君(ID:chinadailywx)就帶著大家跟著外媒的報道,一起逛逛這座「最美圖書館」。濱海圖書館最令人震撼的就是其中波浪狀的「書山」,置身其中,彷佛遨遊在知識的海洋。英國《每日郵報》用「terraced」(梯田狀)來描述這樣一個大書架:Spanning an enormous 34,000 square metres, the terraced shelves create both stairs and seating areas.圖書館佔地3.4萬平方米,其中梯田狀的書架既是樓梯又是座位。《每日電訊報》則用了一個「cascade」(小瀑布)來形容:The five-storey building features a floor-to-ceiling bookcases cascade, which acts as "everything from stairs to seating".這座5層的建築有一個落地式的超級大「書山」,讀者可拾級而上,即坐即讀。《孤獨星球》對其功能的描述更為詳盡:The undulating shelves not only look amazing, but serve important functions by creating stairs, seating and a layered ceiling. They also create the space to hold 1.2 million books.這個波浪狀的書架不但看上去很驚艷,而且既可以當樓梯,又可以當座位,還是分層的天花板,而且這個大書架上藏了120萬本書。濱海圖書館由荷蘭著名建築設計事務所MVRDV與天津城市規劃設計院(TUPDI)共同設計完成,從設計到建成只用了3年時間。MVRDV的聯合創始人Winy Maas稱其內部結構就像洞穴(cave-like),形成一個連綿不斷的書架(a continuous bookshelf)。Hidden behind the books are a variety of reading rooms, offices and lounges set along the interior walls.在這些藏書後面,沿著內牆坐落著各種閱覽室、辦公空間和休閑區。從這個角度可以看到其中一個閱覽室館內另一個特色設計是一個球體的中庭空間,像是一隻巨大的眼睛,凝望著外界。《新聞周刊》形容道:The library is anchored by a giant spherical structure in the center of the space. The surrounding bookshelves curve and ebb around the sphere, all the way to the ceiling. This gives visitors the sense that they are walking inside an eye, an illusion that has inspired the library's nickname: "The Eye of Binhai."整座圖書館的重點落在中心一個巨大的球體結構上,周圍的書架圍繞著它從天花板上蜿蜒而下,給人一種行走在一隻眼睛中的夢幻感覺,濱海圖書館也因此得名「濱海之眼」。這個球體結構實際上是一個禮堂(auditorium),MVRDV認為,這樣一種設計可以「把媒介和知識擁抱在一起」(a 'hug' between media and knowledge)。從外面看,這個球體就像是眼睛的瞳孔(pupil)。這座圖書館給人感覺極為舒適,MVRDV形容它是「城市起居室」(urban living room)。Winy Maas對整個設計總結道:"The angles and curves are meant to stimulate different uses of the space, such as reading, walking, meeting and discussing. Together they form the 'eye' of the building: to see and be seen."「這些角度和曲線旨在激發出空間的多種用途,如閱讀、行走、會友和討論,這些用途一道形成了這座建築的『眼睛』:看和被看。」這樣的設計也驚呆了外國小夥伴,很多外國網友表示,美是美,但是!上面的書要怎麼拿?!了不起的建築——但是,有些書架看上去夠不著啊。讓CD君(ID:chinadailywx)來為大家揭示真相:上面那些其實是圖片,只有下面的書架有書…… 是不是覺得閱讀也可以很養眼?除了「最美圖書館」,也有不少獨具特色的書店廣受國際好評。來來,今天我們就美個夠,再看看外媒眼中的最美書店。先鋒書店Librairie Avant-Garde第一個當然要說南京的先鋒書店了,這家酷酷的書店早在2015年就被美國有線電視新聞網旅行頻道(CNN Travel)評為了「最美書店」。CNN報道先鋒書店的標題就說明了書店的特色:《最美的書店在......車庫裡》(China's most beautiful bookshop ... is in a parking lot),文章開頭部分是這樣說的:No glamorous chandeliers, no extravagant facade — to find the most beautiful bookshop in China, travelers just have to follow the yellow-striped road to an underground parking lot.這家書店沒有浮誇的燈飾,也沒有繁雜的門面。如果想找到最美書店,遊客們只需沿著道路上的黃色標線來到一個地下停車庫。英國廣播公司(BBC)更是直接把這家書店列為了「世界十大最美書店」,來看上榜詞:Inside, a replica of Rodin's The Thinker sits alongside a cash till made out of old books, and pillars with famous literary verses carved into them.書屋裡擺放著羅丹《思想者》的雕塑的復刻品,旁邊是舊書壘起來的收銀台,屋內的牆柱上刻著知名的文學詩句。杭州鍾書閣書店Zhongshuge Bookstore下面這家書店是給顏控準備的,先來看幾張驚艷的照片↓↓設計網站Yatzer給鍾書閣書店來了個魔幻的設定:Imagine a movie set where 2001: A Space Odyssey meets Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and you get an idea of the new Zhongshuge bookstore in Hangzhou, China.想象這樣一個電影布景:《2001太空漫遊》與霍格沃茨魔法學校融合在一起。這大概就是杭州鍾書閣書店的樣子。