3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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每周五與酒店高參相約酒店高層任命,不見不散!酒店高參投稿郵箱:hotel@hoteln.cn,,可申請加入酒店高參傳訊聯盟。恭喜以上三位獲得上周最具人氣的酒店高層,酒店高參近期將為他們做一次專訪。最新任命2017年第5期雅高酒店集團任命Louise Daley 為雅高酒店集團亞太區副首席執行官。Louise在雅高酒店集團服務長達26年,她在澳大利亞加入雅高酒店集團,並於2002年調遷至曼谷,擔任雅高酒店集團亞洲區財務總經理。2005年,她重返澳大利亞,擔任雅高酒店集團太平洋地區首席財務官。2011年,Louise升任雅高Advantage Plus(現更名為雅高A佳卡)首席執行官。在Louise的領導下,雅高A佳卡在11個國家設立了45個銷售辦公室,會員人數增長超過30%。作為新任亞太區副首席執行官,Louise將與亞太區主席兼首席執行官艾森柏(Michael Issenberg)及核心領導團隊的其他成員們開展緊密合作。她將繼續擔任雅高酒店集團亞太區首席財務官的職能,並繼續監管雅高A佳卡,並致力於推動雅高A佳卡、雅高假期俱樂部(Accor Vacation Club)和禮賓服務業務組合的持續增長。Louise表示,「我很榮幸能夠擔任副首席執行官一職,尤其是在雅高酒店集團亞太區蓬勃發展、開拓全新業務的重要時期。我們在亞太區的很多國家建立起了雅高酒店集團不可動搖的領導者地位,我期待集團能在未來繼續前進,實現更好的發展。」Louise Daley has been named Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer AccorHotels Asia Pacific. Having worked at AccorHotels for 25 years in senior executive roles and as the company』s representative on joint venture businesses, Louise was previously CEO for Accor Plus, the group』s loyalty subscription program in Asia Pacific. Under Louise』s leadership, Accor Plus grew to 45 sales offices in 11 countries and membership expanded more than 30%.Prior to this, Louise was CFO for Accor in the Pacific, as well as being Director of Accor』s joint ventures Accor Vacation Club, Reef Casino Cairns (a public company), Executive Health Solutions and Accor Advantage Plus. In addition to these roles, she was Chairman of the Accor Corporate Social Responsibility Committee in the Pacific.「I am honoured to take up this position with AccorHotels and am excited to lead strong teams in driving the future growth of the company in Asia Pacific.」 said Louise.雅高酒店集團宣布成立全新生活方式部門,管理旗下Jo & Joe、Mama Shelter和25h Hotels酒店品牌。新成立的部門將由Cédric Gobilliard領導,Cédric將向雅高酒店集團主席兼首席執行官塞巴斯蒂安-巴贊(Sébastien Bazin)直接彙報。Cédric Gobilliard在擔任Club Med北美地區首席執行官10年後,他於2009年加入雅高酒店集團。加入雅高酒店集團后,他曾先後負責互聯網活動、Le Club AccorHotels雅高樂雅會會員卡的發布及法國全球銷售、以及諾富特和美居品牌在法國各地的運營。通過引進數字化管理工具,Cédric顯著改善了生活方式細分市場的客戶體驗。過去兩年間,Cédric Gobilliard也成功管理了與Mama Shelter酒店團隊的合作關係。擁有不菲業績的Cédric將負責加速部署新的生活方式品牌,促進集團內部推出創新、原創和富有前瞻性的產品。AccorHotels announces the creation of a Lifestyle division comprising the Jo & Joe, Mama Shelter and 25h Hotels brands, and headed by Cédric Gobilliard. Cédric will report directly to Sébastien Bazin, Chairman and CEO of AccorHotels.Cédric Gobilliard joined AccorHotels group in 2009 after 10 years with Club Med where he was CEO of North America. At AccorHotels, he was successively responsible for internet activities, the launch of the Le Club AccorHotels card, global sales in France and Novotel and Mercure brand operations in