3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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與大多數國內考生接觸的各類語言考試中的口語不同,托福口語考試構成如下:首先,獨立口語部分的兩道考題很容易被考生們忽略,因為大家主觀上認為題型最簡單,就是單純的圍繞topic套模板,但考試的結果往往很是尷尬。拋開在15秒的短時準備中考生能否即時大腦風暴到對應的觀點和理由不說,在45秒的表述當中,考生們普遍存在一個失分的硬性問題——內容思想空洞。舉個簡單的例子:題干:Question 1Talk about a famous person you admire. Explain why you respect this person. Use specific details and examples to support your opinion.典型答案:I admire Jackie Chan very much. He is a famous movie star in the world. I admire him the most because he is very famous. He has played so many different roles in different movies. Also, he is very helpful. He helps a lot of people in the poor area. That』s why I respect Jackie Chan the most.問題分析:從結構上來說,總-分-總的結構沒有任何問題;從內容上來看,學生主要圍繞兩個觀點進行回答,雖然具體觀點中的邏輯有欠缺(第一個理由」famous」有欠妥當,題干要求描述一位你崇拜的名人並解釋原因,有名是一個既定事實,如果因為有名而崇拜,那麼為何偏偏因為這個人有名而崇拜而非其他人有名而崇拜?所以邏輯根本而言,對應的觀點應該是解釋這個名人有何種特質而有名從而被崇拜)。但是,雖然回答的確基本做到」Explain why」,卻在」specific details and examples」上極度欠缺。這就是內容思想的空洞,就好比問美人如何的美時得到回答「就是漂亮!」。無不無奈?很無奈!所以到底如何不空?ETS官方OG提示: 「Instead of saying 『I like this place because it is nice.』 You can say something like 『I like this place because it is quiet and peaceful, listening to the ocean waves relaxes me and helps me to relax.』 」 換句話說,用充分的事實去展開支撐理由和觀點,細節,再細節。那到底如何做到細節?什麼是細節?其實有一個很簡單的標準,那就是 visualize, 或者 picturing,能夠通過你的描述和敘述讓考官能在腦中勾勒出你想要的圖像並如臨其境般地得到貼身體會(誇張點請大家參照中華小當家或者食戟之靈當中畫面),那麼你離滿分也就不遠了。SAMPLE ANSWER:The famous person i admire the most is Jackie Chan who is the well-known action movie star worldwide. First, he is really diligent and dedicated to his movie career. Since late 20th century, Jackie has produced over 80 movies all together, most of which are action movies. And in all the Kongfu parts, he never fear of dangers and always try to make each action perfect performed by himself. Even though now he is over 60, he is still making every effort to produce good Chinese movies. In addition, he showed great concern about the poor and the children in need. During the free time of his movie career, Jackie has developed several charities to help raising money in making the life of children in remote areas better, as well as visiting the children in need to encourage them in person.所以到底怎麼個漂亮如何的美?「一雙丹鳳三角眼,兩彎柳葉吊梢眉,身量苗條,體格風騷,粉面含春威不露,丹唇未啟笑先聞」勾勒出的畫面,美否?綜上而言,對於托福口語的獨立口語部分而言,除了基本觀點的邏輯需要注意之外,重中之重的細節內容補充不能丟!那麼托福口語的綜合口語部分又該有哪些注意點呢?辭彙是不是用得越難越高級越好?語音語調是不是一定要接近純地道美式口音?這些問題,掃描下方二維碼,前途出國留學機構顧問一一為你揭曉。

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