3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

本文經授權,轉載自國際法前沿。編者按今天是國際法前沿滿一周歲的日子。一年來,公眾號伴隨著的國際法事業走過了精彩又充實的一段旅程,感謝大家的支持!在公號一周年之際,我們特別推出「亞洲的共同未來」香港國際法研討會系列專題。今天的第一篇稿件是外交部副部長劉振民在研討會上所作的主旨演講。本月月底,劉振民副部長就要赴紐約就任聯合國主管經濟和社會事務的副秘書長。伴隨著外交事業的發展,的外交官也已走進國際舞台的中央,讓我們一起祝福他履新順利,為世界的和平與發展和人類的進步事業作出新的更大的貢獻!(2017年7月7日,香港)主席女士,各位嘉賓,女士們,先生們:大家下午好!首先我要祝賀本次2017國際法研討會的召開。由於日程的原因,我本人難以出席今天的研討會,但很高興通過視頻與各位朋友進行交流。今天我演講的題目是「東亞合作與國際法治」。72年前,隨著第二次世界大戰的結束,人類建立了以《聯合國憲章》為基礎的當代國際法律體系。《憲章》第八章就「區域安排」作了專門規定。因此,區域合作機制是當今國際體系和全球治理體系的重要組成部分,也是國際法治的重要體現。冷戰結束后,世界各大洲的區域合作風起雲湧。東亞日益成為全球發展的最大亮點之一,成為最具發展活力和潛力的地區。東亞合作為什麼能實現快速發展、又如何保持良好勢頭,值得我們認真思考。回顧歷史,綜觀東亞區域合作的發展,大致可以分為兩個階段。第一個階段是二戰後到冷戰結束的40多年。二戰後,經過艱苦鬥爭,東亞國家相繼擺脫殖民統治,獲得獨立,並陸續加入以聯合國為核心的國際體系,成為國際社會平等成員。但冷戰期間美蘇兩大軍事集團的對抗給東亞國家帶來巨大衝擊,導致東北亞、東南亞先後出現分裂和大規模持續戰爭。儘管東盟於1967年誕生,但在冷戰陰影下東盟合作僅限於政治安全領域,難以取得實質性進展。到冷戰後半段,一些東亞國家和地區抓住機遇,取得快速經濟發展,日本經濟重建成功,東亞「四小龍」崛起,、馬來西亞、泰國等國也開始大力發展出口型經濟。第二個階段是冷戰結束以來的20多年。1991年冷戰結束給東亞合作帶來巨大機遇。在經濟全球化和區域經濟一體化的浪潮帶動下,東亞國家實現群體性崛起,區域合作蓬勃發展。東盟迅速壯大,由海上6國擴大到覆蓋東南亞的10國,建立起東盟自貿區,並擁有了包括全球主要大國在內的10個對話夥伴,成為東亞合作的「驅動器」。戰後東亞國家普遍認識到多邊安全對話的重要性,東盟地區論壇應運而生。1997年爆發的亞洲金融危機使東亞國家對國際金融治理體系信心大減,催生了東盟與中日韓(10+3)合作機制以及東盟分別與中、日、韓的10+1合作機制。隨後,定位「領導人引領的戰略論壇」的東亞峰會成立,並吸引美、俄加入。自此,東亞合作架構已初具雛形。70多年的東亞發展史給東亞國家留下一條重要經驗教訓就是,只有聯合自強、團結合作,才能實現東亞振興發展,確保東亞和平繁榮。這也成為東亞區域合作的內生動力。進入新世紀以來,東亞區域合作駛入快車道,不斷取得令人矚目的合作進展,有力推動了亞洲地區一體化進程。一是合作框架日益完善。以東盟為中心的東亞合作機制不斷充實,注入東盟防長擴大會、東盟海上論壇擴大會等新鮮血液。東盟共同體於2015年成立,今年東盟又迎來成立50周年。在10+3機制下,清邁倡議多邊化建立了2400億美元的外匯儲備庫,10+3宏觀經濟研究辦公室升級為國際組織。中日韓合作已建立21個部長級會議和60多個政府磋商機制。二是次區域合作方興未艾。瀾滄江—湄公河合作正式啟航,創造出務實高效的「瀾湄速度」,勢頭喜人。東盟東部增長區合作步伐加快,加強交通網路連接。孟中印緬經濟走廊建設穩步前進,已舉行三次聯合工作組會,四國聯合編製的研究報告接近完成。「大圖們倡議」在旅遊、能源等領域合作密切,正向獨立的國際組織過渡。三是各領域合作成果日漸豐碩。貿易自由化和便利化深得人心,區域全面經濟夥伴關係和中日韓自貿區談判進程不斷加快。地區互聯互通建設提速,中巴經濟走廊、雅萬高鐵、中老鐵路等一大批重大基建項目開工。各國在救災、反恐、打擊跨國犯罪等非傳統安全領域的對話合作進一步加強,各類聯合演練和聯合執法行動經常性舉辦。當然,我們也要看到,東亞合作仍然面臨諸多制約因素。一是東亞缺乏覆蓋整個地區、涵蓋各領域的合作框架。二是安全合作架構建設相對滯后,成為東亞合作的短板。三是東亞吸引大國激烈博弈,對東亞合作進程造成干擾。女士們、先生們、朋友們,一直是東亞合作的堅定支持者、積极參与者和主要推動者。過去近五年來,在以習近平總書記為核心的黨中央英明領導下,為東亞地區拓展合作領域、深化合作內涵、提升合作水平做出了不可或缺的貢獻。第一,我們積極貢獻合作理念。習近平主席在博鰲亞洲論壇2013年年會上提出命運共同體意識后,進一步發展了—東盟命運共同體、亞洲命運共同體、亞太命運共同體和人類命運共同體理念,為東亞合作確立了終極目標。還提出樹立創新、協調、綠色、開放、共享的發展理念,共建互信、包容、合作、共贏的亞太夥伴關係,倡導共同、綜合、合作、可持續的亞洲安全觀,為東亞國家以新理念推進區域經濟社會發展和安全合作指明了方向。第二,我們積極推進發展務實合作。不斷推進「一帶一路」建設,推動沿線國家共同發展。我們全面推進產能合作,加快在東亞國家的產業園區、跨境經濟合作區、臨港工業園建設。今年5月,成功舉辦「一帶一路」國際合作高峰論壇,與各國進一步加深發展戰略對接。還積極推動地區貿易投資自由化,與韓國、澳大利亞簽署自貿協定,與東盟完成自貿區升級談判,助力亞太自貿區建設。第三,我們積極支持合作機制建設。與湄公河五國共同創立瀾湄合作機制,為東盟共同體建設和地區一體化進程注入了新動力。推動的亞洲基礎設施投資銀行正式運營,為地區國家打破基礎設施融資瓶頸提供了新方案。出資的絲路基金已簽約15個項目,投資約60億美元,為推進「一帶一路」建設打造了投融資服務新平台。第四,我們積極推動安全對話合作。今年1月,發表首份《的亞太安全合作政策》白皮書,展現加強地區安全合作的積極意願。我們每年主辦香山論壇、世界和平論壇,增進各國防務安全領域交流。我們支持完善區域安全架構,積極推動東亞峰會下區域安全架構問題的深入探討。與東盟啟動非正式防長會晤,建立執法安全合作部長級對話。與東盟國家全面有效落實《南海各方行為宣言》,海上務實合作取得積極進展,「南海行為準則」磋商穩步推進,今年5月在貴陽會議上完成了框架草案。第五,我們積極促進人文交流合作。已經成為東盟第一大境外遊客來源地,每天千餘架次航班穿行於與東盟國家之間。2016年雙方人員往來超過3000萬人次,互派留學生近20萬名。為密切人文交流,與東盟還將2016年和2017年分別確定為教育交流年和旅遊合作年,將人文交流作為—東盟關係的新支柱。中日韓三國人文交流活躍,每年人員互訪已達2000多萬人次,正朝2020年3000萬人次的目標邁進。中方積极參与「亞洲校園」和「東亞文化之都」項目,力推三國教育、文化交流。女士們、先生們、朋友們,當前,國際和地區形勢發生複雜深刻變化。國際金融危機餘波未消,逆全球化和貿易保護主義暗流涌動,地區熱點問題交替升溫,非傳統安全威脅日益突出,加強區域合作的重要性進一步凸顯。東亞合作正站在新起點上,寄託著地區國家的殷切期待,也肩負著維護地區和平繁榮的重任。作為東亞大家庭的重要成員之一,願繼續加大對東亞合作的參與和投入,與各方共同努力,建設長治久安、持久繁榮的東亞。藉此機會,我想就東亞合作的發展方向同大家分享幾點想法:一是要高舉東亞共同體旗幟,樹立長遠目標。現階段,我們的首要目標是加快東亞經濟共同體建設,提升貿易、投資、金融合作水平,深化區域經濟融合,構建開放、融合、均衡、共贏的經濟格局,充當經濟全球化和貿易自由化進程的引領者。二是要堅持東亞合作精神,構築包容格局。在推進區域合作的長期過程中,東亞國家逐漸形成了以東盟為中心、相互尊重、協商一致、照顧各方舒適度的「東盟方式」,培育了合作共贏、開放包容的理念和習慣。這是東亞各國友好相處、妥處矛盾分歧積累的寶貴經驗。我們要發揚這種具有東亞特色的合作精神,堅持開放的區域主義,鼓勵域內外國家共同為東亞合作發揮積極建設性作用,推動東亞合作與亞太合作互相促進、良性互動。三是要促進包容互惠發展,實現互利共贏。增進利益融合是發展國家間關係的重要基礎,也是維護地區和平穩定的根本保障。在世界經濟復甦乏力、東亞國家經濟下行壓力增大的背景下,我們更應當聚焦發展合作,縮小地區內部發展差距,同時加快經濟結構改革,提升發展質量,共同實現創新、協調、綠色、開放、共享的發展。四是要打造安全合作新架構,補齊安全短板。