the French provinces. Cédric notably helped transform the guest experience in this segment, by rolling out digital tools.For the last two years, Cédric Gobilliard has also successfully managed relations with the Mama Shelter teams. With this proven track record, he will now be tasked with accelerating the deployment of these new Lifestyle brands and promoting innovative, original and visionary offers within the Group.凱悅集團上海地區任命歐陽顯勇先生為上海環球港凱悅酒店總經理。自1994年加入凱悅集團以來,歐陽先生已擁有20多年酒店從業經驗。精通普通話、粵語、英文及馬來語的歐陽顯勇先生來自馬來西亞,在來到之前,他曾在在馬來西亞的凱悅酒店中的餐飲及前廳部擔任過多種管理職位。2005年,歐陽先生調任至東莞松山湖凱悅酒店擔任餐飲部副總監,並很快提升至餐飲行政總監。在2011年之後的兩年裡,歐陽先生以同樣職位成為澳門君悅酒店新項目籌備組的一員並於2013年被任命為長白山柏悅及凱悅酒店總經理。在調任至上海環球港凱悅酒店之前,歐陽先生曾擔任濟南萬達凱悅酒店總經理。歐陽先生期待與自己團隊的成員攜手,共同完成上海環球港凱悅酒店2017年4月的盛大開業。Hin Yoong Au Yong has been selected as General Manager for Hyatt Regency Shanghai Global Harbor. Mr. Au Yong has over 20 years』 experience in hospitality, since beginning his career with Hyatt in 1994 at Hyatt Regency Saujana.He held several managerial positions in the Food and Beverage and Front Office departments before moving to China as the Assistant Director of Food and Beverage at Hyatt Regency Dongguan in 2005. He soon advanced into the position of EAM ‐ Food and Beverage and in 2011 he joined the Grand Hyatt Macau pre‐opening team in a similar role where he worked for two years. In 2013, Mr. Au Yong was selected as the Hotel Manager of Park Hyatt / Hyatt Regency Changbaishan, a dual branded hotel. A year later, he was chosen as the General Manager of Hyatt Regency Jinan.Mr. Au Yong is excited to be collaborating with all team members to make a successful opening of Hyatt Regency Shanghai Global Harbor in April 2017.寧波萬豪酒店正式任命施敏先生擔任總經理一職,他將全面負責酒店的整體運營和戰略發展。擁有超過二十年酒店行業工作經驗的施敏先生,自2003年加入萬豪國際集團,先後在上海明天廣場JW萬豪酒店、崑山萬怡酒店、蘇州尼盛萬麗酒店等萬豪旗下各大品牌里擔任運營部門要職,並於2014年以總經理的身份加入義烏萬豪酒店團隊且成功籌備該酒店的開業事項。多年豐富的運營管理經驗,賦予施敏先生非凡的領導力、敏銳的市場洞察力以及對品牌服務理念的獨到見解。秉承萬豪酒店品牌「體貼入微」、「活力四射」及「創意無限」的核心價值,他將為寧波萬豪酒店注入新的能量,並帶領酒店團隊再創佳績。Mr. Kevin Shi was appointed as General Manager of Ningbo Marriott Hotel. He will be responsible for all aspects of hotel daily operations and business.Mr. Kevin Shi brings to this role with an over-20-year experience in hotel industry. He previously worked in various Marriott International Brands such as JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai at Tomorrow Square, Courtyard by Marriott Kunshan, Renaissance Suzhou Hotel, etc. In 2014, he joined the pre-opening team of Yiwu Marriott Hotel as the position of General Manager and guided the team to open hotel successfully.In line with the core value of Marriott Brand – 「Thoughtful」, 「Dynamic」, 「Inventive」, Mr. Kevin Shi will lead the team to create a brighter future as one of the leading hotel in Ningbo City with his unique perspective in hotel operations, insight into the local market and strict demand to service standards.