3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

大理浥塵客舍定位為高端私密的小型精品酒店,一期僅八間精緻客房,安靜、舒適,有家的溫馨又不失高貴的設計感,為有文化有素質的精英階層的度假首選。靠近古城和蒼山,遠眺洱海,步行到古城南門僅20分鐘。客棧的名字叫「浥塵客舍」,靈感來自於唐代詩人王維寫的那首詩「渭城朝雨浥輕塵,客舍青青柳色新」。在全國各地都被霧霾籠罩的當下,大理依然藍天白雲山青水秀,用「浥塵」作為客舍的名字有特別的意義,潤濕身上的灰塵,在客舍享一段歲月靜好的時光。This 6,028-square-feet rustic and contemporary hotel combines of 8 sophisticated rooms located in Dali, a city in Yunnan Province in China famous for its old town, directly across from stunning views of beautiful Erhai Lake and Cangshan mountain, and only 20 minutes』 walk to Dali Old Town. The name of hotel YI CHEN in Chinese was given from a Tang Poem by Wang Wei, a Tang dynasty Chinese poet, one of the most famous men of arts and letters of his time. YI CHEN provides a warm place with fresh air and greens and without dust and untidiness for tourists.▼酒店外觀,an external view of the hotel這間房子是設計師的第二居所,平時當客棧來接待一些趣味相投的朋友。房子打動人心的地方有兩點:第一是這個房子與環境的關係,有公共綠地環繞,掩映在一片竹林背後;第二是房子的空間結構不錯,而且裡邊有一個內向的小庭院。This is a project with 8 rooms that started from engaging with the site. There was previously a three-story villa renovated into four floors by digging out the new ground space, with an inner courtyard surrounded by beautiful landscape of nature and hidden behind a bamboo forest.▼竹林掩映的空間,the hotel is hidden behind a bamboo forest.設計一開始就是圍繞這個中間的小庭院展開的。設計師把這個內庭用玻璃鋼構封閉成室內空間,成為一個充滿陽光的中庭,以此為核心,整理其他室內空間。The spacious, double-height social space on the first floor maximizes space and natural light with floor-to-ceiling windows and streamlined architecture. The atrium with low-E glass steel structure allowing the sunlight to peep through its broad windows all day long.▼圍繞庭院展開的休閑區,the leisure area surrounding the on the ground floor空間的設置除了考慮使用、景觀,更加入了光的考量,晝夜晨昏,陰晴雨雪,每一刻都有不同的光的變化。空間的轉折迂迴,起承轉合,每一處都會有不期而遇的光影。前院設置了一個水庭,並在旁邊加建了一個亭子,成為一個觀賞池魚和休憩的空間。In order to bring in its nature surroundings we introduced a very neutral palette of turquoises, greens and light shades of blue in the social areas, complementing the modern feel of its interiors with contemporary pieces of furniture, light upholstery and decorative accessories that sprinkle color all around. In the front of courtyard, we built a pavilion, with the sight of the pond, rocks, water and trees in the gardens to create a rest space with poetic mood for tourists.▼庭院水景,the waterscape in the courtyard地下室的空間得到拓展,包括了一個下沉庭院。所有這些改造工作都以不破壞原建築風貌為原則,看似大刀闊斧,但其實都是依循建築的設計邏輯反覆推敲縝密進行的。通過對內部空間及建築形態的梳理,打通了建築從室外環境到室內空間的任督二脈,渾然一體了。A sunken yard is inclueded in the extended basement. All of these renovation process was working according to logic design of architecture without renovating the original architecture. The inner layout gets through the relationship between architecture and the environment.▼下沉庭院中的景觀,the landscape in the sunken yard▼庭院中的餐廳,the dining roon in the yard▼不同風格的客房內景,the interior of the guest rooms in different styles▼洗手間,bathroom從空間到設備,再到陳設,完全按設計師的標準來營造和設置。在後期的陳設布置及日用器皿的選擇上,女主人花了大量的時間和精力,親力親為,創造「家」的溫馨磁場。傢具的質地、色彩等等都經過嚴格的篩選和考量,以期達到整體風格的協調統一。陳設的藝術品中包括美國著名攝影師阿諾· 拉斐爾·閔奇恩的攝影作品、新生代藝術家林于思的東方意境的繪畫作品等等,這些藝術家的作品豐富了空間的質地,豐富了空間的內涵。Color is traded for texture and sophistication combining subtle neutrals, various shades of neutral colors as seen in the angular side chairs and large-format paintings and photography by several artists such as Finnish photographer Arno Rafael Minkkinen. The modern and unique pieces of furniture with abundant of natural light and shadows perfectly complements the richness of the space. The design objective in creating this was inspired in part by its geographical locale, combining Asian-inspired art with vintage and contemporary design to create a truly unique and elegant space. The lights and lamps highlight the furniture and artworks.▼空間中隨處可見精心布置的藝術品,the artworks perfectly complements the richness of the space▼樓梯間,the stair well 項目信息——室內設計:李益中空間設計燈光顧問:深圳漢都燈光顧問Logo設計:陳與陳設計室內裝修單位:成都導向裝飾建築改造:楊社保攝影:朱海| Hi設計精選內容 |這恐怕是北京國際設計周有史以來「最黑」的一個活動了地下室改造:這恐怕是北京最有意思的地下辦公空間了Nendo打造了一家「快閃店」,要顛覆整個日本美髮業?看!這家隱藏在北京衚衕里的老四合院兒「扭」起來了一間「清貧」的時尚辦公室一家主打90后定位的美式休閑餐廳點擊原文閱讀了解更多內容

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