當前東亞面臨著錯綜複雜的安全挑戰,呼喚符合地區實際、滿足各方需求的區域安全架構。我們要以共同、綜合、合作、可持續的新安全觀為指引,循序漸進地打造面向未來的亞洲區域安全合作新架構。朋友們,古語有云:「蓋君子為政,立善法於天,則天下治」。感謝各與會者關注亞洲的共同未來,歡迎各位從國際法治角度為推動東亞區域合作更好更快發展獻計獻策,也希望各位能從東亞區域合作的經驗中尋找到有助於完善國際法治的火花。最後,祝此次研討會圓滿成功!謝謝大家。Madam Chairperson,Distinguished guests,Ladies and Gentlemen, Good afternoon! Let me start by congratulating the convening of the 2017 Colloquium on International Law. Due to other engagements, I couldn』t make it to this colloquium. But I am more than happy to communicate with you through this video message. The topic of my speech today is East Asia Cooperation and International Rule of Law. 72 years ago, the modern international legal system was established on the basis of the United Nations Charter after the end of the Second World War. The chapter 8 of the Charter sets forth special provisions on Regional Arrangements. This has made regional cooperation frameworks an inherent part of the international system and global governance and an important platform for the promotion of international law. The end of the cold war has seen regional cooperation flourish on all continents. East Asia has become a star performer in global development and a region with the greatest vitality and potential. Why East Asia cooperation can come this far and how to maintain its good momentum merits some thinking. Looking back into history, regional cooperation in East Asia has gone through roughly two stages. The first stage was the 40 plus years from the end of the Second World War to the end of the Cold War. After the end of Second World War, East Asian countries gained independence from colonial rule through hard struggle, and gradually joined the international system with the United Nations at the core as equal members of the international community. However, the Cold War confrontation between the two military blocs had all but ripped the region apart, leading to prolonged large-scale wars in Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia. Born in 1967, ASEAN lived under the shadows of the Cold War for much of its early years when cooperation was limited to political and security fields. Towards the end of the Cold War, some East Asian countries seized the opportunity to achieve fast economic development. Japan's economy took off. Four East Asian Tigers arose. China, Malaysia, Thailand and other countries began to vigorously develop an export-oriented economy. The second stage of regional cooperation in East Asia was the 20 plus years since the end of the Cold War in 1991, which greatly invigorated East Asia cooperation. Driven by the wave of economic globalization and regional integration, East Asian countries achieved a collective rise, with booming regional cooperation. ASEAN grew rapidly, expanded its members from 6 maritime states to 10 countries in Southeast Asia and established the ASEAN Free Trade Area. Cultivating a circle of 10 dialogue partners covering major global countries, ASEAN became the driver of East Asia cooperation. Aware of the importance of multilateral security dialogues, East Asian countries set up the ASEAN Regional Forum after the Cold War. The outbreak of the Asian financial crisis in 1997 and weakened confidence in international financial governance led to the setting up of regional frameworks between ASEAN and China-Japan-ROK (so called 10+3) and ASEAN's 10+1 frameworks with China, Japan and ROK respectively. East Asia Summit as the strategic forum led by leaders was established, bringing the United States and Russia into the fold. This marked the formation of an East Asia cooperation architecture. An important lesson we have