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全球首例移植雙手的兒童恢復良好,現在可以用雙手寫字、吃飯、穿衣。哈維兩歲時因敗血症導致雙手雙足被截肢。2015年7月,哈維成功接受雙手移植手術,成為世界上最年輕的雙手移植接受者。 The first child in the world to undergo a double hand transplant has been able to fulfil his dream of swinging a baseball bat. 全球首個接受雙手移植的兒童已經實現了他揮動棒球球棒的夢想。 A Lancet study reveals that the global first has been classed as a success. 《柳葉刀》醫學雜誌的一項研究顯示,全球首例兒童雙手移植手術成功了。 Zion Harvey, who underwent the radical surgery at the age of eight, was able to write, feed and dress himself within 18 months of the procedure, researchers found. 研究者發現,接受根治性手術的8歲的錫安·哈維在術后18個月內已經能夠自己寫字、吃飯和穿衣。 And the American child - who lost his hands and feet at the age of two due to a life-threatening sepsis infection - is continuing to receive daily therapy, which could result in further advances. 來自美國的哈維兩歲時因致命的敗血症感染不得不截去了雙手雙腳。他現在每天繼續接受康復治療,預計情況將進一步改善。 Before undergoing the 11 hour operation, the young boy was unable to dress, feed and wash himself. Zion told doctors that his ambition was to one day swing a baseball bat. 在接受11個小時的手術前,哈維不能獨自穿衣、吃飯和洗澡。哈維告訴醫生他的願望是有一天能夠揮動棒球球棒。 After achieving this, the child, from Baltimore in Maryland said: "Here's the piece of my life that was missing. Now it's here, my life is complete." 願望實現后,來自馬里蘭州巴爾的摩的哈維說:「過去我生命中缺失的那部分找到了,我的生命因此而變得完整。」 Within days of the US surgery, which involved four medical teams, working simultaneously, the child was able to move his fingers. 經過四個醫療團隊的同時努力,手術幾天後,哈維能夠活動手指了。 By six months, he could move the transplanted hand muscles, and soon after was able to use scissors and crayons, doctors found. 醫生髮現,不到六個月,小男孩已經可以活動移植的手上的肌肉,很快他又能夠使用剪刀和蠟筆。 And 12 months after undergoing surgery, the boy was able to fulfil his dream of swinging a baseball bat, using both hands. 手術12個月後,小男孩實現了用雙手揮動棒球球棒的夢想。 The medical report of the case, published in The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health journal, also details a series of setbacks. 發表在《柳葉刀兒童與青少年健康雜誌》上的醫學報告還詳細說明了其中一系列的周折。 On eight occasions, the transplant began to be rejected, which was managed with immunosuppression drug. 移植的雙手出現過八次排斥現象,每次都被免疫抑製藥物控制住了。 The child also suffered minor infections and impairment to his transplanted kidney, the anonymised report notes.這篇匿名的報告特別提到,哈維的移植腎臟也有輕度感染和損傷。 "Our study shows that hand transplant surgery is possible when carefully managed and supported by a team of surgeons, transplant specialists, occupational therapists, rehabilitation teams, social workers and psychologists," said Dr Sandra Amaral, of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. 費城兒童醫院的桑德拉·阿馬拉爾醫生說:「我們的研究表明,在外科醫生、移植專科醫生、職業治療師、康復團隊、社會工作者和心理學家團隊的細心管理和支持下,手部的移植手術是可以完成的。」 "18 months after the surgery, the child is more independent and able to complete day-to-day activities. 「手術的18個月後,哈維更加獨立,可以完成日常活動。」 "He continues to improve as he undergoes daily therapy to increase his hand function, and psychosocial support to help deal with the ongoing demands of his surgery." 「他現在每天都進行增強手部功能的康復治療,狀況在持續改善。社會心理支持幫助他應對術后不斷變化的要求。」 The surgery took place in July 2015 at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia in collaboration with Penn Medicine. 這次手術於2015年7月由費城兒童醫院和賓夕法尼亞大學醫學院合作開展。 Researchers said that caution must be taken when assessing the benefits and harms of such surgery, given the need for immunosuppression medication which carries risk for other conditions. 研究人員說,由於術后需使用免疫抑製藥物,而該類藥物的使用又會有產生其他狀況的風險,所以人們在評估此類手術帶來的好處和傷害時必須謹慎。 "While functional outcomes are positive and the boy is benefiting from his transplant, this surgery has been very demanding for this child and his family," Dr Amaral said. 阿馬拉爾醫生說,「儘管移植雙手的功能預后良好,哈維也從中受益,然而哈維和家人也為手術付出了很多。」 In July last year, Chris King became the first person in the UK to have a double hand transplant in a pioneering operation at Leeds General Infirmary. 去年七月,在利茲總醫院的一次開拓性手術中,克里斯·金成為了英國接受雙手移植的第一人。 英文來源:每日電訊報翻譯:實習生王雅鈺編審:yaning

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