3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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本文整理了雅思寫作範文:電腦遊戲危害供大家參考使用,預祝各位考生在雅思寫作考試中取得優異的成績!Task:Some people say that playing computer games is bad for children in every aspect. Others say that playing computer games can have positive effects on the way children develop. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Sample answer:In recent years, the prevalence of computer games has exerted a significant effect on children's life. As to whether they affect children negatively, there is an endless debate. Despite the fact that playing computer games is an effective way to relieve pressure, the problems associated with study and health cannot be neglected.Clearly, playing computer games is regarded as a main factor leading to poor academic performance. With the entertaining nature, computer games will easily distract children from their studious pursuits. With the passage of time, children will probably fall behind their peers in academic development. In addition, when children spend too much time playing computer games, they are less likely to participate in physical activities, which is one reason why many children suffer from obesity. As a result, these overweight children's confidence may be undermined and their health may be negatively influenced as well.Despite these disadvantages, the advantages can still not be ignored. First of all, the latest research shows that game-playing helps children to hone their communication and interpersonal skills. In many cases, players work together in teams to achieve goals, competing against other players. Therefore, their social skills and teamwork spirit are put to the test. Also, computer games can have positive and therapeutic effects on players. Games provide an opportunity for children to decompress and tune out of strains and stresses of everyday life. Giving their mind time to rest is critical for emotional and mental well-being.In conclusion, it is not advisable for children to play computer games, for the reasons that it not only has a negative impact on their study, but also makes them lose confidence, although computer games provide a form of relaxation.

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