這篇文章指出鍾書閣書店能給人帶來讀小說的感受:This extraordinary bookstore manages to transport the visitors out of their mundane reality and into an immersive realm of unbound fantasy, just like a good book of fiction is supposed to do.這家與眾不同的書店可以把讀者帶離現實,讓人遨遊在無盡的奇幻世界,就像讀一本好書。建築設計雜誌Dezeen細緻地描述了書店內部的巧妙設計:An oval reading room with stepped shelving and a display room with tree-trunk-shaped columns are among the spaces designed by Shanghai studio XL-Muse for this bookshop in Hangzhou, China.杭州的鐘書閣書店由上海唯想建築設計工作室設計而成,內部設有環形閱讀室,配有階梯式書架;以及裝有樹榦狀書架的陳列室。為了讓讀者能全身心享受在書的海洋里,書店裡專門設計了一面玻璃幕牆。The shop's presence is announced by a glass wall, which runs along a concourse covered with texts in various languages.一進書店,迎面就能看到一座玻璃幕牆,鋪滿各國文字的玻璃牆環繞出一個寬闊的廣場。Beyond the glazed facade, an entirely white space is interrupted by circular pillars with integrated vertical shelving for displaying books.透過光滑的鏡面,可以看到一個純白色的空間,中間矗立著圓柱形書柱,用於展示圖書。北京老書蟲Bookworm bookstore in Beijing有人將老書蟲跟巴黎的莎士比亞書店媲美,主要原因是二者都是古香古色的風格。書店有很多英語書籍,所以在外國人中有很高知名度。來看《紐約時報》(New York Times)關注的重點:The Bookworm bookstore/cafe offers solace for book-lovers starving for English-language books. Although it features a small selection of international bestsellers, the most impressive feature of its library is its China section, which features almost every new release, fiction and non-fiction, on or related to the topic of China. From business manuals on how to break into the Chinese market to autobiographies to fictional stories, you will find it here.老書蟲書店(咖啡店)為渴求英文書籍的讀者提供了慰藉。雖然書店內英文暢銷書不多,但區很棒,這塊區域基本涵蓋了所有主題及與其相關的新發行書目,包括虛構類和非虛構類作品。在這裡,你能找到打入市場的商業指南,也能看到自傳文學和虛構小說等等。蒲蒲蘭繪本館Popular Kid's Republic 下面這家書店的目標讀者是兒童,來看這個彩虹鋪就的夢幻世界。兒童時尚網站Child Mode稱蒲蒲蘭繪本館為「世界上最棒的兒童書店」,文中提到「總是站在現代創意設計之巔」,並大力推薦了這家書店:After opening in Jianwai SOHO community, Beijing in October, 2005, Kid's Republic became the first specialized picture book store in China. This bookstore has the most luxurious setting that can easily transport their pint-sized customers into a world of color, fantasy and imagination. 位於北京建外SOHO的蒲蒲蘭繪本館於2005年10月開業,是第一家專門收藏繪本的書店。書店裝修豪華,可以指引著小讀者們進入豐富多彩的夢幻未知世界。娛樂設計網站(Entertainment Designer )詳細介紹了書店自由自在的設計風格:The rainbow colored design by SAKO Architects eschews a traditional bookstore layout in favor of a less organized, organic, and freeform space that encourages play and browsing at the same time.彩虹色的蒲蒲蘭繪本館由迫慶一郎設計,迫慶一郎沒有沿用傳統書店中規中矩的布局,而是打造了一個生機勃勃又自由自在的空間,使人能在看書的同時娛樂玩耍。書店中最亮眼的是一條彩虹色的布毯,鋪滿了整個書店。The selection of picture books at the Kid』s Republic Bookstore is presented in a unique and colorful environment that captures the spirit of reading: especially if one imagines reading to be a sort of unraveling of new ideas and concepts. To illustrate this unraveling or process of discovery, a ribbon of rainbow carpet weaves its way around the store, running across the floor, over shelves, and along the ceiling.在書店內,繪本以一種五彩繽紛的獨特形式陳列著,這種設計抓住了閱讀的實質,特別是當你認為閱讀就是揭開新思想、新概念。為了視覺化這種探索的感覺,一條彩虹色的布毯鋪滿整個書店,從地板上延伸到書架上,甚至天花板上。看過了這麼多美美的圖書館和書店,你是不是產生了一絲閱讀的衝動?CD君(ID:chinadailywx)友情提醒,去書店別光顧著拍照哦……

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