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微信公眾號全面升級啦! 新增會議服務和用戶服務兩大功能,為冬粉提供IEEE會議查詢,熱門會議、舉辦會議,同行查找等功能,歡迎試用!2017年3月23日,在IEEE標準協會理事會議上,三項有關虛擬現實與增強現實的國際標準提案(IEEE P2048.6、IEEE P2048.7、IEEE P2048.8)獲得批准正式立項。至此,IEEE虛擬現實與增強現實標準工作組旗下正在制定的標準增加到了八項。該工作組吸引了來自全球194家單位的232名專家參與,已成為虛擬現實與增強現實領域規模最大、影響最廣的標準工作組。工作組主席由該工作組的發起單位深識全球創新科技有限公司(Senses Global Corporation)的創始人兼首席科學家袁昱博士擔任。袁博士同時也兼任IEEE標準協會理事、IEEE數字感知計劃(Digital Senses Initiative)主席、以及IEEE消費電子標準主席等職。袁博士表示,參與該工作組的單位涵蓋了政產學研用各界,從產業生態的角度看,為制定被廣泛採用的全球標準打下了良好的基礎。工作組的下一次正式工作會議將於4月14日在美國洛杉磯VRLA大會上舉行,歡迎更多單位申請加入。已有130余年歷史的IEEE(電氣和電子工程師協會)是全球最大的專業技術組織,在全球160多個國家擁有43萬名會員。隨著電子信息和其他相關技術的不斷發展和演進,IEEE也將其關注點不斷擴充至其他新興領域,引領新技術發展步伐,制定國際和行業標準,積極推動航空航天、生物科技、計算機工程、新能源、地理信息系統、神經網路、無線通信等高科技領域的技術發展。作為全球最重要的標準組織之一,IEEE發布了1100多個國際標準,另有500多個國際標準正在制定中。802.11(WiFi)是IEEE最知名的標準之一,全球範圍內每天有超過300萬台符合802.11標準的設備被生產出來。「數字感知(Digital Senses)」的概念由IEEE首次提出,將虛擬現實、增強現實、人體增強、智能機器人等領域納入這個統一的框架下,並建立一個跨行業跨學科的全球協作平台——「數字感知計劃(Digital Senses Initiative)」,以進一步推動相關領域的發展。作為由IEEE TAB直接領導並提供經費、多個專業學會共同支持的關於未來技術發展方向的重要戰略計劃,數字感知計劃的主要使命是促成腦、神經與認知科學和計算機、電子工程的深度合作,進一步了解人的各種感官的工作機制,並將其應用於虛擬現實、增強現實、人體增強、智能機器人等領域,促進相關技術和產業的進一步突破和增長。IEEE虛擬現實與增強現實標準工作組旗下正在制定的八項標準分別是:·IEEE P2048.1 - Standard for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: Device Taxonomy and Definitions. This standard specifies the taxonomy and definitions for Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) devices. Thanks to the recent technology advances and market growth, more and more companies are producing various VR/AR devices, which include but are not limited to head mounted displays, remote controllers, sensor stations, etc. This project isneeded to reduce the emerging confusion in many VR/AR devices that have similar or misleading product names but significantly different functions or performance. By dividing VR/AR devices into different categories and levels, this standard could help end users choose the right devices, facilitate the development of cross-platform content and services, and promote a healthy growth of the VR/AR industry.·IEEE P2048.2 - Standard for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: Immersive Video Taxonomy and Quality Metrics. This standard specifies the taxonomy and quality metrics for immersive video. Immersive video is an enabling technology behind many Virtual Reality (VR) applications in various vertical industries (e.g., media, entertainment,education, and tourism). Due to the rapid market growth recently, there have been many variants of immersive video which are different in several aspects: 360 degrees or 180 degrees, stereoscopic or not, view point movable or not, focus adjustable or not, etc. This project is needed to reduce the confusion among these variants as they are often simply called "VR video" in today's market. By dividing immersive video into different categories and levels, this standard could help end users choose the right products,facilitate the development of cross-platform content and services, and promote a healthy growth of the VR industry.·IEEE P2048.3 - Standard for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: Immersive Video File and Stream Formats. This standard specifies the formats of immersive video files and streams, and the functions and interactions enabled by the formats. Immersive video is an enabling technology behind many Virtual Reality (VR) applications in various vertical industries (e.g., media, entertainment, education, and tourism). Due to the rapid market growth recently, there have been many variants of immersiv evideo which are different in several aspects: 360 degrees or 180 degrees, stereoscopic or not, view point moveable or not, focus adjustable or not, etc. This project is needed to define the immersive video file and stream formats that support all the variants and facilitate the development of cross-platform content and services. This standard identifies existing applicable video coding standards, and defines the integration of these standards into immersive video.·IEEE P2048.4 - Standard for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: Person Identity. The standard specifies the requirements and methods for verifying a person's identify in virtual reality. Many of the most important long-term applications for virtual reality, like distance education, e-commerce, work meetings, or simulation and training will rely on maintaining a meaningful representation of yourself that can travel across multiple servers. For example, you might be invited to a meeting at another company where you want to both appear as your chosen appearance (your 'avatar') and also be able to authenticate/prove that you are who you say you are. Similarly, you might want to go to school or go shopping as the same visual avatar. Given that VR will be a very 'social' medium, with many experiences depending on the presence of other people. The standard would allow a virtual reality user to; identify themselves to a site or service through a number of identity authorities; authenticate singular pieces of information without needing to trust the site with additional information; present themselves with specific visual assets; while having the visualization of their appearance certified.