3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

"Can you freestyle?" has become an immensely popular phrase on China』s social network thanks to Chinese pop singer and actor Kris Wu.「你有freestyle嗎?」,吳亦凡讓這句話成為了社交媒體上的又一個梗。Wu, 27, recently appeared on reality TV show The Rap of China as a judge.Each time Wu had to choose the winner, he had just one question for the contestants: "Can you freestyle?"27歲的吳亦凡最近成為了真人秀節目《有嘻哈》的評委。每次吳亦凡選出勝者的時候,他都只有一個問題「你有freestyle嗎?」The pop star』s humorous catchphrase was quickly adopted by Chinese netizens. Many began to follow him and use "freestyle" wildly on social media platforms like WeChat and Sina Weibo.這句幽默的話很快就被網民們學了去。許多人都開始學他,在微信、微博上廣泛使用「freestyle」這個梗。According to the Oxford Dictionary and Wikipedia, "freestyle" refers to a style of improvisation with or without instrumental beats, where lyrics are recited with no particular subject or structure. It is similar to other improvisational music, such as jazz, where there is a lead instrumentalist acting as the improviser and the rest of the band providing the beat.據《牛津詞典》和維基百科顯示,「freestyle」指的是一種沒有節拍的即興表演,歌詞沒有特定的主題或結構。Freestyle和諸如爵士等即興音樂很像,後者常常有一種主要的表演樂器,樂隊其餘人伴奏。Since the early 1990s, "freestyle" has come to be the widely used term for rap lyrics which are improvised on the spot.自上世紀90年代初以來,「freestyle」已經成為了現場即興說唱表演歌詞所廣泛使用的一個辭彙。The method of improvised rap was made popular by groups and artists such as Freestyle Fellowship and Eminem.在Freestyle Fellowship樂隊和埃米納姆等藝人的帶動下,即興說唱變得很受歡迎。Now, "Do you have freestyle?" has morphed into other memes. Some internet users even adapt the buzzword into a variety of emojis, further promoting the use of "freestyle".而現在,「你有freestyle嗎」已經成為了一種戲謔的話語。一些網民甚至為其配上各種表情包,進一步推廣「freestyle」的使用。For instance, one of Chinese ancient philosopher Confucius』s well-known sayings about self-introspection is: "Every day I do self-inspection on three aspects: Were my suggestions to others betraying his own perspective? Was my conversation with classmates and co-believers not congruent with the facts? Or did I spread any idea without practicing it?"比如說,孔子有句關於自我反省的名言:「吾日三省吾身:為人謀而不忠乎?與朋友交而不信乎?傳不習乎?」Now, it has been reinterpreted as "Can you freestyle? Can you freestyle again? And can you be freestyled?" and has been mockingly knowns as the modern principles for daily self-inspection.而現在,網民們已經將其改為:「吾日三省吾身:有freestyle嗎?還有freestyle嗎?有沒有freestyle?」

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