learned from the history of East Asia development over the past 70 years is this: Only through unity, hard work and cooperation can we achieve the revitalization and development of East Asia and ensure regional peace and prosperity. This has also become an internal driving force for regional cooperation in East Asia. Since the beginning of the new century, regional cooperation in East Asia has entered a fast lane, and made remarkable progress, which has effectively promoted regional integration in Asia. First, the cooperation architecture has been further enriched. East Asia cooperation with the centrality of ASEAN has been enhanced by the addition of ADMM Plus, Expanded ASEAN Maritime Forum and other fresh platforms. The ASEAN community was founded in 2015. This year marks the 50th anniversary of ASEAN. Under the 10+3 Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization (CMIM) a foreign exchange reserve pool of 240 billion US dollars was set up. ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Institute (AMRO) was upgraded to an international organization. China-Japan-ROK cooperation has established 21 ministerial level meetings and more than 60 governmental consultation mechanisms. Second, sub-regional cooperation has been gathering momentum. The Lancang-Mekong Cooperation took off with a pragmatic and highly-efficient LMC speed. BIMP-EAGA is speeding up cooperation on a transport network connection. The BCIM Economic Corridor is advancing steadily with three meetings of joint study groups held and the synthesis report close to completion. The Greater Tumen Initiative is conducting close cooperation in tourism, energy and other fields, and moving towards an independent international organization. Third, fruitful results have been achieved in cooperation. Trade liberalization and facilitation has gained more support. Negotiations on RCEP and China-Japan-ROK Free Trade Area are moving forward at a faster pace. Regional connectivity has been strengthened with the construction of major infrastructure projects, including the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Rail and China-Laos Railway. Dialogues and cooperation in non-traditional security issues such as disaster relief, counter-terrorism and transnational crimes are deepening. Joint exercises and law-enforcement operations have been carried out.Having said all this, we should not fail to see the many constraints facing East Asia cooperation. First, East Asia lacks a framework that covers the whole region and all areas of cooperation. Second, the building of a security cooperation framework is relatively lagging behind, becoming the short plank in East Asia cooperation. Third, intense interactions among major countries can sometimes negatively impact East Asia cooperation. Ladies and Gentlemen,Friends, China has been a strong supporter, active participant and chief mover of East Asia cooperation. In the past five years, under the visionary leadership of the Party Central Committee with General Secretary Xi Jinping at the core, China has made indispensable contribution to expanding, enriching and upgrading East Asia cooperation. First, we contributed a Chinese vision on cooperation. Since President Xi Jinping proposed the building of a community of shared future at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2013, we have sought to implement this vision in the regional context by building a China-ASEAN, an Asian, and Asia Pacific community of shared future. These concepts point to the ultimate goal for East Asia cooperation. China also proposed the concept