3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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本文整理了雅思口語Part2新題範文:第一次吃某物供大家參考使用,預祝各位考生在雅思口語考試中取得優異的成績!Topic:Describe an occasion when you ate a kind of food for first timeYou should say:When you had itWhere you ate itWhat it wasand how you felt about it.參考範文:Last month I tried the Pakistani food for the first time in a restaurant with my friends, and among all the dishes, I like the Biryani best. The restaurant is located near our university, and it is famous for the Pakistani food. At first, I'm not sure I will like it or not, but since every day the restaurant is packed with people, so I went there to have a try.To my surprise, the food there was so delicious that I thought it was unmatched for flavor. It tasted a little spicy, but suited my taste very well. The dishes were flavored with exotic herbs and spices. I had been to many countries in this world and tried many things, but I had never tasted any other delicious food like this. Pakistani food soon became my favorite food.I remember that at that time I just failed the exam, and I felt so frustrated that I didn't want to eat anything. But the Pakistani food was so tempting that as soon as I saw it, I started feeling hungry. It was so mouth-watering and scrumptious that I ate it in high quantity. I think Pakistani food has a magic power that can help me forget sadness and cheer up again.

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