·IEEE P2048.5 - Standard for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: Environment Safety. This standard specifies recommendations for work station and content consumption environment for Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR) and all related devices where adigital overlay might interact with the physical world, potentially impacting users' perception. This standard focuses on setting quality assurance andtesting standards for qualifying products in said environments, achieving satisfactory safety levels for creation and consumption environment for all or majority of related products available for consumer and commercial purposes.The rise of popularity of digital/analog reality products in consumer electronics, as well as in commercial / industrial fields is requiring a balance approach to designing a safe environment for developers and consumers. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality enable new levels of productivity and speed up the training and content creation, yet standardization is necessary inorder to provide a safe zone around the device and its operator. Standardization is viewed as the most efficient way to remove obstacles which operators or consumers might encounter, potentially including mandatory detection of objects in close proximity and releasing a warning if the interaction is deemed potentially hazardous. By providing necessary recommendations, we can reduce or eliminate potentially negative impacts which the industry faces.·IEEE P2048.6 - Standard for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: Immersive User Interface. This standard specifies the requirements and methods for enabling the immersive user interface in Virtual Reality (VR) applications, and the functions and interactions provided by the immersive user interface. Most of the Virtual Reality (VR) applications are supposed to provide fully immersive experiences, which could be spoiled by non-immersive user interfaces such as the ones enabled by conventional keyboards, mice, and touchscreens. The industry has recognized the necessity of immersive user interfaces in VR applications, and has put lots of efforts in designing and developing various prototypes or component technologies. This project is needed to unite these efforts and specify the baselines of immersive user interfaces in order to help facilitate the development of cross-platform content and services, and promote a healthy growth of the VR industry.·IEEE P2048.7 - Standard for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: Map for Virtual Objects in the Real World. This standard specifies the requirements, systems, methods, testing and verification for Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) applications to create and use a map forvirtual objects in the real world. Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality(MR) applications add virtual objects on top of the real world. In many scenarios, virtual objects are supposed to be perceived as real objects so that they should have their own coordinates and orientations in the real world like real objects do. This project is needed to specify a unified map for various AR and MR applications to assign coordinates, orientations, and other arguments in the real world to virtual objects. The shared use of virtual objects among different users or even among different applications could be enabled by such a map.·IEEE P2048.8 - Standard for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: Interoperability between Virtual Objects and the Real World. This standard specifies the requirements, systems, methods, testing and verification for the interoperability between virtual objects and the real world in Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) applications. Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) applications add virtual objects on top of the real world. In some scenarios, virtual objects are not only perceivable as real objects, but also supposed to interact with real objects and the real world. This project is needed to define different categories and levels of the interoperability between virtual objects and the real world, and specify the systems and methods that enable these categories and levels.IEEE虛擬現實與增強現實標準工作組主席袁昱博士表示,上述這八項標準,並沒有覆蓋整個虛擬現實與增強現實領域。由於虛擬現實與增強現實產業發展迅猛,新技術、新應用不斷湧現,對整個領域所需的標準作框架性的頂層設計還為時過早,因而工作組採取了更加務實的做法,積極挖掘和廣泛徵集虛擬現實與增強現實領域的標準化需求,成熟一個就立項一個。預計未來幾個月內,在支撐技術和行業應用兩方面還將各有幾項新標準提案。此外,IEEE虛擬現實與增強現實標準工作組也將積極與其他標準組織及其下的相關委員會和工作組開展合作,目前已收到Khronos及其下的OpenXR工作組、ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 24及其下的工作組的合作意向。歡迎參加IEEE虛擬現實與增強現實標準工作組及4月14日的洛杉磯會議,報名請發郵件到y.yuan@ieee.orgIEEE關注微互動

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