of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development, promoted an Asia-Pacific partnership based on mutual trust, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation, and advocated an Asian Security concept featuring common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. These visions show the way forward for regional economic and social development and security cooperation. Second, we actively pushed forward practical cooperation. China has advanced the Belt and Road Initiative to facilitate the common development of countries along the routes. We promoted cooperation in industrial capacity and vigorously pursued the construction of industrial parks, cross-border economic cooperation zones and port-side industrial parks in East Asian countries. This May, China successfully held the Belt and Road Forum on International Cooperation, which enhanced the complementarity of development strategies with relevant countries. China has also actively promoted liberalization of regional trade and investment, signed FTA with ROK and Australia and completed negotiations on upgrading China-ASEAN FTA to support the building of Asia-Pacific FTA. Third, we have supported sub-regional cooperation mechanisms. China and the five countries along the Mekong river together created the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Mechanism, which has injected new impetus for the ASEAN Community building and the regional integration process. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) proposed by China has been formally launched, providing a new channel for regional countries to overcome the bottleneck of infrastructure financing. As a new financing platform for the 「Belt and Road」 initiative, the Silk Road Fund financed by China has approved 15 projects with a total investment of 6 billion US dollars. Fourth, we have actively promoted security dialogues and cooperation. In January this year, we issued the first White Paper on China's Asia Pacific Security Cooperation Policy, which voiced our strong will to enhance regional security cooperation. We hold Xiangshan Forum and World Peace Forum annually to enhance exchanges in defense and security areas. We support improving regional security architecture and have been actively promoting relevant discussions under the EAS framework. China and ASEAN launched Defense Ministers』 Meeting, and established Ministerial Dialogue on Law Enforcement Security Cooperation. The two sides are comprehensively and effectively implementing the DOC, and making positive progress on maritime cooperation. The negotiation on COC has been moving forward steadily. The draft framework of COC was completed during our meetings in Guiyang in May. Fifth, we have actively facilitated people-to-people and cultural exchanges. China has become the biggest source of overseas tourists of ASEAN. China and ASEAN countries are connected every day by over one thousand flights. In 2016, people-to-people exchanges between the two sides surpassed 30 million, and student exchanges reached nearly 200 thousand. China and ASEAN designated 2016 and 2017 as Year of Educational Exchange and Year of Tourism Cooperation respectively. We will pursue people-to-people and cultural exchanges as a new pillar of China-ASEAN relations. There have been dynamic exchanges between China, Japan and ROK, with visits of over 20 million each year and moving towards the goal of 30 million in 2020. China has actively implemented projects such as Asia Campus and Cultural Cities of East Asia to push forward educational and cultural exchanges among the three countries.Friends, The