近日,義烏萬豪酒店正式任命譚青先生為總經理,負責酒店整體運營與戰略發展。譚青先生於2003年加入萬豪國際集團,至今約14年萬豪工作經歷。他曾在上海明天廣場JW萬豪酒店、上海淳大萬麗酒店擔任要職。在其所工作的酒店中,譚青先生一直被公認為傑出的領導者。2012年,譚青先生榮獲萬豪國際集團EDGE (Excellence in Delivering the Guest Experience) 獎項,是率先獲得此殊榮的籍員工。在此之前,譚青先生曾擔任五台山萬豪酒店總經理一職,負責酒店籌備開業及運營。憑藉其卓越領導力和對市場趨勢的準確把控,在市場上取得良好的聲譽。他將繼續帶著豐富的酒店管理經驗和出色的領導力為義烏萬豪酒店創造新輝煌。「我很高興來到義烏,並有機會在義烏萬豪酒店工作,其特殊的地理位置和品牌優勢無疑會領先於義烏市酒店行業。義烏萬豪酒店以非凡待客服務藝術應對不斷變化的市場,將吸引更多來自世界各地的旅客。」譚青先生表示。Yiwu Marriott Hotel has announced the appointment of Mr. Jerry Tan as the General Manager. In this role, he will be primarily responsible for managing hotel operations and drive the hotel business. Mr. Jerry Tan, 14 years』 experience in hotel management, started his Marriott career in 2003. He worked and played very important role at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai and Renaissance Shanghai Pudong Hotel. In 2012, Mr. Jerry Tan, as first staff in Chinese Nationality, who has received the award of EDGE (Excellence in Delivering the Guest Experience) by Marriott International Inc..Prior to this appointment, Mr. Jerry Tan served as General Manager at Wutai Mountain Marriott Hotel. His rich experience and leadership competence definitely will bring new vitality to Yiwu Marriott Hotel and create more fabulous achievements. 「I』m delighted to come to Yiwu and have the opportunity to join in Yiwu Marriott Hotel. I believe that it will be the leader in Yiwu hotel market and guests』 preference with its specific position, brand reputation and brilliant service,」 expressed Mr. Jerry Tan.希爾頓酒店集團近期正式任命嚴曄軍先生為杭州千島湖濱江希爾頓度假酒店總經理,全面負責酒店的整體運營和戰略發展。嚴曄軍先生擁有超過20年的五星酒店工作及管理經驗,在市場營銷戰略、客房銷售、會議及宴會銷售、收入管理、運營協調及公共關係方面都有著豐富的經驗和獨到的見解。在擔任杭州千島湖濱江希爾頓度假酒店總經理之前,他曾就職於武漢光谷希爾頓擔任運營總監一職。期間曾出任寧波北侖世貿希爾頓逸林酒店和寧波春曉世貿希爾頓逸林酒店代理總經理一職。從2003年起,嚴曄軍先生便開啟了其酒店銷售事業,曾就職於雅高、香格里拉、新世界、萬達等多家知名酒店管理集團。相信嚴曄軍先生憑藉其豐富的酒店管理經驗以及卓越的酒店銷售技能,將帶領杭州千島湖濱江希爾頓度假酒店進入下一個全新的飛躍時代。近日,希爾頓全球正式任命許寒松先生出任寧波北侖世茂希爾頓逸林酒店及寧波春曉世茂希爾頓逸林酒店總經理一職,將以希爾頓逸林品牌標準同時管理並全面推進寧波兩家希爾頓逸林酒店的整體運營和經營戰略。許寒松先生擁有超過30年的酒店管理經驗,曾先後就職於香格里拉集團、雅高集團旗下索菲特品牌酒店等近10餘家酒店擔任高級管理職位。多年豐富的國際品牌酒店的管理經驗,賦予了許寒松先生非凡的領導力,洞察力以及對國際酒店行業的獨到見解。履新前,許寒松先生曾在連雲港蘇寧索菲特酒店,成都泰合索菲特酒店以及寧波萬達索菲特酒店擔任總經理一職。此次任命,許寒松先生說道:「很榮幸加入希爾頓全球,我將秉承希爾頓逸林酒店「細緻入微,體貼入新」的服務理念及「逸林關愛」的酒店文化,同時注入更多的創新措施,為寧波北侖世茂希爾頓逸林酒店及寧波春曉世茂希爾頓逸林酒店帶來全新的體驗和更大的發展。」香港富豪酒店國際有限公司任命鄧英賢為集團項目經理兼上海富豪東亞酒店總經理。鄧英賢先生於1994年畢業於美國酒店業協會,擁有30多年酒店管理經驗,曾任職於美國萬豪集團、香港新世界酒店集團、洲際酒店集團等知名酒店集團,工作過的城市遍佈於香港、廣州、西安、北京、大連、上海等。鄧英賢先生曾參與8家酒店的開業籌備工作,特別擅長於建立管理運作系統、市場營銷策劃、員工發展培訓等,所歷任的酒店在其帶領下均創造出了超人的業績。