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該怎麼安排這漫長的暑假呢?跟著FM92.3學英語吧,一個夏天就能讓你大變樣呢!沒時間解釋了,快上車!進入暑期口語訓練營,順暢溝通無障礙weddingGordon: Hi buddy, how's life?戈登:嘿,夥計,日子過得怎麼樣?Molly: Things couldn't be better. I'm having a great day.莫莉:事情再好不過了。我度過了美好的一天。Gordon: Cool, tell me about it.戈登:太棒了,說說怎麼回事。Molly: My friend Gloria is getting married and she asked me to the maid of honor.莫莉:我的朋友格勞麗婭要結婚了,她邀請我當她的伴娘。Gordon: Isn't a maid someone that cleans?戈登:maid不是打掃衛生的人嗎?Molly: Usually yes, but at a wedding the maid of honor is the bride's helper.莫莉:一般來說是的,但是在婚禮上maid是新娘的助手。Gordon: So the maid of honor is like a best man?戈登:這麼說伴娘的身份好比伴郎一樣。Molly: Right, except the best man is the helper of the groom.莫莉:對極了,伴郎是婚禮上新郎的助手。Gordon: If I have a positive attitude, maybe I can be the best man.戈登:如果我積極爭取的話,我就能當伴郎了。Molly: Usually a positive attitude can help you, but not this time. You must be the groom's best friend or his brother.莫莉:積極的態度通常能幫你,可是這次不行了。你必須是新郎最好的朋友或者新郎的兄弟,才有資格當伴郎。Gordon: I see. Do you like to be the maid of honor?戈登:我明白了。你喜歡當伴娘嗎?Molly: Yes, it is so exciting. I get to help with the bouquet of flowers. I get to help pick the dress. I get to assist with everything.莫莉:當然,當伴娘是件讓人興奮的事情。作為伴娘,我得幫著新娘拿花束,提著新娘婚紗的后擺,免得沾地弄髒,我得幫新娘做很多事。Gordon: If you like it so much, can you be my maid and help me clean my room.戈登:如果你這麼喜歡當伴娘,你能當我的maid幫我打掃房間嗎?Molly: In your dreams.莫莉:你做夢去吧。【趣味青春英語】本板塊內容是北京外語廣播FM92.3《趣味青春英語》節目「口語訓練營」的暑期特別板塊,《趣味青春英語》面向青少年聽眾,提供包括最新考試動向、試題分析、辭彙突破、嘉賓訪談等英語學習考試相關內容,不僅能夠讓準備參加出國考試的學生提升應試能力,同時也是其他英語愛好者的良師益友。

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