international and regional landscape has been undergoing profound changes. The world is confronted with a host of challenges, from lingering effect of the international financial crisis, rising anti-globalization sentiments and trade protectionism, to flare-up of hot-spot issues and growing non-traditional threats. Enhancing regional cooperation has never been more important. East Asia cooperation now stands at a new starting point. The ardent expectation of regional countries is upon us, and we are ready to shoulder greater tasks of safeguarding regional peace and prosperity. As one of the important members of the East Asia family, China will continue to expand its participation in and engagement with East Asia and make joint efforts with all parties to build a lasting stable and prosperous East Asia. Let me take this opportunity to share some thoughts on the future development of East Asia cooperation: First, we should hold high the banner of East Asia community and set up long-term goals. Our primary goal now is to build the East Asia Economic Community, promote trade, investment and financial cooperation, and deepen regional economic integration. We are ready to work with other countries to build open, integrated, balanced and win-win economic cooperation and lead economic globalization and trade liberalization process. Second, we should uphold the spirit of East Asia cooperation and build an inclusive cooperation architecture. Regional countries evolved the ASEAN Way featuring ASEAN centrality, mutual respect, consensus and accommodating the comfort levels of all parties, and cultivated the concept and habit of open, inclusive, and win-win cooperation. This is a valuable asset of East Asian countries in getting along well and properly handling their differences. We should carry forward this cooperation spirit with East Asian features, adhere to open regionalism, and encourage countries outside the region to play a positive and constructive role in promoting East Asia cooperation, which can complement and reinforce Asia-Pacific cooperation. Third, we should promote inclusive development to achieve win-win outcomes. Expanding overlapping interests is an important basis for developing relations among countries and also a fundamental guarantee for regional peace and stability. With the weak recovery of global economy and the downward economic pressure, we should focus on development cooperation to narrow development gaps, and speed up restructuring to achieve innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development. Fourth, we should build a new framework for security cooperation to make up the short plank in security. East Asia is faced with complicated security challenges, which call for a regional security architecture that reflects the regional reality and the demands of all sides. We should be guided by common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security to gradually build a future-oriented regional security cooperation architecture in Asia. Dear friends, As a Chinese saying goes, 「A good administrator would first establish a framework of sound laws to ensure smooth governance.」 I must thank all delegates for your interest in the common future of Asia. I hope you could provide suggestions on the faster and better development of East Asia cooperation by promoting international rule of law. Your good ideas on further improving international law with the experience of East Asia cooperation would also be welcome. To conclude, I wish this colloquium a complete success.Thank you.

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