時尚休閑酒店集團旗下的貝爾特酒店宣布擢升蘇毅雄先生出任區域總經理。這次人事晉陞將由2017年2月1日起生效,此職位將負責香港兩間酒店的運營,包括香港九龍貝爾特酒店及將於2017年開幕的香港屯門貝爾特酒店。蘇毅雄先生自2012年起出任香港九龍貝爾特酒店總經理,並於開業團隊中擔當重要角色,把第一間國際品牌酒店帶到高速發展的東九龍啟德地區。在他的帶領之下,香港九龍貝爾特酒店於2014年榮獲第七屆TTG旅遊大獎的「香港最佳新酒店」。毅雄先生於酒店業擁有28年的豐富經驗,曾於多個國際豪華酒店集團包括凱悅酒店(Hyatt Hotels)、萬豪國際(Marriott)及希爾頓酒店(Hilton Hotels)服務。貝爾特酒店董事總經理Alastair Thomann表示:「蘇毅雄先生對我們的公司及品牌有深入了解,在這個擴展計劃中的重要時刻,他是這個位置的最佳人選。他的經驗,團隊精神及用心服務的態度使他能夠完全勝任這個新職位。」博羅佳兆業萬怡酒店任命夏軍先生為總經理。夏軍先生1999年大學畢業後進入酒店行業,有著相當豐富的酒店管理公司工作經歷,分別在洲際酒店管理集團、雅高酒店管理集團任職過。夏軍先生憑藉17年的銷售經歷積累了豐富的理論和實戰經驗,擁有相當豐富優質的客戶資源。陳玉升總擁有26年豐富的國際品牌酒店管理經驗。曾於廣州逸林酒店、科達飲食集團、廣州長隆酒店、廣東三正集團、香港康年酒店國際管理公司、澳中旅酒店管理公司等多家酒店集團擔任行政管理職務。他擁有十年的高星級酒店總經理工作經驗,熟悉市場營銷管理工作,具備廣泛的市場客源及人際關係網路。陳玉升總尤其擅長於四、五星級酒店的前期籌建、開業籌備、評星及經營管理工作。憑著豐富的管理經驗以及獨特的個人魅力,陳玉升總於二零一六年十月擔任河源巴伐利亞莊園雅閣度假酒店及澳斯特·菩提酒店總經理。我們相信,他所帶領的團隊將會為雅閣酒店集團(澳大利亞)帶來一股新動力。博羅佳兆業萬怡酒店任命王岩先生為副總經理兼業主代表。王岩先生1995年開始進入酒店行業,先後於江蘇蘇寧酒店管理公司旗下無錫蘇寧凱悅酒店、南京索菲特銀河酒店任職副總經理/業主代表。在加入佳兆業及博羅佳兆業萬怡酒店之前,王岩先生在揚州中瑞酒店職業學院任職專業教研部副部長兼教學酒店總經理。杭州千島湖濱江希爾頓度假酒店任命吳震先生為酒店財務總監,全面負責酒店財務運營及管理工作。吳震先生擁有20年豐富的酒店財務運營及管理經驗,在財務領域造詣頗深。嚴謹、細心是他一直以來所堅持的工作理念,以至於日常業務工作有條不紊地開展。他曾效力於豪生、洲際等多家國際酒店集團。在加入杭州千島湖濱江希爾頓度假酒店之前,任職于山東翔宇豪生大酒店(籌開)。吳震先生憑藉豐富的酒店管理經驗及高效的管理風格,他將帶領杭州千島湖濱江希爾頓度假酒店財務團隊為酒店創造更多輝煌成就。蔡娟女士正式被任命為麗江金茂君悅酒店市場銷售部行政總監,負責位於市區及雪山的兩家酒店,帶領市場及銷售部發展與擬定推廣策略方針,堅信憑藉其豐富的市場銷售與管理經驗,蔡女士一定會帶領整個市場銷售部取得更大的成功。蔡女士擁有18年的酒店從業經驗,曾先後任職於香格里拉、雅高、洲際、萬豪和喜達屋等集團旗下多家奢華酒店市場銷售部重要崗位,在市場營銷和收益管理方面積累了豐富的運作經驗。深圳凱賓斯基酒店宣布任命劉慶先生(Boddy Liu)為餐飲部總監。Boddy從事酒店行業16年,積累了非常豐富的運營和管理經驗,他的職業足跡遍布威斯汀、喜來登和萬麗等國際酒店知名品牌。談到未來的規劃,Boddy坦言深圳凱賓斯基酒店是一所開業十年的酒店,對他而言充滿了機遇和挑戰。他希望未來可以帶領這個成熟的新團隊邁上新的台階。他注重員工培訓,讓員工得到成長與發展,從而提升服務品質和客人滿意度。他的餐飲團隊將竭盡所能滿足客人的需求,因為顧客滿意度是酒店成功的根基。他將結合深圳市場的實際情況,尋找更多的生意機會。Boddy熱愛鑒賞美食,希望為客人們創造驚喜,提供精緻美味佳肴和令人難忘的體驗。Kempinski Hotel Shenzhen is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Boddy Liu as Director of Food & Beverage. With 16 years' hospitality experience, Boddy has accumulated well-rounded experience of operation and management and he has also worked with many International hotel brand, such as Westin, Sheraton, Renaissance etc. For his future plan, Boddy said that Kempinski Hotel Shenzhen has opened for 10 years, which is an opportunity as well as a challenge for him. He aims to lead his new but mature F&B team to a higher level. In order to achieve this goal, he will firstly devote himself to staff training to improve service quality and guest satisfaction.His team members will do their best to meet guest requirements. Because he believes that guest satisfaction is a key reason to a successful hotel. Last but not least, Boddy will combine the Shenzhen market reality to seek for more business opportunities. Being called gourmet by his friends, Boddy is enthusiastic about great cuisine and tasted food. He hopes to create more surprises, and provide exquisite cuisine and unforgettable experience for the guests.