3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

小夥伴們。從今天開始樂小知將帶大家一起進行英語中常見的同音異意詞的學習,今天介紹的是按首字母排序中的M-R的部分,請大家認真聽哦,筆記做起來!圖來自互聯網M部分made - maidmade - 單詞,make的過去式 -> 製造,做She made me a cup of tea. 她給我泡了杯茶。maid - 名詞 -> 女僕The maid cleaned the room. 女僕打掃了房間。mail - malemail - 名詞 -> 郵件I got a lot of mail today. 我今天收到了很多封信。male - 形容詞-> 男的His male friends are crazy! 他的男性朋友們都瘋了。marry - merrymarry - 單詞 -> 結婚Is a pastor going to marry them? 牧師要和她們結婚了嗎?merry - 形容詞 -> 愉快的We had a merry time at the pub. 我們在酒吧度過了歡樂的時光。meat - meetmeat - 名詞 -> 肉I really don't like horse meat. 我真得不喜歡馬肉。meet - 單詞 -> 遇見,滿足Let's meet next week. 我們下周見。mince - mintsmince - 動詞 -> 切碎Can you mince that parsley? 你能把歐芹切碎嗎?mints - 名詞-> 薄荷I enjoy mints. 我喜歡薄荷。missed - mistmissed - 單詞,miss的過去式 -> 錯過,想念I missed the airplane and had to book another flight. 我錯過了飛機,不得不定另一班航班。mist - 名詞 -> 薄霧Ireland is famous for mist. 愛爾蘭因霧而聞名。morning - mourningmorning - 名詞 -> 早上Let's meet tomorrow morning at nine. 明早九點見。mourning - 名詞 -> 哀痛,服喪She was in mourning for three years. 她服喪三年了。N部分none - nunnone - 代詞 -> 一個也沒有None of the students came to the party. 沒有一個學生去派對。nun - 名詞 -> 修女The nun helped the children understand the song. 修女幫助孩子們理解歌曲內容。one - wonone - 數詞-> 數字1Only one man came to the presentation. 只有一個人參加了演講。won - 動詞,win的過去式 -> 贏I won a prize at the competition. 我在競賽中獲得了個獎項。P部分pail - palepail - 名詞 -> 桶,提桶Use that pail to hold the water. 用那個桶子裝水。pale - 形容詞-> 蒼白的,無力的She looks rather pale. 她看起來很蒼白。pear - pairpear - 名詞 -> 梨子She ate a pear for lunch. 她午餐吃了個梨。pair - 名詞 -> 一對I bought a new pair of shoes last weekend. 上周我買了雙新鞋子。patience - patientspatience - 名詞 -> 耐心,忍耐Success requires a lot of patience. 成功需要忍耐。patients - 名詞 -> 病人There are too many patients waiting in the emergency room. 太多病人在急診室等待就醫。piece - peacepiece - 名詞 -> 塊I had a piece of pie for dessert. 我吃了一塊派當甜點。peace - 名詞 -> 和平We all hope to live in peace. 我們都希望能安居樂業。plain - planeplain - 形容詞 -> 平的,簡單的The food was rather plain in England. 英國的食物很簡單。plane - 名詞 ->飛機The plane took off at six in the morning. 這架飛機早上六點起飛。practice - practisepractice - 名詞 -> 練習I went to practice after school was finished. 放學后我參加了練習。practise - 動詞 -> 練習I practise the piano for two hours every day. 我每天練兩小時鋼琴。R部分rain - reignrain - 名詞 -> 雨I can't stand rain! I prefer sunny weather. 我受不了雨天! 我比較喜歡晴天。reign - 名詞 -> 統治,支配Queen Elizabeth the Second's reign continues to this day. 伊麗莎白女王二世統治國家至今。read - redread - 動詞 -> 讀I read Rabbit At Rest last week. 我上周讀了《兔子歇了》這本書。red - 名詞,形容詞 ->紅色My favorite color is red. 我最喜歡的顏色是紅色。right - writeright - 形容詞 -> 正確的That answer is right! 那個答案是對的!write - 動詞 -> 寫I prefer to write my letters in pen. 我比較喜歡用鋼筆寫信。road - roderoad - 名詞 -> 公路,道路I took the country road instead of taking the freeway. 我走了鄉村小路而沒有走高速公路。rode - 動詞,ride的過去式 -> 騎He rode a horse last weekend. 他上周騎了馬。rose - rowsrose - 名詞 -> 玫瑰I gave my girlfriend a red rose for her birthday. 我送了我女友一隻紅玫瑰當生日禮物。rows - 名詞 -> 行,排There are fifteen rows in the theater. 劇場里有十五排座位。————————喜歡樂小知的文章就快訂閱微信公眾號吧:樂知英語(ID:hiknow)每天免費旁聽課程,大量私存的英語乾貨,更有各種歐美趣談。請記住:沒有什麼英語問題是樂小知解決不了的。

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