上海虹橋西郊莊園麗笙酒店榮幸宣布胡瑞德先生就任酒店餐飲總監。胡瑞德先生擁有超過15年的豐富的酒店管理經驗,以及成功執掌五星級及豪華酒店餐飲部的工作經歷。進入上海虹橋西郊莊園麗笙酒店,胡瑞德先生將負責酒店所有餐飲活動,同時引導酒店餐飲部團隊為客人提供非凡難忘的餐飲體驗。胡瑞德先生來自德國,最近一份工作是在上海錦江湯臣洲際大酒店擔任行政副經理,主管餐飲部工作。胡瑞德出色可靠的工作業績將幫助改善顧客服務質量,執行財務策略,降低成本,增加收益。他擁有強烈的個人原則,激勵酒店其它員工為客人提供傑出的服務。他積極在社區內營建人際網路,藉機宣傳酒店。他擁有精明的商業頭腦,善於解決問題,主張及時發現問題,不斷提高,同時,他平易近人,善於與國際領先酒店從業人士交流溝通。「非常高興並歡迎胡瑞德加入我們的團隊,相信憑藉他在餐飲領域的經驗、專業與工作熱情,會提高我們酒店的餐飲水平,邁向新的台階。」上海虹橋西郊莊園麗笙酒店總經理華睦先生如此說到。Radisson Blu Shanghai Hognqiao is delighted to announce the appointment of Friedrich Hummel as the new Director of Food and Beverage. Friedrich accomplishes and seasoned hotel executive with more than 15 years management experience and successful oversight of all hotel operations in Food and Beverage within 5-Star and luxury hotels.In his new role at Radisson Blu Shanghai Hongqiao , Friedrich will oversee all the food and beverage activities, while directing the hotel』s food and beverage team to provide outstanding and memorable experiences to all guests. Originally from Germany, in the most recent position, Friedrich was the Executive Assistant Manager in Charge of Food and Beverage at Hotel InterContinental Shanghai Pudong.Friedrich brings his proven track record in improving guest service scores while implementing strategic financial guidelines to reduce costs and increase revenues. Possesses strong people philosophy to inspire and motivate hotel associates in providing excellent guest service. He seeks opportunities to publicize the hotel through building a network within the community. He is also an entrepreneur-like problem-solver and advocate of identifying problems and seeking constant improvement with an operational focus similar to that of an owner, as well as an approachable and effective communicator with superior international hospitality business acumen. 「We are very pleased to have Friedrich joining the team and with his experience, professionalism and enthusiasm for the food and beverage field, we are confident that he will enhance our hotel』s culinary excellence and bring our food and beverage operations to a higher level」, said Mr. Heimo Leitgeb, the General Manager of Radisson Blue Shanghai Hongqiao.近日,西雙版納萬達希爾頓逸林度假酒店任命王暉女士為商務發展總監。王暉女士擁有近20年的酒店管理經驗,分別在喜達屋,洲際及雅高集團不同地區酒店工作。擁有超過10年銷售部門擔任高級管理職位的經驗,並有豐富的籌備開業及市場拓展經驗。在加入西雙版納萬達希爾頓逸林度假酒店之前,曾在三亞灣皇冠假日度假酒店擔任DOSM,帶領酒店銷售團隊成功完成了升級換牌工作。王暉女士愛好讀書,電影,旅遊。相信在她積極活躍的性格影響下,會給賓客帶來不一樣的體驗。投票查看結果,截止:2月17日 12:00↓↓↓戳閱讀原文進入高參社區討論

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